Stryder’s Lunacy Exposed

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Tic Toc, World in Cobalt Blue
Registered Senior Member

Norval & Fieryice,
We only tolerate your lunacy around here because if people were to outright kick your butts out, you'd be drivelling some nonsense about how your "Freedom of Speech" was imposed upon.

I've noticed with most of your recent posts that your not here for discussion, you're just here to stir people up be they people that have some unusual belief or story to tell or hardline skeptical that just get annoyed at any of your nonsense.

Quite frankly your crater theory and website coincidentally I'm not even going to talk about purely because it's a complete crock. All this STDD just identifies that yourself and Fiery are trying desperately to sensationalise yourselves, in fact thats probably the reason you have a nasty habit of trying to upset admins across multiple forums.

An entire analogy of your activities here and across the net would suggest that you are Attention seekers that are looking for acceptance in a community that in certain respects actually would prefer you to hang somewhere else than aid them with their proof. (You act more like debunkers than anyone skeptical by "acting up".)

I wouldn't be suprised if your overall plan for world domination included trying to create a failed best seller using your infamy for souring forum moderators as a method of creating you a "cult following".

So quite simply you to, save your BS for someone that actually might buy a book from you.

This is the moderator, Stryder's deranged attitude.
But am I surprised? Only surprised that this is pouring out of Stryder's mouth.

The first typical misconception and conventional model paraded as "truth" is the farce that this forum — any forum — is, in this day and age, a "community". 1995? And somehow I get the impression every time I read this sort of crap that Sciforums is somehow a sovereign nation complete with a one-party parliament and an ice-cream parlor in the local drugstore (with handy pharmacy and bowling alley). Oh, and parish priest doubling as headmaster. Bah.
Deranged attitude?

How about running around telling everyone that craters on another planet are made by aliens from some intergalactic war. Try telling that to a psychiatrist without him making a padded room booking for you.

Anyhow my point is made, everytime I complain about yours or Norvals behaviour, you open an entire thread stating your disproval. It Definitely proves the "seeking attention" statement.

I wish I could be more tolerant, however their BS is really about Trolling. I can understand that some people that "See things" or "Believe in things" don't necessarily agree with my statements but I hope they understand it's mearly due to the nature of discussion, they have their view and I mine.

I don't do any active censorship as a moderator, other than trying to wipe the trollers out, everytime I attempt and people complain they are pretty much allowing those trolls to degrade the forums.
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