The 7th Dimension.


Registered Member
How many time is there between Shifting Dimensions?

Is it always the same duration? We just been shifted from the 3rd to the 4th Dimension.

I know the 7th Dimension will be the end of Earth, So there will be enough time to push the limit of space flight.
Good question. Now it's like ''What the bleep'', Documentary. The 7th Dimension is a sick place. No power, pollution, deceases, radiation, political chaos, to less food, etc.
I have enough problems dealing with 3-D + time! . . . but I can project one higher scalar dimension . . . . .
I am thinking about Illumination, self awareness/accepting the new dimensions. I saw it mostly like the 4'th Dimension.
Scientist say, All Dimensions are (right) now, a Dimension Time(4th) can't been seen. What about 5th and 6th, because they are only time.
Don't take this the wrong way but have you ever been diagnosed as having schizophrenia or another form of psychosis?
Posts 1 and 4 as well as other posts in other threads. It was a question. It was not meant as anything more. I tend to poke fun at psuedo science clap trap. I do not enjoy poking fun at people who have an illness. For all I know the problem could be the use of the worlds worst translator. That is why I asked the question.

And before you ask - no I have no been diagnosed with schizophrenia or another form of psychosis.
Posts 1 and 4 as well as other posts in other threads. It was a question. It was not meant as anything more. I tend to poke fun at psuedo science clap trap. I do not enjoy poking fun at people who have an illness. For all I know the problem could be the use of the worlds worst translator. That is why I asked the question.

I don't see from reading posts 1 and 4 where you would get any kind of illness.

And before you ask - no I have no been diagnosed with schizophrenia or another form of psychosis.

I had no intention of asking you, thats your business.

And I am not trying to pick a fight with you I am just curious as to what you read to lead to that question.
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@ promo

A common symptom of Schizophrenia is
a) "losing touch with reality".
b) Delusions: Delusions are false beliefs that are not part of the person's culture and do not change. The person believes delusions even after other people prove that the beliefs are not true or logical. People with schizophrenia can have delusions that seem bizarre, such as believing that neighbors can control their behavior with magnetic waves. They may also believe that people on television are directing special messages to them, or that radio stations are broadcasting their thoughts aloud to others. Sometimes they believe they are someone else, such as a famous historical figure. They may have paranoid delusions and believe that others are trying to harm them, such as by cheating, harassing, poisoning, spying on, or plotting against them or the people they care about. These beliefs are called "delusions of persecution."

There are many more signs of Schizophrenia, but the above 2 apply the most here. I am well versed in the parapsychology/Pseudoscience threads and comment here often, but recently the member in question started a Time Travel thread with Aliens that I would not even comment on. I knew before I came to this thread who was behind the Opening Post.

The member in question started this thread with this comment,
The 7th Dimension.
How many time is there between Shifting Dimensions?

Is it always the same duration? We just been shifted from the 3rd to the 4th Dimension.

I know the 7th Dimension will be the end of Earth, So there will be enough time to push the limit of space flight.

This encompasses a and b mentioned above. Since "we" also know that the end of the earth will accompany the 7th Dimension then maybe we are also paranoid delusional.

I see many signs of this illness, and could not help but to state them here as it seems fairly obvious. Maybe it is not illness. Maybe there is a time between shifting dimensions, but I for one have no idea what a shifting dimension could be. Perhaps it's time to upgrade my education.
Please explain topic then. In a way we can understand, and please fill in the details like what the 5th and 6th dimensions may include, and how long before they shift?

Someone suggested this topic is symptomatic of schizophrenia, and based on this and other threads started by member that seems to be a logical conclusion.

I will apologize if you can explain what the Opening Post means with some kind of sane understanding. Please answer before the 7th dimension gets here as that will be the death of us all.
Someone suggested this topic is symptomatic of schizophrenia, and based on this and other threads started by member that seems to be a logical conclusion.
It really is simple: Even if a member on here is a qualified psychologist, it's an internet forum. No one has any business at any time speculating heavily on another persons psychological conditions or presumed conditions. Calling a post "crazy" or what someone said "is flat out insane" is one thing.
But a long conversation speculating about a series of psychological conditions? Come on, get real.
Respond to the ideas, the posts, is all I'm saying. Oktober has spouted some crazy ideas. So focus on those ideas in the thread they are in.
Just my thoughts on it. I fail in this at times too and need someone to remind me to get back on track sometimes, too. All I said was, "Way off topic." You should have taken it from there.

Please explain topic then. In a way we can understand, and please fill in the details like what the 5th and 6th dimensions may include, and how long before they shift?
I can discuss dimensions and the like but I cannot make heads or tails of whatever Oktober was talking about. Like this one:
The 7th Dimension is a sick place. No power, pollution, deceases, radiation, political chaos, to less food, etc.
That makes no scientific or even UNScientific sense, whatsoever. It's a crazy idea. But that's not the same as saying, "Oktober is a schizophrenic" or going on several posts about it. Origin is simply frustrated by the nonsense, but you kwihlborn, have spent too much time under the microscope to not know better.
I will apologize if you can explain what the Opening Post means with some kind of sane understanding. Please answer before the 7th dimension gets here as that will be the death of us all.
A conditional apology on someone elses blame and merit is not a sincere apology. If you think one is owed, do so because you believe you stepped out of line. Step back and examine yourself, think about how you feel when someone speculates about your mental state for believing in Law of Attraction or LENR.
If you find you owe an apology- render one. If not- don't.
@ Oktober,
You also said,
Yes right, i'll take my medication
please do.

@ Neverfly,
You admittedly cannot discern what the topic is about, yet suggest we stay on topic? Crazy huh?
@ Neverfly,
Do you really need to become an ass?
You responded.
No. But I will admit that sometimes I enjoy it. It's not 'right' but it can be fun.

Might I suggest you are currently enjoying being an ass on this thread. It was actually very obvious.

The schizophrenia question was in play by 2 other members before i mentioned that the symptoms fit.

I probably speak for many when I say we are used to seeing asses on this sub-forum. Nothing new here.

Mod note: This member has admitted they enjoy being an ass. I see no problem calling him one after that.
Especially when it is fitting like in this short thread.
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