There is ample evidence that tells us that we are very capable of
self deception**. That we can look at a 2 dimensional image for example and imagine it in 3 dimensions, but is there any evidence to tell us that we are capable of reconstructing our entire visual field of view on the fly constantly whilst eyes open in a way that requires little to no deliberate effort?
That is to say, that seeing as we do in itself does not alone support the notion that it is all happening inside our heads...
There is no evidence that I know of that can support such an absurd proposition. The sheer processing and processing time required to perform such a miraculous feat is staggering and given the infinite nature of what is being suggested impossible IMO.
Science is granting a mental capacity to the human brain that defies rational understanding. We must indeed be God like... subsequently one could conclude that the current light effect models employed by science lead to paranormal conclusions.
- Uniformity of reconstruction by billions of individual brains. - Impossible to the degree found.
- Infinite spacial (depth) resolution reconstructed from light data entering the eyes? - Also impossible.
Is there scientific support for this amazing capacity?
None that I know of....(other than it
must be because light theory is held so strongly) However one model's apparent success does not necessarily remove the requirement of employing the scientific method for another. ( depth of field, vision and even consciousness)
- Watch a movie and believe it to be real.
- Play a video game and listen to your heart rate.