Survivorman Bigfoot

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Good in depth interview with Les Stroud on his new mission to explore the Bigfoot phenomenon and Dave Paulides' Missing 411 phenomenon. Totally credible and honest approach to this anomalous yet persistent phenomenon...

Interviewer:"Is there any piece of evidence that the public hasn’t seen that has influenced you? Is there a video or maybe some audio that isn’t available that you have come across– maybe something from Todd outside of the Survivorman Bigfoot production– that kind of keeps you going on this topic? That kind of keeps the bait fresh, so-to-speak?

LS: Ya, it would be the real-life stories from close friends who tell me of an experience, who want no notoriety, and they’re just sharing their story. I had a guy here this morning actually– it’s those. Because nobody has anything to gain or lose at that point. And they’re not being interviewed for a TV show. They’re not in to the subject matter. And they come along and they, out of the blue, they share with you, “Well as a matter of fact, ya know, I was comin’ home from school one time and la da da…” It’s those things. Because again, these are people who are friends with me regardless of anything. They’re not like new acquaintances who are hanging out with me because I’m Survivorman. These are friends. And so, when they tell me these stories, y’know, it leads me something that I’ve been kind of harping on lately.

It’s a great question that leads to that, because I love this little thought of mine here. And that is that when you have somebody say to you, “I saw a Bigfoot”. Let’s establish that this is somebody that you trust. Someone that you respect. We’re going to go right there. You trust them. You respect them. And they say to you, “Last weekend from 15 feet away I saw a Bigfoot. Now you only have four places you can go with that. Number one is they’re delusional… suffering from a delusion. Number two is mistaken identity. It was a bear. But again, this is someone who’s very experienced in the bush, knows animals, and they’re saying they were 15 feet away from a Bigfoot. Number three is they’re lying. And number four, the final one, is they’re giving you an accurate representation of what they saw.

So that’s a neat little compartmentalized way to react to somebody telling you I saw a Bigfoot. If you see it on YouTube, or you hear it on the radio or whatever. Ok but let me dig just a little bit deeper for a second, a friend of mine said that to me– a young guy that I know– he said oh yea this woman that I know she’s seen them twice and– here’s the catch — after he told me that he really adored this woman, she’s a really nice lady, she told me she saw them twice, he closes it off with– and this is probably going to be familiar to you– he closes it off with “ehh y’know eh I don’t know if they exist.” And when he does that I stop him immediately and go:

“Hang on, hang on a second here. You’re not sure they exist?”

“Yeaaaa, I don’t know, y’now?”

“Ok, so then your friend… well, she’s a liar.”

“Whoa, whoa no, she’s my friend.”

“Oh no. She’s a liar, isn’t she? If you’re saying after the fact that you trust her, and she’s telling you from 15 feet away with her experienced woods eyes that she saw a Bigfoot, and you’re saying you still don’t know if they exist, is you’re saying that she’s a liar. I want you to tell me.” And I’ll do this, I will literally say, “I want you to say Nancy is a liar. You can’t say it? Then what are you saying?” You see where I’m going with this? Too often it’s easy for people to hear something, say it comes from their uncle who they love, who’s like a conservation officer, who’s like really intelligent and he says, “I’m telling you, I stood there and I watched it for a half an hour…” You will still go, “Ehhh I don’t knowwww. I don’t know if they exist.” I’m like, well ok go call up your uncle right now and I want you to tell him that he’s a liar. Because after that we’re left with either they’re delusional, we’ve already ruled out that they’ve made a mistake because of their experienced eyes, so you’re left with– and the delusional thing as far as I’m concerned is a cop-out. That’s not fair. You’re saying everybody’s delusional. Or it’s a mass conspiracy theory to hoax. That’s not fair. You’re left with only two things: they’re lying or they’re telling the truth. And if they’re telling you the truth, guess what that means: Bigfoot is there. You see what I’m saying?

Interviewer: It’s a cultural denial, yea?

LS: Ya, and I think my response that I gave you is the way to bring people down and say we’re sitting here, and one of these things is your good friend: delusional, mistaken, liar, or telling the truth, you tell me."
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You wouldn't know what "credible" meant even if someone smashed you in the face with a dictionary.
So how do we know all these sightings of Bigfoot numbering in the thousands aren't really just cases of mistaken identity with a moose or a bear?

There are so many accounts that involve multiple sensory experiences and attendant details that misperception is ruled out immediately. Many accounts of large rocks being thrown from bushes with grunting sounds. The smell of rotten eggs or sulfur. The banging on trees and distinctive howls in remote wooded areas far from humans. The footprints! 18 inch tracks showing massive weight in their depth and massive height in their length. Then there's the seeing of the bipedal form of the hairy hominid--very distinct from a bear or a deer in its silouette, stride and arm movements. And always gigantic--about 8 feet tall. The fact that these details recur again and again in different sightings by different people who aren't fruitcakes but capable hunters and rangers and hikers and country folk confirms that this is a real creature with typical traits and behavior patterns. Just review some of the sightings from the list. Or view this account, You will be convinced.

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Just review some of the sightings from the list. Or view this account, You will be convinced.
Not convinced. Do you realize that professional hunters killed every wolf in the lower 48 state in the US and they never ran across these 8ft tall apes? That in itself leads me to believe that it is just a hoax.
Do you also know that there are regularly big foot sighting in every state in the US? There are either a helluva population of bigfeet or people are making a lot of misidentifications. Which do you think is the more likely?
Do you realize that professional hunters killed every wolf in the lower 48 state in the US and they never ran across these 8ft tall apes?

How do you know? Did you go thru all the thousands of sightings to rule out wolf hunters?

Do you also know that there are regularly big foot sighting in every state in the US? There are either a helluva population of bigfeet or people are making a lot of misidentifications. Which do you think is the more likely?

Yeah...they're very spread out. But I don't know if that means there are many of them.
In any case, one could probably rule out delusion and misperception here. It all comes down to is he lying or telling the truth. Odd that the entire existence of this peculiar beast could hinge on such a simple and easy dilemma. Is this hunter a pathological liar or an honest man? If he's telling the truth, then Bigfoot must exist. And this is only one of thousands of such close encounters. All we need is one truth teller. Could they all be lying assholes? I think not..

Here's another totally credible account. Remember, we only need one of these accounts to be true for Bigfoot to exist. And if one of these accounts is true, that makes it more likely that many more accounts are true.

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There are so many accounts that involve multiple sensory experiences and attendant details that misperception is ruled out immediately. Many accounts of large rocks being thrown from bushes with grunting sounds. The smell of rotten eggs or sulfur. The banging on trees and distinctive howls in remote wooded areas far from humans. The footprints! 18 inch tracks showing massive weight in their depth and massive height in their length. Then there's the seeing of the bipedal form of the hairy hominid--very distinct from a bear or a deer in its silouette, stride and arm movements. And always gigantic--about 8 feet tall. The fact that these details recur again and again in different sightings by different people who aren't fruitcakes but capable hunters and rangers and hikers and country folk confirms that this is a real creature with typical traits and behavior patterns. Just review some of the sightings from the list. Or view this account, You will be convinced.

Stop stalking me.
A farmer in California saw a group of 5 Bigfoot in his orchard and one was carrying a pig! Totally credible account backed up by 3 other accounts in that same area.

"Mr Gonzalez says a local farmer Keith claimed he saw up to six Sasquatch creatures running on his ranch at night, reported Fox26.

Keith reported he saw "five bodies" running past his truck's headlights.

“One of them, which was extremely tall, had a pig over its shoulder," Mr Gonzalez claimed.

"And the five scattered and the one with the pig was running so fast it didn’t see an irrigation pipe and it tripped, with the pig flying over."

....The investigator revealed the past five years has seen THREE Bigfoot sightings in East Fresno County.

He alleged that a woman reported her two sons saw Bigfoot in their orchard five years ago and then a man saw a family of the ape-like creatures in the same spot a few years later....

...He said: “What are the odds of three people, three different families, who don’t know each other, within a radius of two to three miles, come and tell me what they witness, and it matches up."
With a good chance it would have left, as they say in CSI circles, trace

At last evidence

Was it looked for? found? tested?

Here's a photo of the footprint left where it tripped over the irrigation pipe:

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Here's a photo of the footprint left where it tripped over the irrigation pipe:


Trace refers to some sort of testable substance, DNA, blood, saliva etc

I doubt very much if any CSI lab has photos or plaster cast of Bigfoot for comparison

If CSI ask around, but I doubt they will, I am sure they could find Bigfoot groups willing to provide photos, just as unconvincing as the one here, as well as plaster cast

The ground looks very accommodating for leaving foot prints. So how many prints were there prior to, and following after the trip?

I would expect the following left foot to be deep as poor Bigfoot trys to regain balance

Any sign of a pig trotters trail?
