The Lacerta File


Registered Member
by Ole K.


I certify that the following text is the absolute truth and no work of fiction. These are parts of a transcript of an interview I´ve made with a non-human and reptilian being in December 1999. This female being was already in contact with a friend of mine (whose name is given only with the abbreviation E.F. in the text) since some months. Let me declare, that I was all my life a sceptic about UFOs, aliens and other weird things and I thought that E.F. tells me just dreams or fictionous stories when he talked with me about his first contacts with the non-human being "Lacerta". I was still a sceptic when I met this being on December 16 last year in that small warm room in the remote house of my friend near to a town in the south of Sweden, despite the fact that I saw now with my own eyes that she was not human. She has told and shown me so many unbelievable things during that meeting that I can´t deny the reality and the truth of her words any longer. This is not another of that wrong UFO papers which claim to tell the truth but tell in fact just fiction, I´m convinced that this transcript contains the only truth and therefore you should read it.
noone said:
absolute truth and no work of fiction. These are parts of a transcript of an interview I´ve made with a non-human and reptilian being in December 1999

Well done, "Ole K", you have succeeded in contradicting yourself in the first two sentences.
Noone, come on my friend, don't believe everything you hear. Think critically. Here are some points to ponder:

1: Reptillians have been co-existing with us all this time
- They are more intelligent than us
- They enjoy the sunlight

Yet they have the most elaborate mechanisms to hide from us, and they reside in underground caves.

2: Notice the physics she described for how UFO's travel. It's not remotely verifiable or comprehensible by our scientific understanding. It's absolute nonsense.

3: Copper has no magical properties that we know of, and there is no reason to believe it does. Furthermore, if these Alien races are so advanced, then they should be able to manufacture their own copper.

4: The Reptillians found all the records of the past in a super molecule that's existed for hundreds of millions of years. Nothing would survive that long.

Those are just some of the reasons why this is utter nonsense. So take my advice, forget about it.
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The only reason why I brought this article is because I want people who are open minded to the existence of the greys to be also infomed about the existence of the reptilian race which is truly the oldest race in our galaxy. Basically that are in control over our planet earth. I am in no dubt that "Dark Knight" knows about their existence.
noone said:
the existence of the reptilian race which is truly the oldest race in our galaxy.

What do you base this information upon? What empirical evidence? Perhaps a DNA sample?

What controls of the planet are directly observable?

Of course, there are no satisfactory answers to these questions, since the existance of any alien race is mere speculation based upon the wild fantasies, dellusions, and mythology of pseudoscience and the paranormal.
One name "David Icke".

As for is it truth? Well we've known about Loungeroom Lizards for sometime, and there are a few people in the world that might seemingly have a repilian feel about them (Usually someone writing a ticket for parking your car in the wrong place.)

If you see an alien ask it the simplest of questions... "What frame rate is your CGI setting at?"
SkinWalker just because you are materialist isn't going to change the true nature of reality. Materialism is basically another beLIEf system like all the other religions that were set up by the controlling force to subverse humans into slavery. Darwinism, materialism and such will claim you that we are basically evolved into humans by mere chance (evolution by natural selection) which to me is utter crap. Sir Fred Hoyle, Nobel-prize winner and English astronomer stated that: The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that “a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.
SkinWalker said:
Of course, there are no satisfactory answers to these questions, since the existance of any alien race is mere speculation based upon the wild fantasies, dellusions, and mythology of pseudoscience and the paranormal.

I don't believe in the validity of this Lacerta file, but to say that speculation on the existance of an Alien Race is based on Wild fantasies & delusions is beyond ignorant. It's just plain Stupid. You have an awful lot to learn SkinWalker, if you want to discuss these topics intelligently.
noone said:
The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that “a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.

This displays quote a fundamental misunderstanding about the nature of evolution. In evolution, the fittest dominate and their genes set the pattern for the rest of the species. In other words, successful changes are kept, unsuccessful ones are not. This is in no way comparable to a tornado.

For instance if a million monkeys with a million type writers were set to the task of writing, they would probably never produce much of value, but if they had a goal to write something, like say hamlet, and every unuseful keystroke was discarded, but every useful one kept, they would get it done in about a weekend.
VRob said:
I don't believe in the validity of this Lacerta file, but to say that speculation on the existance of an Alien Race is based on Wild fantasies & delusions is beyond ignorant. It's just plain Stupid.

Then perhaps you can cite a reference that demonstrates the origin of 'alien race' mythology. How is it that detailed claims and assumptions can be made that supports the notion that "reptillians" are aggressive and "grays" are clones? Both of these are popular descriptions in UFO lore and mythology. Perhaps you know of some empirical data in regards to an "Alien Race" that isn't based upon wild fantasy or mythology.

VRob said:
You have an awful lot to learn SkinWalker, if you want to discuss these topics intelligently.

Perhaps. But where can this knowlege be obtained in critical, objective form and still offer validity to the extraterrrestrial mythos?
SkinWalker said:
Then perhaps you can cite a reference that demonstrates the origin of 'alien race' mythology.

What?? Your exact words were, "Speculation on the existence of an Alien Race were based on mythology, wild fantasies, and delusions".

What I said in my previous post was that it was just plain ignorant and incorrect. There is plenty of evidence(EVIDENCE is DIFFERENT FROM PROOF!!!!!) for the validity of an alien race. An alien race that has visited this planet.

How is it that detailed claims and assumptions can be made that supports the notion that "reptillians" are aggressive and "grays" are clones?

I've never stated anything about reptilians, greys, ect.... EVER.

Both of these are popular descriptions in UFO lore and mythology. Perhaps you know of some empirical data in regards to an "Alien Race" that isn't based upon wild fantasy or mythology.


But where can this knowlege be obtained in critical, objective form and still offer validity to the extraterrrestrial mythos?

Start at the beginning, and follow the methodology of how the leaders of the USA dealt with this issue.

From Roswell,
to Project Sign,
to Washington sighting(1952),
to Project Grudge,
to commercial pilots restrictions being changed to mirror those of military pilots,
to the Condon report,
to the Travis Walton incident,
to Bentwaters,
to the Belgium report,
to the Mexico City incidents,
to the numerous freedom of information requests which initially came back as 'We do not investigate this phenomena any longer', to releasing thousands of CIA, NSA, DIA, pages related to this subject,
to the video, and actions of our own NASA shuttle mission, along with Russia's space program.

While you're researching each of these items, you'll be shown additional information. Ignore it, some of it may be true, but it is a dead end and should not be followed. Much of it I suspect is disinformation, or plain old lies.

If you want to know details on this subject, and not the fantasies, these are the areas you should concentrate on.
VRob said:
While you're researching each of these items, you'll be shown additional information. Ignore it, some of it may be true, but it is a dead end and should not be followed. Much of it I suspect is disinformation, or plain old lies.

What exactly is the difference between information and "additional information" and how is one supposed to know which is which? Does the answer involve chakras, a third inner eye, or tantric sex?

Bad choice of words on my part. What I should have said instead of 'additional information' would be 'Speculation'.
i wish to respond to the thread on the lacerta file. it had said that if one wished to interface with one of "them" all one would have to do is ask. well......i'm asking!!!