The carnage of religion


Registered Senior Member
hello there.
I am working on a project that i call "the carnage of religion".
it's about all the fear that was spread duo religion - and if religion at all have done better for mankind.. or worse. I am looking for a source where i can find such material, anyone who can help me out here?
The death tolls are easy to find--e.g. Inquisitions, Fitnah, &c. The upside is a little less spectacular. Either is subtle.

Beyond that, it's all in how you treat it. There was an article--long lost to the mess of the web--a few years ago about a prominent Anglican minister who sought "new ways" to deal with faith crises, including drugs and domestic violence. Now, to me, a preacher calling for the church to examine the causes of domestic violence in order to do more than simply provide a refuge for battered women, is a good thing. Others will exploit the notion of how it came to be that so many religious men are beating their wives.

So if you just want a litany of services, check with the usual sources: Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, and other relief and charity organizations.

Other than that, though ... pick up just about any decent tertiary examination of religion (e.g. Elaine Pagels, Karen Armstrong, Jeffrey Burton Russel, &c) and you can find the source documents (e.g. Tertullian, Irenaeus, &c) from the notes.

What you're actually proposing is a rather complex undertaking. The superficial wounds and benefits attributed to religion are generally inadequate for seeking the whole picture.

To the other, I might be wholly on the wrong vein. Perhaps you can tell us a little more about the project?
This isn't just about religion - It's about life itself, and i'm expressing it in music. What i truely want to know - Is religion, the belief in god, really as pure as society says. I know about 2 milion people escaped from sweden because they were hunted by the church, but why i don't know. probably cos they didn't believe in god at all. It is sad to see these things happend, and it's frustrating to know i can't change it. Here's a little description that i wrote yesterday:

The mainteam of "carnage of religion" is mostley about the people suffering because of what human refers to call gods rules. What i mean is, that it's sad to see how people is being corrupted by religion. and not only religion - life itself in all parts! My question is, will freedom ever come? and if, how? do we deserve it? The carnage of religion also have alot to do with philosophical means. It wonders - what good have religion done... face it, science was threath, blocked by the afraid and feard kings (or other monstrous leaders). The name "carnage of religion" is just a small piece of the cake. Life is easily corrupt'd, and freedom never comes free. if it comes at all..
Just keep in mind that in blaming religion you are also blaming the people who work towards reforming it.

A more interesting study would be whether those atrocities were ever justified the way other forms of corruption like divorce, prostitution and immorality are justified today. In other words, compare religious corruption with secular corruption and see if there's a difference in their effects.
MR.jen, i don't think you read my post specifikely. I am saying that "the carnage of religion" is just a small piece from what i am working at (freedom). And if i understand you right, you are saying that "prostituation" is corrupt. Actually, it's not: There's always a free will in that. The prostituated, without a deal, can always leave. And divorce, it's also freedom to leave, called the Free will (for religion i suppose that is the ultimate Tabu). BUT in religion, people who didn't believe in christ had to escape to live. And i am not blaming Religion or "god" or "jesus" like that, i am blaming the people who worked for the church in orders to convert everybody - no matther what they had to do. -That's corruption.
religion is keeping people stupid and unable to think for themselves,imo
and xians trying to push their ID nonsense as a scientific fact of worlds creation is just plain sad,
as far as carnage goes Islam seems to be # 1 lately,

since you mentioned music you might apreciate these songs
Q25 said:
religion is keeping people stupid and unable to think for themselves,imo
Hmm... Religion as the opiate of the masses - did you think that up yourself?

Below is an admonition from one Christian to other believers:
[Quote = James 1:26]If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tounque, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and sidows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.[/QUOTE]

and xians trying to push their ID nonsense as a scientific fact of worlds creation is just plain sad,
as far as carnage goes Islam seems to be # 1 lately

I'll post my response in a separate thread:
God believes in Evolution:
Then it's up to you to proof that, Kat. I don't believe in him/her/it, but still, if god was almighty it would all be up to him. But - if there's a god he can't be THAT powerful. Can he see the future, he should be able to see his misstakes that he did. (loosing hand of the humans, for an example).
Thermal dynamics says that systems head toward maximum chaos or the least order possible. This is a proven scientific law. How then can anyone who claims to believe in science claim that there is no outside force acting on the universe and life to cause it to organize. We can argue about the nature of the force but the evidence seems pretty clear to a befuddled individual like me.
laughing weasel:

You misunderstand the laws of thermodynamics. Those laws do not prevent certain areas of the universe becoming more ordered at the expense of others, and in fact that happens all the time. No God is required here.