The Key of E


Registered Member
One way to quiet the mind and become “in tune” with the Source is the musical key of E. Source energy “flows” in the key of E, so music in the key of E brings us into the flow of Source energy, allowing us to experience the Source more clearly while listening. Lots of ancient, but enduring religious music is written in the key of E, especially chants. This is not a coincidence. Consider spending some time with some soft music in the key of E. Try playing it in the background as you meditate, pray, chant, relax, etc. It’s like tuning into the Source’s frequency, helping us hear what the Source is communicating.

Thank you for your consideration, Dennis

Question - I noticed that the name Dennis R. Picard, ND
appears on the first page of the website you posted.
What does the ND stand for?
Nd stands for Naturopathic Doctor. I practice many forms of natural healing from herbs to diet to lifestyle management, homeopathy, chiropractic manipulation, etc.
Thanks for asking.
Oh ok. I'm familiar with naturopathic medicine I just
didn't recognize the initials. Thanks for the reply. :)