That funny feeling...


Registered Senior Member
Is there a scientific explanation for intuition? Why do get that funny feeling that something isn't right or that something is about to happen? I got one of those today and it saved my life or a very expensive hospital bill at the very least. Have any of you ever had those intuitive feelings, like for some reason it feels wrong to do something even though you don't know why? I'm still kind of shaken up right now, but I was just wondering if there was any scientific explanation or if it is too difficult to study.
Your intuition, I think is just your subconscious mind taking note of things you have not consciously noticed.
Perhaps, but that only explains current events, like getting a bad feeling about certain people or about walking down a certain street, but I started getting an ominous feeling a good 3 minutes or so before the car accident even happened and I was just ignoring it. It was weird, but you're probably right.
That's the thing, the government controllers can accurately forecast all events for implantees up to a DAY in advance. Your implant must be old. Go get a flu shot.
That's the thing, the government controllers can accurately forecast all events for implantees up to a DAY in advance. Your implant must be old. Go get a flu shot.

I'm so far down on the list of people who need flu shots, the doctors never give it to me, they always say, "It's okay you don't need one, even if you catch the flu you'll probably live" They're so reassuring.
Your Doctor needs to report to the Air Force, then. I'm sure they'll have a lucrative offer for them.
We filter out almost everything our senses take in and our brains process.

Well that's what I thought until this morning. Something in the back of my head kept telling me to back up off the curb, but I kept ignoring it, I walked out into the street and the voice in my head was like screaming at me to back up on to the curb so I did and as soon as I stepped out of the street a car comes flying down the street and turns against the light causing a three car accident right where I would have still been walking (it just freaked me out). It's certainly an experience I will never forget.
But really freaks me out is my mother, she lives over 200 miles away from me and calls me as I'm leaving the accident to ask if I was okay she got a bad feeling that something had happened to me, she does stuff like that all of the time, but I kind of just ruled her out, cuz she's always been weird like that.
I posted this elsewhere on the forum.

One day, a few years back, I left work early.
It was about 3AM and I was driving home pretty fast, because the highway was empty and I wanted to get home.
Suddenly I had this... I hesitate to use the word "vision" because of all the baggage it carries...
Anyway it was as vivid as it was really happening.
A tractor trailer lost control in front of me and overturned.
It landed with the bottom of the truck facing me, and blocking three lanes of traffic.
I actually heard the sound of the crash.
I was directly behind it, and, like I said, it was blocking three lanes of traffic, so I could not swerve to avoid it.
Just as I was about to crash into the truck, I came out of it.

I was very shaken by this.
I had never experienced anything like it before.
It was so much more than a daydream.
I slowed down quite a bit and called my girlfriend at the time, who was at home.
As I was telling her about what happened, I came across a truck lying on its side, blocking three lanes of traffic in front of me in the exact same position I "saw" not five minutes before.
It had to have just happened, because there were no other cars there, the driver was standing outside his truck dazed and confused and the police hadn't arrived yet.

Remember, I saw the truck after I told my girlfriend what I had experienced, so it wasn't a dream, figment of my imagination or a deluded memory.

If you can explain it, you know more than I do.
I posted this elsewhere on the forum.

One day, a few years back, I left work early.
It was about 3AM and I was driving home pretty fast, because the highway was empty and I wanted to get home.
Suddenly I had this... I hesitate to use the word "vision" because of all the baggage it carries...
Anyway it was as vivid as it was really happening.
A tractor trailer lost control in front of me and overturned.
It landed with the bottom of the truck facing me, and blocking three lanes of traffic.
I actually heard the sound of the crash.
I was directly behind it, and, like I said, it was blocking three lanes of traffic, so I could not swerve to avoid it.
Just as I was about to crash into the truck, I came out of it.

I was very shaken by this.
I had never experienced anything like it before.
It was so much more than a daydream.
I slowed down quite a bit and called my girlfriend at the time, who was at home.
As I was telling her about what happened, I came across a truck lying on its side, blocking three lanes of traffic in front of me in the exact same position I "saw" not five minutes before.
It had to have just happened, because there were no other cars there, the driver was standing outside his truck dazed and confused and the police hadn't arrived yet.

Remember, I saw the truck after I told my girlfriend what I had experienced, so it wasn't a dream, figment of my imagination or a deluded memory.

If you can explain it, you know more than I do.

That's really weird. That's as freaky as my grandmother predicting earthquakes and fires.
My mother also calls me or asks me if something is wrong many times things are not OK, but she also calls me or asks me this question in a much higher proportion than the amount of times something actually isn't OK, thus disproving she has any sort of intuition that she couldn't possibly know(which makes sense). But it's still pretty creepy. Hmm, intuition, it seems to happen when I'm more careless, but if I think about it, that makes sense. Maybe the subconscious is always working pretty hard, while our conscious mind depends on how hard we work it. Our subconscious tells us to back the fuck up, while our conscious mind is just thinking about daisies. If our conscious mind was actually doing something, we should've noticed the problem at hand much sooner than what was actually done. At least, this is my theory which has absolutely no evidence that I know of behind it whatsoever. But it makes sense to me.
I posted this elsewhere on the forum.

One day, a few years back, I left work early.
It was about 3AM and I was driving home pretty fast, because the highway was empty and I wanted to get home.
Suddenly I had this... I hesitate to use the word "vision" because of all the baggage it carries...
Anyway it was as vivid as it was really happening.
A tractor trailer lost control in front of me and overturned.
It landed with the bottom of the truck facing me, and blocking three lanes of traffic.
I actually heard the sound of the crash.
I was directly behind it, and, like I said, it was blocking three lanes of traffic, so I could not swerve to avoid it.
Just as I was about to crash into the truck, I came out of it.

I was very shaken by this.
I had never experienced anything like it before.
It was so much more than a daydream.
I slowed down quite a bit and called my girlfriend at the time, who was at home.
As I was telling her about what happened, I came across a truck lying on its side, blocking three lanes of traffic in front of me in the exact same position I "saw" not five minutes before.
It had to have just happened, because there were no other cars there, the driver was standing outside his truck dazed and confused and the police hadn't arrived yet.

Remember, I saw the truck after I told my girlfriend what I had experienced, so it wasn't a dream, figment of my imagination or a deluded memory.

If you can explain it, you know more than I do.

Strong deja vu, perhaps? Happens to the best of us. Except yours seemed to have a bit of a delay.

True premonitions are just rare, freak chance. I've never even had an untrue one while some people claim there are proven correct all the time. To say it is a gift endowed to the few would be a very handy get-out clause.
And how do twins know when something is going on with their twin? My mother's friend has a twin sister and he and is sister are connected through pain. When she went into labor he knew before anyone even called and told him because he could feel it. They were 30 miles apart. That was really freaky too.
I have two friends, Jim and Sam, who are twins. We've done many sometimes only half-serious experiments to find they have less of a telepathic connection than I do with Pronatalist.
I have two friends, Jim and Sam, who are twins. We've done many sometimes only half-serious experiments to find they have less of a telepathic connection than I do with Pronatalist.

Of course not all twins have it. I'm currently going to school with these twins that have a psychological dependence on one another they can't go more than a few hours, days at best without being with each other or they have severe panic attacks. I don't know if they can read each others thoughts, but they can tell when was is upset or angry or whatever because if one twin starts to hyperventilate so does the other, no matter where they are. They have been labeled a medical mystery. It's kind of funny though because if one of them is really happy or excited the other becomes that way too and for no apparent reason. It makes me laugh.
I think that intuition is based upon previous experiances. Especially subconscious memory's. If one day lets say the sky is cloduy, you don't know why, you go out and it's raining. The next day the sky is cloudy, your intuition will say not to go out because last time it rained. But i think that intuition is largely subconscious memory's that you may not remember. Like persay, you bought something once for 100$ cheaper than anyone else, it is terrible and falls apart. Three years later you have forgotten about it but you find something 200$ cheaper, your intuition stops you because you have a bad feeling, because your subconscious remembers what happened last time.
Of course not all twins have it. I'm currently going to school with these twins that have a psychological dependence on one another they can't go more than a few hours, days at best without being with each other or they have severe panic attacks. I don't know if they can read each others thoughts, but they can tell when was is upset or angry or whatever because if one twin starts to hyperventilate so does the other, no matter where they are. They have been labeled a medical mystery. It's kind of funny though because if one of them is really happy or excited the other becomes that way too and for no apparent reason. It makes me laugh.

A medical mystery so mysterious you can't find me anything more than anecdotal evidence for it? Now come on, what kind of argument is that?

The fact they get nervous when they're not with eachother suggests an emotional rather than physic dependence. You don't know if they can read eachother's thoughts? Well that's like saying you don't know if they can fly.