The E N D is near!

The US goverment has now the Control of time.
Do u know what does it mean????
and so would many others i guess.
so where does that leave us?
to what point do we follow the law?
to whos ends and benefits would we?
why choose what?
is it all really just a big game with death for loosing?
does that make a 'goal' 'a kill'?
do we kill to live?

how many sheep are there realy on this planet?

its easy to count the lambs for slaughter!

is the end mearly a beginning?

what is the nature of thought?
It will be the 4rd Dimension, and then we would meet lot of aliens......
Sounds like discrimination against the photonic aliens from the fifth dimension.
it would seem that most think another dimension is a
conflict in the mind while talking to a person who has something they want.
ha ha ha ha hahahahahah
gil... ok but the whole world?
so what about the clone topic?
maybe some have already left?

groove on
An answer to ripleofdeath

Well, ripleofdeath!
You've asked a good question ! so I will answer you-

The Greys have been creating "Hybrids" from our DNA and their DNA.
Because most of us will die and the others would need to live on the planet Earth in other dimension. Of course, the physics rules there are diffrent than the 3rd dimension so the "hybrids" will be able to live in an other dimension.
Believe- it's the T R u E !!!!!

Just the humens who able to help our universe & have no any bad thoughts won't die.....

Anyway, I've got to ask you- why are U calling yourself "riple of death"?!

" Imagine all the people....there's no Heaven..."
-John Lenon

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hey gill :)
i have read some stuff that says things like what you have said but in a slightly different way.
apart from the dimension thing..thats new to me!

i once explained my name (which came to me one day while involved in something entirly different)

we are all...mearly a "riple of death"
life is: we are: - what are we? - when are we?
for how long are we?
all is life and thus death is life for our minds for which we descern life........ so we are all close to death but not yet living :)
all life is not as we see it to be living!
so as with our death we may start to live..........?
so we remain to be in contrast to what we can be nothing...?
no ...only dead! nothing is not possible!
hence we are a mear ripple of what we define our selfs by which is death.
make sence?
where are the hybrids? in our dimension?
have you been implanted?-no need to post the answer on the boards...but remember all email goes through see eye aye :)
groove on all
make sence?
where are the hybrids? in our dimension?
have you been implanted?-no need to post the answer on the boards...but remember all email goes through see eye aye :)
groove on all [/B][/QUOTE]

A reply:
Hybrids live among us, and they can travel the time.
Anyway, scientists have suceeded to build the base of time machine!!!!!!!! (by breaking a ray of light to loop)
It means that we live now in a time which is slowing dowm more and more.
When the the time will "stop"- some of us will be in the 4rd dimension.
The other people will just die...

There's a world classified Project which will change the cities'es terrain.
Of course, I don't know anything about it, but I know that it is somehow has a contact to the time.

Why do U think I have been implanted????
Anyway,I musn't answer this question.....

" 'Believing for seeing'- it's the all idea"
Uri Geller

My site:
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i was asking not stating!
sorry to come accros the wrong way
i often find this with many people that i talk to about indepth issues that in the first instance and i need to explain in greater detail.
TIME - funny you should mention this because i noticed that our clocks are speeding up!
this i have come to understand(i could be wrong) that we are in fact slowing down in our enviroment....?
does that sound rite?
any clues on how to spot a hybrid?
i must admit that i have my suspicion of people from time to time.
my psy nature gives me clues of some realy freaky stuff :/
ooooohhhhhhh for a brain manual :D

groove on
I thought the photonics were from the 9th dimension.

Well, got to check out holodeck again.