It has nothing to do with sympathizing with the person in question, and everything to do with the subjective bias in your own diagnostic criteria.
you don't even know what this is about or the criteria. it's about general patterns. it is not about one choosing one friend over another, one flavor of ice cream vs another etc. it's about people who are abusive and that they tend to have more rakshasa or demon class in their natal chart (generally). if the results were mixed, then their wouldn't be a pattern.
this isn't even just my experience as I just added that as further confirmation, this is well-known within Vedic astrology, again generally. hello?
or do you think sociopaths are actually not sociopaths because they didn't target you specifically or bomb your particular neck of the woods or a rapist to be one if they didn't rape you specifically, so therefore they are not? they most likely would if they had a chance, but they just can't get to everyone on the planet. that's essentially your ridiculous illogical rebuttal, but you are not realizing it.
it is also why those with rakshasa guna are recommended to pair up with other rakshasas because they tend to be damaging to other gunas but not to eachother, whereas human and angelic are not which makes sense because the more selfish and unethical partner will be the one usually to inflict harm.
moving on: another pattern that is found most often is that ceo's tend to generally be comprised of mostly rakshasa and angelic with little or no human guna. this is the impetus to 'rise above' humans, but this can be either positive or negative but usually, angelic in service or sacrifice of rakshasa (materialism). for instance, trump has lesser human guna also and chose the usual materialistic path. but so did ghandi (guna makeup that tends to rise above general populace in some way) but he chose an opposite path (ascetic), rakshasa in service or sacrifice of angelic (spirituality). this, again, shows people have a choice and their avenues and goals may differ. also, I had a manager whose dream was to become ceo one day also and would say so regularly and he had the same type of guna makeup. the patterning is somewhat intriguing.