The Amazing Thing


Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
The Amazing thing about the Gospel, is that it is not a message of judgment, it is a message of grace. A message that shows how God loves you, and wants you. How he desires for you to run to him, it's a good message of love.

The terrible thing about "Christians" is the hate, how they we are people of judgment, and not people of grace. We do not show how God loves you, I am sincerely sorry.
According to the Gospel God is, defined as, All Knowing. This means God can not add unto Itself any additional new information. It means God can not change Its information in anyway possible - it is in a constant State of All Knowing. It therefor can not have emotion - such as love or want as these involve change. It can not have a desire either - It is All KNowing and that's pretty much it.

A big Fracken God-Drive in the Sky

We should also not that the Christian God flooded the Earth - murdering other conscious beings. It must have done so whimsically. How scary this God-drive thing is ... IMO..... a very strange and utterly Alien being. More akin to my USB stick then anything "Human".
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