Sixth sense


Registered Member
:confused:I seem to have a sixth sense. Have I made a mistake by watching the facial features and body movement for my sixth sense? I just sense people attitude by observing them, is this a sixth sense? pljames
:confused:I seem to have a sixth sense. Have I made a mistake by watching the facial features and body movement for my sixth sense? I just sense people attitude by observing them, is this a sixth sense? pljames

Nope, that is using the 5 real senses and being perceptive. There is no mistake it is a good thing. My wife is extremely peceptive that way - the funny thing is she cannot hardly read an animals body language at all, even our own dog and cats.:shrug:
Another name given to the "6th sense" is intuition, which is something that many people already have.

See also: Insight

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without inference and/or the use of reason. "The word 'intuition' comes from the Latin word 'intueri' which is usually translated as 'to look inside' or 'to contemplate'." Intuition provides us with beliefs that we cannot justify in every case. For this reason, it has been the subject of study in psychology, as well as a topic of interest in the supernatural. The "right brain" is popularly associated with intuitive processes such as aesthetic abilities. Some scientists have contended that intuition is associated with innovation in scientific discovery.Intuition is also a common subject of New Age writings.
The sixth sense or intuition is the image or idea that we get spontaneously after a process of reflection. We all have that sixth sense to a greater or lesser degree.
Do you have any main subject to reflect?

I love to much time, mind and the universe.

I have already contemplated those issues so much that I have narrowed down my focus on to how to get shitloads of money, but I seem to be blocked in that area, since I never find an answer, and no answer presents itself either. Just got a new job though, let's see if that works. Imo this reality is not much to inhabit without the economic freedom to go with it. Well, not saying that poverty doesn't have its charm, but one gets tired of it. As you may have guessed by now, my main subject to reflect is myself and how I can gain more power. I love myself that way. I also like to keep men in cages and reflect their longing for freedom. :D
I love myself that way. I also like to keep men in cages and reflect their longing for freedom.

Perhaps if you'd stop thinking only of yourself and money, you'd be allot happier. Men do have control over the money supply too so better treat them better as well or you many never get enough money that you need.
Perhaps if you'd stop thinking only of yourself and money, you'd be allot happier. Men do have control over the money supply too so better treat them better as well or you many never get enough money that you need.

Buddha you need to reflect more about how you interpret what you read.
I interpret what you say the way you write it. If I'm mistaken please let me know in what ways, thanks.
I interpret what you say the way you write it. If I'm mistaken please let me know in what ways, thanks.

That would take many pages to write. :D
But yes, you misunderstood me very much and came to extremely faulty conclusions. That's ok Buddha, nodbody's perfect. Except for me.
That's ok Buddha, nodbody's perfect. Except for me.

Actually, depending on which list you're looking at, humans have ten plus different(and entirely physical) senses. The list I'm currently looking at puts "balance and acceleration" as our "sixth sense".

From your list:

"Flies and butterflies have taste organs on their feet, allowing them to taste anything they land on. Catfish have taste organs across their entire bodies, and can taste anything they touch, including chemicals in the water."

Thank GOD we don't have THAT sense!
There are some animals I would trade senses with in a heartbeat though. The sense of smell of a bloodhound. The tetrachromacy of a zebra finch. Things like that.
That would take many pages to write. :D
But yes, you misunderstood me very much and came to extremely faulty conclusions. That's ok Buddha, nodbody's perfect. Except for me.

When you look yourself in the mirror , do you talk to yourself and smile ?
Ever notice that your "sixth" sense/intuition is rarely wrong? :eek: