since life is Pseudoscience, then let's review life


IF life is the energy upon mass, then let's look over a few items in regards to the human experience;

if your mommy and daddy, shared a single cell (sperm/egg) to combine, then let's look at this for a moment.

that single cell has the dna of the whole lineage to that person over the history of that gene pool.

that mass (dna chain) individually are simple basic nucleotides or basic elemental structures but the life of that cell is still the energy from that previous generation (the parent)....

so when the 2 combine a new shade exists and the 2 cells begin to share and then divide but still, that combined energy is unique to the newly created life.

then to watch the development of the embryo, we can find that the path of evolution is often revealed.... i.e... the embryo develops a tail (count the bones) but is absorbed and born with less (tail bones)......

we all know that often we look quite similar to the parents and often even the grandparents.

so the parent literally contributed a portion of themselves (seeds) to combine to make a new shade that is each of us.

then that means a portion of our parents 'life' is alive and within our individual bodies (energy is that life of mass)

that bring a whole new scope to what 'life' is, all by itself

but the gibberish can be found to realize, that in each person; the life of their lineage since the beginning of time is literally alive within each of us as if that spark was put out during any period in the chain, you would not be here.

(that is what the 'raising the fathers to the flesh' in the old stories meant)

to understand what life is upon mass grounds that very fact, perfecting that reality into comprehension; leaving 'beliefs' behind.

then if a human life exists upon mass, a consciousnes can make determinations to an observation of an event before they exist. Meaning; we can observe and see an event unfold just by understanding the circumstances. i.e.... a car is moving down a street and we can also see someone is standing in the road.

We can predetermine an event in 'mind'.... kind of spooky if you think logically.

ah, we can thereby, by the experience, impose our energy to call that person out of the street before he gets run down.

so by choice we can contribute our energy for the purpose of what we find good or bad.

then if we 'saved' that person from certain death, then we contributed our energy to 'support life to continue'............ we are now of that persons existence forever.

ah..... as well a teacher who gives of their energy for a child to learn, is also of that 'persons' life forever

or to be the first one to teach a child how to tie their shoes, who then teaches their children.

or how about i plant seed of trees? If i prepare the soil, make sure it is well watered, when that tree grows, it exists in its form based on my contribution.

and if i died tomorrow, all the birds and critters that live in that tree, if they realized who planted it and nurtured it, I would be God to that enviroment all because i contributed my energy for that life to continue, by choice.

so in this thread, we have a few items to think on;

life is the energy upon mass

that life does exist beyond conscious death by the choices a person makes

and that to live longer, each person can contribute to 'support life to continue' and thereby exist within that environment.

sorry to get religious on you

but at least now you can comprehend the truth of how to live forever in what we do.

i.e.... see alzheimers to see that the memories of the body, exist within the body.... and that so called soul, is the energy we live in beyond death; what we left by choice.


energy is light

light is the life upon mass


good; supports life to continue

bad: loss to the common

its all pretty 'stupid easy' and grounded in pure truth............ that is from the combination of the sciences, philosphies and religions into one set of UNDERSTANDING.

does anyone remember the line "let him who hath understanding"

p/s ..... there is a form called the 'trinity' in most every form of faith on this planet...... the corporeal (mass), the spirit (energy/light) and the transcendant (time)........... the form of math that combines this 'trinity' is that long sought 'name of god'............. as existence itself is that so called 'dude on a thrown'

and we as the human species have 'created' every word in existence trying to define the phenomenon of existence.

hasn't anyone ever noticed how knowledge has continued to 'evolve' over time?

well what would that pinnacle finally be?

for mass to comprehend its existence.

and then be able to establish its 'life' by the very choices we each experience...

is that about as pseudo as any here had ever seen?

so now to comprehend what was read above, there are a few summations to think on; it is real?

and 'yes' this fool be that nuts to actually take on the whole globe.