The mechanism of comet formation

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Hi all!

The mechanism of comet formation.

A comet is born when a planet's satellite breaks out of orbit during the new moon phase.
If the orbital speed of the satellite is higher than the orbital speed of the planet, then the comet begins to move around the Sun in a retrograde orbit.'s_Comet
The eccentricity of a comet's orbit can be calculated using the following formula. E = Vp/Vk
Jupiter's orbital speed is 12 km/sec.
The orbital speed of the Io satellite is 17 km/sec.

Continuation: Forum of Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science.
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It is self evident that comets do not come from planetary orbits since their orbits have them coming from well beyond the farthest planet.

Fermer05, you can't have a theory if you don't even bother to get the facts.
Mechanics of comet motion.

A comet is a satellite of a planet that fell out of orbit during the new moon phase.
Having escaped from the planet's orbit, the satellite begins to move against the rotation of the Sun, due to which the centrifugal force of the satellite is reduced, and as a result the satellite rushes towards the Sun.'s_Comet
If the orbital speed of the satellite is greater than the orbital speed of the planet, then the planet's satellite will move around the Sun in a retrograde orbit.
Rotating around the common center of the mas, the Earth and Moon are in resonance; at aphelion the resonance may intensify.
The eccentricity of a comet's orbit can be calculated using the following formula.
E = Vp/Vs.
Jupiter's orbital speed is - 12 km/sec.
Io's orbital speed is 17 km/sec.

Pluto moves in a highly elongated orbit; it is possible that Pluto was previously a satellite of Neptune.
It actually tells you where comets come from in your own link.

"Short-period comets originate in the Kuiper belt or its associated scattered disc, which lie beyond the orbit of Neptune. Long-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort cloud, a spherical cloud of icy bodies extending from outside the Kuiper belt to halfway to the nearest star."
The chances of our illustrious Russian Science Philosopher here making yet another wildly silly screw-up in the basic facts of his ideas (and then refusing to address the errors and just doubling down on his mistakes) is rapidly approaching zero.

I'm sayin' this is a campaign of deliberate trolling to sow a culture of misinformation.
And HEEEERE we go again!
If the orbital speeds of the planet and satellite are equal. Then, in the new moon phase, the centrifugal force acting on the satellite from the Sun is close to zero.
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If the orbital speeds of the planet and satellite are equal. Then, in the new moon phase, the centrifugal force acting on the satellite from the Sun is close to zero.
Nope. This time you're not understanding relative motion and how it pertains to orbital mechanics.
If the orbital speeds of the planet and satellite are equal. Then, in the new moon phase, the centrifugal force acting on the satellite from the Sun is close to zero.
That doesn't seem to make any sense. How about you mathematically show what you are trying to say, because your written explanation is not helping.
Our moon has passed through the new phase at least 48 billion times since its formation. Not once in all that time has it undergone a significant alteration in its orbit, let alone spun off on its own.

That means the forces on it do not change over the course of its orbit, either monthly or epochally.

In fact, we have never detected any evidence of any moon spontaneously leaving its parent planet (without the intimate involvement of a third interfering massive body).

Your conjectures don't match what we observe.
That doesn't seem to make any sense. How about you mathematically show what you are trying to say, because your written explanation is not helping.
Oh don't ask him that. He'll copy and paste something unrelated then claim it's proof.

I started to write out a description of how relative motion works but realized that I've done it before with him and he just doesn't get it. I'm not sure if he's a troll who is just trying to get people going, or an ignorant guy who has an aversion to learning, or a slightly mentally ill poster who needs validation and thus posts absurd theories to prove how 'smart' and 'out of the box' he is. Or heck, he could be ignorant and be simply incapable of learning, which is probably the most charitable interpretation.

But in any case it doesn't matter much. Nothing we post will get through to him, and he will continue until he's banned again.
Mechanics of comet motion.

A comet is a satellite of a planet that fell out of the planet’s orbit during the new moon phase. Having left the planet's orbit, the satellite moves against the rotation of the Sun, due to which the centrifugal force of the satellite is reduced, and as a result, the satellite rushes towards the Sun.'s_Comet
If the orbital speed of the satellite is much greater than the orbital speed of the planet, then the satellite moves around the Sun in a retrograde orbit.
The eccentricity of a comet's orbit can be calculated using the following formula.
E = Vp/Vs.
Jupiter's orbital speed is - 12 km/sec.
Io's orbital speed is 17 km/sec.
Perhaps Pluto is a comet that left the orbit of Neptune during the new moon phase.
Rotating around a common center of mass, the Earth and Moon pair are in resonance; when the Earth moves at aphelion, the resonance of the pair may increase.
In the new moon phase, when the orbital speed of the planet and the satellite are equal, the centrifugal force acting on the satellite from the Sun is zero.
The question arises, why is the Moon’s orbit not elongated towards the Sun?
I believe the Sun's Coriolis force is stretching the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
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The question arises, why is the Moon’s orbit not elongated towards the Sun?
How about you address the questions asked of you in this thread instead?
I believe the Sun's Coriolis force is stretching the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
Utter nonsense. I guess you just wanted to throw in a new science term you read (Coriolis) since it cannot possibly have anything to do with this discussion.

Your posts have been reported since you are just soap boxing pseudoscience and not engaging in a discussion.
The question arises, why is the Moon’s orbit not elongated towards the Sun?
I believe the Sun's Coriolis force is stretching the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
Solar tidal forces do have a small effect on the shape of the Moon's orbit, but it small compared to the eccentricity of the orbit, and is swamped out by other effects. The result is a slight alteration of the orbit's eccentricity. When the line of apsides aligns with the Earth Sun line, the eccentricity increases slightly, and when it is at a 90 degree angle, it decreases slightly.
The line of apsides does not remain aligned with the Sun partially because the apsidal precession caused by interaction with the Earth keeps it changing.
The question arises, why is the Moon’s orbit not elongated towards the Sun?
I believe the Sun's Coriolis force is stretching the Moon's orbit along the Earth's orbit.
The link you put in your OP, contradicts everything else you have said.
Can you address that?
A comet is born when a planet's satellite breaks out of orbit during the new moon phase.
That's impossible, since planetary satellites don't have sufficient energy to break out of orbit. If they did, they wouldn't be in orbit in the first place.
If the orbital speed of the satellite is higher than the orbital speed of the planet, then the comet begins to move around the Sun in a retrograde orbit.
What do you mean? Are you comparing the orbital speed of a satellite around its planet to the orbital speed of the planet around the Sun? Why? There's no connection.

Don't you guys do any science in your "academic" forum?

That's impossible, since planetary satellites don't have sufficient energy to break out of orbit. If they did, they wouldn't be in orbit in the first place.
Orbital inclination and eccentricity also reduce the stability of dwarf planet satellites.
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