Should I beleive what you believe?


Registered Senior Member

Go ahead hit me with how the world would be better if every just thought the same way.

Note: Totalitarianism is historcialy unreliable, reference; Communism, National socialism, Religious fundamentalist governments.

I contend that utilitarian utopia is an unrealistic goal which can never be accheived, and who's pursuit is more or less detrimental towards the happyness of humanity as individual freedom is chalenged, a freedom which we inherently require for personal happyness. Utopia implys totalitarianistic thought. Both the scenario of a world comprised of solely atheistic individuals and theistic individuals is inherently totaltarianistic(or atleast during the process of it's pursuit).

I think the world would be a better place if everyone stopped trying to define it and just lived in it... I also think that any human who claims to be able to define the world is a big asshole.:D

It being a bold presumption on my part, I still believe that there are those of you who wouldn't mind a world of like-thinking (lesser or greater) minds here. So fess up, and get ready for a little intelectual rabble.;)
Yes I think you should, because I believe whatever I want and respect others right to do the same.

If all children are raised to be athiestic, away from their biological parents, you wouldn't have to try to enforce your ideals on the older generation. Just let them die out naturally.
I contend that utilitarian utopia is an unrealistic goal which can never be accheived, and who's pursuit is more or less detrimental towards the happyness of humanity as individual freedom is chalenged

If you think about it, we're in a utilitarian utopia right now here in America. Utilitarian is defined as relating to, or in the interests of utility, practicality. Therefore, what goes on in a utilitarian society must lend itself to the meaningful practice of life.

Well, what is the meaningful practice of life?

For an atheist, it's the advancement of science and culture; the aquisition of knowledge and enlightenment. For a theist, the betterment of one's relationship with God, better understanding of one's spiritual purpose on Earth, and the spreading of God's teachings (Or Gods, depending on which religion you follow.)

Now, what is more practical to someone's life than having someone who differs in opinion to you? For theists, the flag they aim to capture is the mind of an atheist; one who does not have a predisposition to any god whatsoever, and who can be swayed to the ways of ritcheousness with small effort. To an atheist, nothing is better than sparring intelectually with a theist, especially one with a Phd.

In my humble opinion, a world with a hive-mind isn't utilitarian. In either direction, it would suffocate the imagination of man and prevent advancement. Think of what baseball would be like if every team was the Yankees. No matter what, the Yankees win. (Sure, they kinda do that anyway) But does baseball win? No.

Practicality, to me, would be a world where everyone is able to speak their minds freely, and debate with each other over whom is right. Otherwise, there is no competition, and NO ONE wins when there is no competition...(Microsoft, WWE)
