The Earth is expanding , hence geological vault lines .

Is it possible that the Earth is expanding , in volume . Hence these fault lines is showing us that the Earth is expanding ?

Of course. Sure...

The Earth is actually hollow, and the swelling like a balloon is due to the immense pressures building up from the abandoned, half-destroyed industrial complexes left by the cave people and the Mahar flying reptiles of Pellucidar. After each finally became very technologically advanced and destroyed each other in warfare.

ERB's dates are severely distorted, as both the world chronicled in his books and those later events referred to here occurred many millennia ago. There was never a 20th-century David Innes, Tarzan, etc who ventured into that chthonian environment.

The precise source of the internal particle "gas" growth within the Hollow Earth is the autonomous Dfhuggumeral machines (surviving in the deserted ruins) that disrupt the virtual particle-antiparticle pairs in the vacuum fluctuations of space. Normally, those excitation pairs immediately cancel slash annihilate each other. But the Dfhuggumeral apparatus interferes by teleporting the antiparticles to a parallel universe. Thus leaving behind their counterpart particles to become non-virtual (real -- not cancelled out), and ever accumulating in number.

Due to the similarly autonomous fusion power source, the Dfhuggumeral machines are expected to continue running for another two thousand years, when the nanobot repair teams will finally degrade enough after their self-replication replacement limits to no longer be able to maintain the power source's inherently weak structure (that the particular recruited process causes gradual deterioration of).
river said:
Is it possible that the Earth is expanding , in volume . Hence these fault lines is showing us that the Earth is expanding ?

Unless there are truly mystical, standard conservation law flagrantly violating mechanisms operating, expanding Earth notion faces insuperable problems:

You don't understand the problem .

Fit the geological forms 500million yrs ago , so that Earth was one solid continent . Meaning no sepperation , the the current volume of Earth can not do so .
Is it possible that the Earth is expanding , in volume.
Very slightly, yes. Micrometeors are constantly falling on the Earth, adding to its mass. Although, come to think of it, that wouldn't necessarily increase the volume. Although, come to think of it, it probably does, a bit.
Hence these fault lines is showing us that the Earth is expanding ?
No. Fault lines are a feature of plate tectonics.
The Earth was much smaller in its beginning than it is now . Earth is larger in the present .
If you are going to make controversial claims, try to cite a source in support of the claim. You must have heard or read that myth somewhere.

Or, at the very least, tell us why you believe this claim to be true.
You don't understand the problem .
There's no problem.
Fit the geological forms 500million yrs ago , so that Earth was one solid continent . Meaning no sepperation , the the current volume of Earth can not do so .
The Earth's surface is 70% ocean. Haven't you noticed?
Very slightly, yes. Micrometeors are constantly falling on the Earth, adding to its mass. Although, come to think of it, that wouldn't necessarily increase the volume. Although, come to think of it, it probably does, a bit.

No. Fault lines are a feature of plate tectonics.

If you are going to make controversial claims, try to cite a source in support of the claim. You must have heard or read that myth somewhere.

Or, at the very least, tell us why you believe this claim to be true.

There's no problem.

The Earth's surface is 70% ocean. Haven't you noticed?

Read the Book ; Earth Expansion . ( Told by researchers creating a Modern Theory of the Earth )

In their theory ; the Earth was 80% of its present size , when all surface land was connected . Physically .
Is it possible that the Earth is expanding , in volume . Hence these fault lines is showing us that the Earth is expanding ?
Nope. The Earth is shrinking slowly. It loses more mass to solar wind than it gains in meteors and dust.

However, currently that loss is being slowed even further by warming. Since the planet is warming, that is counteracting the tendency of the Earth to shrink to some degree.
Nope. The Earth is shrinking slowly. It loses more mass to solar wind than it gains in meteors and dust.

However, currently that loss is being slowed even further by warming. Since the planet is warming, that is counteracting the tendency of the Earth to shrink to some degree.

Your thinking , in detail .
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Your thinking , in detail .
Sure. Warm things expand. And fun fact - even heat energy has mass (but not volume.) So when you heat something, it expands AND gains a very, very small amount of mass. (E=MC2 and all that.)

We gain mass normally through meteors - about 40K tons of rocks fall to earth every year. Most burn up, and so the material comes down as dust.

We lose mass through solar wind. Solar radiation breaks stratospheric water down into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen stays behind and becomes either ozone or oxygen that we breathe. The hydrogen is so light that it floats to the top of the atmosphere - and then solar winds blow it away. (They are basically hydrogen atoms as well.) We lose 90K of hydrogen a year that way.

As the planet warms, the heat energy goes up. Estimates are that we gain about 40K tons a year that way.

So net-net, we are losing about 10K tons a year.
Sure. Warm things expand. And fun fact - even heat energy has mass (but not volume.) So when you heat something, it expands AND gains a very, very small amount of mass. (E=MC2 and all that.)

We gain mass normally through meteors - about 40K tons of rocks fall to earth every year. Most burn up, and so the material comes down as dust.

We lose mass through solar wind. Solar radiation breaks stratospheric water down into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen stays behind and becomes either ozone or oxygen that we breathe. The hydrogen is so light that it floats to the top of the atmosphere - and then solar winds blow it away. (They are basically hydrogen atoms as well.) We lose 90K of hydrogen a year that way.

As the planet warms, the heat energy goes up. Estimates are that we gain about 40K tons a year that way.

So net-net, we are losing about 10K tons a year.

How many tons , from our solar system , and beyond , Lands on Earth per year .
Water , all life forms need water . Even in the depth of the Earths Crust . Hence water must be present , but how is water formed , H2O , in the extreme depths of the Earths Crust .
Where else would the extra mass come from?

Its not about mass , its about volume caused by transformations of atoms of some type , can't remember these atoms and how they transform but its in the book , that I mention in Culture threads , in Now Reading .