The science behind 'kineses and telepathy


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
Some say it is possible, others say it is not. But what exactly is the science behind telekinesis? Pyrokinesis? Crykinesis? Telepathy?

And with the use of technology, could they become possible?
Some say it is possible, others say it is not. But what exactly is the science behind telekinesis? Pyrokinesis? Crykinesis? Telepathy?

And with the use of technology, could they become possible?

There is no science because these things do not happen.
There is no science because these things do not happen.

But CAN they happen?

And I meant, what is being done for these things to happen? Like, how does it work. Is the brain capable of these things?

Would it be capable with the aid of technology?
You can control things directly with your brain through electrodes. It could be possible to connect it wirelessly to some sort of controller or computer.

The idea that this occurs naturally has never been confirmed by science.
For something like these things to occur, the brain has to somehow manipulate the external objects. To do this it needs to have some physical link capable of transferring momentum, temperature etc.
No such link has ever been detected in nature.
The closest we have come, as spidergoat mentions, is to connect the brain via electrodes to output devices capable of interpreting the identified brain-waves and acting upon them.
But the idea that the brain-waves themselves are strong enough to directly produce the effects of telekinesis or thermo-kinesis is pure fiction, scientifically speaking.
But CAN they happen?

And I meant, what is being done for these things to happen? Like, how does it work. Is the brain capable of these things?

Would it be capable with the aid of technology?

It appears to me that people have left out telepathy (some of them here), in their definitions or explanations. Point taken, point taken..
Telepathy does happen, as evidenced in my thread here in parapsychology. No one dares to post in it. I offered a valid explanation of telepathy. Can it happen? Not "can" it happen, but "does" it happen, is the question perhaps.

You're head over your heels I feel :D
It appears to me that people have left out telepathy (some of them here), in their definitions or explanations. Point taken, point taken..
Telepathy does happen, as evidenced in my thread here in parapsychology. No one dares to post in it. I offered a valid explanation of telepathy. Can it happen? Not "can" it happen, but "does" it happen, is the question perhaps.

You're head over your heels I feel :D

Sorry, Brent, but you're the one with the upside down logic.

That stuff has been tested THOUSANDS of times by universities and colleges all around the world. And not a single ONE of them had any positive results.

The only people who actually believe in that nonsense are those with mental problems and the ones who would simply like for it to be true - in other words, just nutcakes and pipedreamers.

If you or anyone else can show positive proof that telepathy works, please do so. As of yet, no one ever has.
umm guys because we cant do it doesnt mean its not possable (telipathy i mean not telikanisis). What about the hive mind of incects?
I am not going to get personal with this matter, although it appears, that one of the easiest and safest routes to take with the discussion of telepathy here on sciforums is to get personal about it. I refuse to get personal about it and dwelve into other peoples buisnesses because then it wouldn't be very debateable... if you know what I mean. Instead I am simiply going to say that the opening post has another side to it which hasn't quite been addressed, namely, post number three, what is occuring is the poster is not getting his questions, answered... Instead he is getting what would be expected from a typical sciforum resident, despite weather or not they are correct in their form of logic which personally, - personally read only, I have found a very useful thing. But, alas, it is clear that on a personal level we all have our biases and skepticisms, our own doubts and our own opinions of telepathy. No where in your post have I found any relevant information and will continue to see posts like this from you, mostly on a personal level.

Instead, all I see is "telepathy does not exist," You are on the wrong logic loop bud, no one else as of yet." .... Read Only, I must persist, I believe that telepathy exists as it is a natural phenomenon that occurs with people. It is something that happens. You may not necessarially say that telepathy exists without some serious "evidence" in your case (personal case), to back it up, but you may say "it does not exist" pfft pfft....

So, evidence is here:
Within a group of people there are "vibes." What can occur with an individual is simple: a single one of those persons could have had a hard life and could very easily within this group be experiencing these vibes on a level that relates to his hard life and experiencing in his life these vibes. The vibes are usually natural. This is all there is to telepathy. What is the subject of so much "delusional" conversation--- only the person who goes through torment knows who is right--- only you are right read only if I could subject myself to your intense debate--- but no I am deciding to defend telepathy and the justification of a post as properly as I can. As properly as anyone "could." Infact the point is only that a person can experience intense ills in his life, and the intense ills can relate with intense starvation of natural vibes and thus all the sort of funky occurances that occurs within groups would just as easily occur in his / her mind.

This is once again my theory, something to at least consider. One of the few things that has been discussed at sciforums.
The mind is an amazing thing and many amazing things are capable of happening in it. There is no need to write a "rule book" is there read only, for such occurances as there have already been thus writtenth. Right? There is no need to ... post this as... you are ... crazy...
telepathy would just be PURE empathy. As we cant know exactly how another person thinks exactly we cant have telepathy.
telepathy would just be PURE empathy. As we cant know exactly how another person thinks exactly we cant have telepathy.

Wrong. Even saying that I am myself empathetic, doesn't mean a thing either.

Point being, we CAN know exactly how another person thinks. That is where you (and your PREVIOUS post) are mistaken: it is called manipulation; one of the many side categories of telepathy and if wished to start another thread related with telepathy there are doezens which the newer members have apparently missed out on in the past (not knowing of or not you asguard are a new member).

Manipulation and such is simply picking up on the natural vibes at intense and deep levels to profound abilities of control--- that is, knowing what another person is thinking and manipulating him or her into submission without his or her knowing that it is occuring; typical survival 101.
You cant know exactly how or what a person thinks so telepathy is impossable, EMPATHY is as close as we can GET to telepathy. Twins seem to be better at it so and there have been reports of twins feeling eachothers pain but PURE telepathy will be impossable unless we could have a hive mind. You can either have inderviduality OR telepathy not both
So, evidence is here:
Within a group of people there are "vibes." What can occur with an individual is simple: a single one of those persons could have had a hard life and could very easily within this group be experiencing these vibes on a level that relates to his hard life and experiencing in his life these vibes. The vibes are usually natural. This is all there is to telepathy. What is the subject of so much "delusional" conversation--- only the person who goes through torment knows who is right--- only you are right read only if I could subject myself to your intense debate--- but no I am deciding to defend telepathy and the justification of a post as properly as I can. As properly as anyone "could." Infact the point is only that a person can experience intense ills in his life, and the intense ills can relate with intense starvation of natural vibes and thus all the sort of funky occurances that occurs within groups would just as easily occur in his / her mind.
"Vibes" are your evidence for telepathy?

Humans are able to communicate using more than words. We are able to read people using visual clues. Keep in mind that people often have similar problems and emotions. So if you are able to sometimes guess roughly what someone is thinking it doesn't require telepathy. No one has yet demonstrated an ability to know exactly what people are thinking. There's a million dollars waiting for them if they can do it.

I agree that the human mind is amazing. Don't underestimate how much it is able to work out without the use of special powers.
"Vibes" are your evidence for telepathy?

Humans are able to communicate using more than words. We are able to read people using visual clues. Keep in mind that people often have similar problems and emotions. So if you are able to sometimes guess roughly what someone is thinking it doesn't require telepathy. No one has yet demonstrated an ability to know exactly what people are thinking. There's a million dollars waiting for them if they can do it.

I agree that the human mind is amazing. Don't underestimate how much it is able to work out without the use of special powers.

Whatever, I'll get to you in a second.


I guess I will eat your post first.
Individuality?! Where, please tell--- once, did I mention A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-GGG remotely SIMILAR to "INDIVIDUALITY"???

I had said the mind is capable of amazing things and the best you come back with is that individuality" (sic) is something best left IN, the discussion of telepathy? PLEASE!!!:mad:

'hive' - 'mind' (used together) "is as close as we can get to telepathy and only an "if" hey? You guys sure are ignorant, and if anything whatsoever Read_Only must also be suprised!!!!
Ignorant fools!
The point is only that you cannot underestimate the potential that an individual can and will suffer if given inadequate protection from other individuals or any other relevant point arounding or "surrounding" this subject.

I would dare to say that y ou don't understand any of the core issues presentable to telepatahy much less able to present something infavour of it that doesn't deal with "there is no hive mind".

Please. A "hive" mind and "(shaman)has yet to be proved that others can examine the potentiality of others ability of thought" (how accurately worded this is), is pathetic--- if asked I would gladly prove it to the world as controling manipulation is a task that would be best proved by me apparently.

Irregardless I ask you fools who do not understand my arguement in this post to read it over at least 30 times.
telepathy would rule out inderviduality because in order to BE telepathic we would all have to think EXACTLY the same.

lets take a philisophical question, what is blue?
blue is the colour of your crying face (well ok its closer to purple but it works for agument sake) both of us know that but how do you know what it LOOKS like to me? What it looks like to you could be red to me and there is no way for either of us to know. There never will be either.

Now in order for you to be telepathic you would have to be able to see blue from behind MY eyes and i would have to be able to see it from behind yours, our thoughts would have to be IDENITICAL. There for telepathy is impossable

Empathy on the other hand is a method of trying to understand where a persons comming from, how there emotions and experiances have lead to a certain argument or point of view. You can do this to a greater or lesser exstent because we are both human and share simerlarties but we cant do it EXACTLY because nither of us have shared EXACTLY the same experiances. Empathy is actually a weapon to help us determine if someone is trying to better us, its main funtion is to protect against lies but it is also used for social cohesion.

Just to test this fact, i will ask anyone here who belives in telepathy to tell me EXACTLY what im thinking right now, i will open a text document to write down all my current thoughts and see how close anyone can get
Is that the best you've got?
I've already refuted it all in MY head from WAY the hell over here in florida. You're so far away that it would be impossible to telepathically enduce what you are thinking at present (such, and one of the more difficult of tasks presented by telepathy), through all of the other peoples self determinations and will powers and it all gets pretty fucking difficult to do ;)

So, instead of having the task to refute logically your post (which more than likly I will do in a second, to, pinpoint your inconsistency, I'll just leave it at this.
Is that the best you've got?
I've already refuted it all in MY head from WAY the hell over here in florida. You're so far away that it would be impossible to telepathically enduce what you are thinking at present (such, and one of the more difficult of tasks presented by telepathy), through all of the other peoples self determinations and will powers and it all gets pretty fucking difficult to do ;)

So, instead of having the task to refute logically your post (which more than likly I will do in a second, to, pinpoint your inconsistency, I'll just leave it at this.

Why waste your time writing when you can just send us all some vibes ?
Thanks for your reply. I told you there was no need to write. From now on, I too shall only send vibes. I sometimes worry, however, that they may become attenuated in the ether.