
Do you believe in telekinesis?

  • Yes i've seen it/done it

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • No its complete crap

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • Dont know/Dont care

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
Limited options there.

Yes, i believe something there is as of yet unexplained. No, I haven't seen it. Yes, I think it (if it exists) can be reviewed scientifically. No, I don't think anyone has demonstrated this scientifically.
To me the bible is not the books of the divine, it is a way to live about how to treat your fellow humans. I also believe that the bible contains much folklore and things that are very untrue. So if i have not seen telekenisis myself then i should not spread the word that i believe in it.
Well i always think of it as a magic trick, if anybody has seen derren brown they'll know what i mean when i say controlling the mind in a way seems to be possible through simple subconscious influence, this is where my curiosity in telekinesis lies, is it an influence on something beyond the realms that we havnt yet explained or is it a hoax. When i say believe i mean do you believe its currently possible? I accept anything may be possible one day.
simple answer: no. the human brain is not capable. Plain and simple, let's think logically and put all the crap we've heard out of our heads, look deep inside ourselves, stop hoping for the unutainable, and be what we're supposed to be-organic, soul harboring beings who's sole destiny is the divine purpose. kay?
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i think its possible.
i think some humans may accidentally trigger or unlock these abilities (or others similar)
i think sometime in the future all humans will have the ability (rise in consciousness)

in a time when we know our own mind and soul potential

perhaps when we're more spiritual and not so physical ?

i mean, spirits are known to float, ghosts and whatnot (whatever u call them) so it would make sense that spirituality is related to it.

i think its a mix of spirituality and physicality because your mind has to be strong enough but you must also know exactly how matter, gravity, and electrons (probably alot more to it... but these are the physical aspects of it) interact in order to alter this .

psy powers rule !! if used in the right way.
Dear Sir.
In the world there are many religions.
Physics - one.
The laws of physics and mathematics in the different countries of the world are identical, and religion - different. Why? Because the religion is not proved by the laws of physics and mathematics. And unless it is possible? In the book and on a site I assert - yes. It is possible.

* * *

They say that Diogenes illuminated faces of passers-by with his lantern when there was bright light, while speaking that he is searching for a Man.
I am - Diogenes.
I am search for the person.
I am search for the reasonable person and consequently to each I set a question:
“ Listen! Speed of a light quantum in Vacuum value a constant,
maximum, absolute!
Why everyone speaks, what there is no absolute speed of motion?
The speed of this light quantum is absolute only in Vacuum,
In absolute Vacuum!
Why everyone speaks, what there is no absolute reference system? ”
Diogenes sets a question, and him, as always, in all times, nobody can understand.
I realize a reason of this bewilderment.
You see nobody perceives, that such is VACUUM.
You see nobody perceives, that such is a Quantum of light.
I begin to reason from Vacuum T=0K and then, step by step, I establish a unified
picture of Genesis.

* * *
If you have time and desire, details on a site:
Best regards.
Israel Sadovnik.
If telekinesis can be performed, what form does the energy required take? Where on the electromagnetic spectrum would one find this mystical energy? Whoever finds it is gonna get a noble prize, ergo proof that telekinesis is a load of bollox.
I believe there are forces weare yet to discover (i dont believe it. I know it, there HAS to be) like imagine before the magnetic field was fully understood people thought metal flying towards each other or away from each other was amazing. Similarly i believe there are certain fields like the magnetic field and if the right energy were used (this energy would be generated by the mind) it could manipulate objects within the fields range. I also believe that telepathy is just a sort of bio-message that is sent along waves or a similar (if not the same) field that is interpretted byt he receiver, kind of like a biological modem. But hey i could be wrong, it'd be nice to think i'm right though.......
I will suggest this. When you tense a muscle you generate an electromagnetic fluctuation as the muscle becomes tort. If you wanted to move an object with some form of telekinesis then I would suggest you would attempt to alter the electromagnetic fields surrounding the object, however to do it via the human body would require alot of molecular fluctuations from muscle, so I would suggest the energy level requirements (and physics) to be improbable.

However I have seen Telekinesis performed on video through the use of "The Poltergeist Machine".

Material to check out:
Stryderunknown said:
I will suggest this. When you tense a muscle you generate an electromagnetic fluctuation as the muscle becomes tort.

I think you mean 'taut'. 'Tort' means 'twisted' or is also used in conjunction with legal liability.

If you wanted to move an object with some form of telekinesis then I would suggest you would attempt to alter the electromagnetic fields surrounding the object,

Electro magnetism is well understood, and easily measured. If it were that, we'd be able to measure it. We can't measure it, so it can't be that. Meaning it must be something else. Instead of EM energy, I propose the term 'BS energy'. (Badly Specified, what did you think I meant?)

However I have seen Telekinesis performed on video through the use of "The Poltergeist Machine".

and I've seen David Copperfield vanish a 747. Seeing might be believing, but only if you're a bit gullible.
Actually Phlogistician, Although it is taut I realised that it's "tort" as well, since thats how muscles work when they contract.

Actually I've been having a rethink of the EM, according to the "Hutchison Effect" documentation a region of spacial void is bombarded by radiofrequency. Any objects within this area then suffers from the "Hutchison effect" occurances, I think it's already been mentioned more recenty by the experimenter however my suggestion is that the radiowaves interface with the natural electromagnetics of the superpositioned molecular state of an object.

As the electromagnetics is distorted through the use of the radiowaves altering their spacetime distances, it creates a thermadynamic reaction. (A bit like taking a hammer and pounding an anvil, if you felt the anvil you would feel heat from both the friction of the surface and the molecules being compressed in the region the hammer hit).

This means depending on the objects composition, it can have odd anomalous effects on how the radiowave formations effect the object.

It would explain the example outcomes of twisted metals, metals that had melted by not to the point of glowing red or white hot and of course anti-gravity.
i dont have the answers to any of your questions, but i've done it once and seen it once. tis creepy.