Superstar Charity


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
Twenty years ago the was Band Aid.
A global effort from the world of rock and roll to alleviate suffering in the third world.

The thinking now is to regurgitate the idea and help victims of the Tsunami along with famine victims in the Sudan etc, etc, etc.

I'm not belittling charity work, far from it. I've devoted many hours to causes where my skills can be of some use.

What pisses me of are the Paul McCartney's, the Madonna's and the Bono's of this world who started out with fuck all!

Each of them was born on the breadline and now their combined wealth could probably wipe out said famine or aid victims of the big wave and still leave them very very rich. These are only a few of the ludicrously wealthy people in the world who could donate half their personal furtunes and not miss a red cent of it!

Am I alone in feeling a little pissed that these billionaires use photo opportunity to prompt us less wealthy to part with our money.
i know what you mean. though could you imagine tellin Elton this...the Bitch would bite your head OFF!/////"I've fukin WOKEd for my money muthafker' or some such

what about GATES...? couldn't he buy a small country or settle the debt of a large one?

but seriously. i am not wanting to put anyone of charity....but the REAL REAL deal is the system itself how it operates. wehn you look a bit more closely you see the real evil of it. all these charities do--though they do do good --is let OFf the fkers who are srewing peoples with their rules of capitalism etc. take 'red nose day' we have groups representing corporations who hand over a seeemingly lot of dosh, but really a pittance, and after the event and DURING continue to screw the peoples out of the soles of their shoes!

so i would suggest these celebs put their energy mre into challenging the ROOTS. how the SYSTEM operates...rather than furthering their careers
i am a huge grateful dead fan, and i recently learned that Phil their bassist is having a sort of solo benefit for the tsunami victims, and is giving a whole 10 % of the profit to the victims.. c'mon, your rich as fuck.. this coming from a guy who has a record of being very generous with his money, which is why it kind of surprises me.. but who am i to bitch.
10% Still my beating heart.
The other 90% going to?
What a twat!
what the fuck, if he puts on an aid concert ond only gives 10% then its blatant false advertising and the charities should sue his ass