Strong supporting essay of para


[this was actually an e mail]


I believe you have the experiences you said you have. It is easy to experience something that others would deny.

I don't know where to start either. I am proud to meet a friend or at least someone to talk to and more so about the whole psychic ability and stuff?

I just would like to hear where you are coming from for the most part and also share what I have experienced with you. If you have some genuine experience which is real and believable then for them to dismiss it is Imo a little absurd. But it happens.

I am actually very experienced with the psychic environment we have around us. And can talk about it fairly well given proper atmosphere (such as this one).

If desirable I would set up a psychic website or something and I have several ideas about this. So if I say anything interesting feel free to comment on it if you would like.

At the moment in fact I am going through intense recovery from past trauma with events which are by their very nature able to be classed as somewhat psychic by nature.

Anyone in their right mind to be influenced or better yet "destroyed" in their sleep for god sake (their mentality) over a period of 'every day' would start to question what was happening and the natural reality they were presented.

I was presented with one thing only. And that is that I could not deny the influence of other people. Nor could I deny their influence in my sleep.

Such influences have lead to a path where science and even psuedoscience/parapsychology is unable to really classify as anything.

If for example were I to leave my house here alone and go to a place where I am occupied by other residents I would be likely unable to survive. Or, survival would require intensive defensive capabilities which involve the revolving around other peoples minds.

These things have a very logical explanation and used properly in the wording leading to logical consequences or "results".

Reworking things and going through such a life process has been my deed for the past 5 years or so. It has not been fun surviving but it has been interesting at least, at least in the ability to maintain and supercede.

IMO anyone who is down and out has the potential ten fold to survive and be in better shape than they were previously.

It is improper for someone to disregard a psychic event its reality when it is something of high value to them. It is improper for someone to dismiss my experiences as real psychic events and call them something else if they cannot call what it is that they are talking about either. Calling them realistic events with a genuine reality? I have never heard that one and do not expect to. If influences are destructive then I have my answer.

And so what if these influences are destructive to even someone attempting to sleep? What happens when they're destroyed. How ignorant are the people we live around? How ignorant are they of someone's safety. What does it take to allow someone to think that it's possible that, and I declare, that if someone has been destroyed through such events, that such occurrence can not become magnified and realized into and from the universe at large. What is it that is "psychic"? What is "telepathy"?

These questions garner very little respect and for the most part are entirely disregarded altogether. Rightly. Anyone who is willing to take the issues of the psychic hand for hand is not willing to be too sane if they believe in what they are doing. Imo.

Anyway I apologize for the rant.

My name is Brent.
I am disabled due to my condition at present but have goals for the future indeed. Also if you are interested you can say whatever you would like.

I hope what I have said is somewhat entertaining and I also hope that the skeptics at the forum site do not hear what I have said! Heh otherwise I am in for a serious mockery!