The Serpents Seed


The Journey is the Reward
Registered Senior Member
The Anakim are mentioned many places in the bible - also look for the term "the children of anak".
From the Hebrew Lexicon : The name Arba = Fourth, He was the father of anak, the greatest of the giants (post flood), The Anakim ('anna -'keem)-
"The Anakim" are mentioned ten times, Duet 1:28, 2:10, 2:11, 2:21, 9:2, Jos. 11:21, 11:22, 14:12, 14:15, and Joshua 47:5.
They were however, not the only race of giants that existed after the flood. There were nearly a dozen different races of them
during the time of Israels captivity in Egypt, but by the time they left wandering the wilderness and aproached crossing the river Jordan, only a few remained, one of which was the Anakim.
The rest had already been destroyed by Israel's distant cousins - the children of Esau.
This is only a partial record of the races of giants existing after the flood. They were a throwback, decending from the giants that existed before the flood through a resessive gene, that existed in one of Noah's three sons - Ham.
Ham showed the behavior traits dispayed by Cain, who was the first hybrid man born without representation in God's "book of life". In the beginning was "Elohim". Like any father, in Him was attributes yet to be expressed, His children, the Sons and Daughters of God. The first man "Adam" was a Son of God, Eve was taken from him later as a byproduct, not in the original creation, which was how she could be deceived. There were many races of animals of the earth, which were created one higher than the next, up until one was created that could represent the image of God, "Man". The closest race of animal to "Man" was the "Serpent". The "Serpent" was a large creature, ten feet tall, walked upright, and talked. Called in the bible "more subtile than any beast of the field". Adam had both eternal life - how could something thats a part of God have a beginning or an end?, and Immortal life, contingent apon remaining connectted to his spiritual body or theophany. We are a tri-une being, body - spirit, and soul. Sin, defined here as "unbelief in God", breaks the connection nessessary for Immortal life, in this physical world.
Forget what you've been told by so-called scientist's. They are spreading lies to mislead the public from the truth.
Man was created perfect, This Earth was created in perfect balance, without seasons, or stormclouds to block the sun.
Man before the flood were smarter, lived longer, were more advanced, and more dangerous the Man today. Comparing us today to them would be like comparing a common housecat to the king of the beasts. But- there were two completely different races then, The "Sons of God" - the true desendants of Adam and Eve, and "The Sons of Men" Created when Eve was seduced in the Garden of Eden by a Male Serpent under the influence of Satan- Cain was the first of this race which ruled the world before the flood with physical strenghth and technology. The children of Seth, Adam and Eve's true son who replaced Abel, whom Cain slew, were the "Sons of God" . They had enormous lifespans, nearly 1000 years, and powers of healing, disernment, miracles, and all the powers accossiated with men of God. These two races mixed right before the flood, their tampering with the balance of nature caused the flood, and the tilt in the earths axis, causing the seasons we have today. We are a scaled down version of a mixture of both of them, with a limited lifespan ("because my spirit shall not always strive with the spirit of man, the days of a man shall become 120 years") For the purpose of testing, and childrearing of a redeemed people who's goverment shall never have an end, The sons and daughters of God, of which Jesus is the first begotton of many brethren.
Jesus was the Serpent. He pretty much admitted this in John 15:22:

If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

Jesus said that before he came and spoke to some unspecified them, there was no sin. Ask yourself, at what point did sin allegedly enter into the world? Wasn't it when the Serpent came and convinced the first couple (through Eve) to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

And then there is John 3:14:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Read the story of Moses and the brass serpent in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9)...very interesting. Be sure to also read the part where that same serpent, called Nehushtan, was destroyed, and for what reason (2 Kings 18:4). Note that a great, great, etc., grandmother of Jesus was named Nehushta (mother of Jechonias, of the "abominable branch" lineage). Consider also that the stock of Jesse is called the "serpent's root". Draw your own conclusions...
Originally posted by Nehushta

And then there is John 3:14:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Read the story of Moses and the brass serpent in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9)...very interesting. Be sure to also read the part where that same serpent, called Nehushtan, was destroyed, and for what reason (2 Kings 18:4). Note that a great, great, etc., grandmother of Jesus was named Nehushta (mother of Jechonias, of the "abominable branch" lineage). Consider also that the stock of Jesse is called the "serpent's root". Draw your own conclusions...

What is meant by this comparison was that Moses lifted the snake up on a BRANCH to prove to the world that He was on a mission from God and to show the people the way to go.

Jesus was lifted up onto the CROSS to prove that He was the Son of God and to show the people the Way to get to God.
Originally posted by New Life
What is meant by this comparison was that Moses lifted the snake up on a BRANCH to prove to the world that He was on a mission from God and to show the people the way to go.

Jesus was lifted up onto the CROSS to prove that He was the Son of God and to show the people the Way to get to God.

Ah, but you're ignoring the rest of the story. Do you know what happened to the brass serpent when the people starting worshipping it? Apparently they had missed the point that God was trying to make, and it really ticked him off. The moral of the story seems to be that people shouldn't worship the messenger, lest God's anger be stirred up so that he should destroy the messenger.
The greatest battle ever fought

Jesus is God, not His son, or His servant, or the serpent, or the second part of a two-part God , or the third part of a three-part God. He is God....
If you've seen me you've seen the father. What man would send his son to battle for him, if he was capable of doing the job himself.
He was the propitiation, the sacrifice, yes he became sin for us. to pay the price and fufill the part of the kinsmen redeamer...
One God of many offices, He was the father, when he was above us, He became the Son, when he was with us, and the Holy Ghost, when he dwells in us...
The scriptures seem to contridict but they don't if you understand them.
For instance: Jesus said baptise in the name of the father, son and holy ghost...those without understanding of the mystery of the God-head still do that to this day...but
Jesus then gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter,
and on the day of pentecost, Peter stood up and said, Be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Lord - Father, Jesus - Son, Christ - the Holy Ghost.....
The name Lord Jesus Christ -IS- the name of the father, son and holy ghost.
There is only ONE true God, not a trinty.
The brazen serpent was raised up in the wilderness and all who looked apon were healed...It is a symbol of divine healing and to this day used as a medical symbol, although some doctors don't realise it stands for divine healing. The word religion means covering. Their false religions were a cloak for their sins, but when Jesus came and spoke to them he brought them the light, and the covering of their ignorance could no longer hide them. He comes not to make peace but to divide, to make war, and to seperate...father from brother from wives and families, to seperate a people unto himself, seperated from sin. The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword...
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Re: The greatest battle ever fought

Originally posted by The Vistor
The brazen serpent was raised up in the wilderness and all who looked apon were healed...It is a symbol of divine healing and to this day used as a medical symbol, although some doctors don't realise it stands for divine healing.

You're still ignoring the rest of the story, but then that's certainly your perogative. Carry on...
Ok, I went back and read both scriptures, from Numbers and II Kings, - Which states: (4) He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.
First of all, the "HE": is Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah , and the point of the story is Hezekiah being the first king in a long time to do that which was right in the sight of the LORD,
They had begun to worship the brazen serpent, as they had taken many other idols in the past, of wood and stone also, this is not suprising, anything can be your God if you worship it, the word God means object of worship. However there is but one true God and that I beleive is Jesus Christ. The Israelites had a habit of getting away from the truth of the word, which is human nature, thats why God had to send them prophets along the way to line them back up. Now which of the prophets did they not put in the grave? No prophet is received of his own country, no testament is in force till the testator be dead. The Gentiles have done this same thing in this day also. "By teaching for doctrine the commandments of men, they make the Word of God of non-effect". The denomination's have served as a hinderence, "for not only will they not go in , but they stop others who would enter in at their gates". The jews missed their "day of visitation". There were 1954 years from the time Abraham received the promise, untill Jesus came. The Gentiles have now had an equal amount of time with the gosphel. God would be unjust if he did not send them a messinger to warn them to line back up before he judges them. And He promised to in Mal 4:5-6, a prophet to the Gentiles, before the coming of the day "that burns like an oven". This prophet came (William Branham), his message "come out of her my people" is still calling (Rev 17), and revealing (rev 18:1-4) the mystery of "Babylon the Great". The denominations rejected God's message and messenger,which of the prophets did they ever receive? and as the Jews missed their day of visitation , so do the Gentiles who hold to their traditions and creeds.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
First of all, the "HE": is Hezekiah the son of Ahaz king of Judah , and the point of the story is Hezekiah being the first king in a long time to do that which was right in the sight of the LORD,

Yes, Hezekiah destroyed the brass serpent - I never intended to convey the idea that God himself came down and did it. He practically always had someone else do his dirty work for him, and this was no exception. My point was that Jesus came to a similar end, and for pretty much the same reason. At the end, Jesus called out to God asking why he had forsaken him, while God just turned away. What does that tell you?
its not that we're ignoring the rest of the story, its that we're pointing out or clarifying certain parts for the misguided!


btw, nice to meet you The Visitor! welcome
My point was that Jesus came to a similar end, and for pretty much the same reason. At the end, Jesus called out to God asking why he had forsaken him, while God just turned away. What does that tell you?

That we are a tri-une being. Body, spirit, and soul.
Jesus was God, in human flesh. And if the spirit of God had not left Jesus there on the cross, he could not have died and become the sacrifice for us. That spirit would have keep his body alive indefinatly. You seem to try so hard to make Jesus and God the villains here, but it just doesn't hold water friend. I can tell by your screen name you have a facination with Satanic lore, and I know the Satanic bible goes to great lengths to prove that God is the devil and Lucifer is really God. It's simply not true. You should be more careful what you read.....
You are what you eat you know.
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Originally posted by Nehushta
Jesus was the Serpent. He pretty much admitted this in John 15:22:

If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

Jesus said that before he came and spoke to some unspecified them, there was no sin. Ask yourself, at what point did sin allegedly enter into the world? Wasn't it when the Serpent came and convinced the first couple (through Eve) to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

The seriousness of rejecting Christ is what is talked about in this line you have chosen. Jesus does not mean in this statement that the Jews would have been sinless had he not appeared. But he does mean that the sin of rejecting God as He really is would not have been imputed to them had they not had the revelation of God that was made through Him. But now, as things are , they have no excuse. There is no way of covering up their sin. :eek:
Originally posted by TheVisitor
I can tell by your screen name you have a facination with Satanic lore, and I know the Satanic bible goes to great lengths to prove that God is the devil and Lucifer is really God. It's simply not true. You should be more careful what you read.....
You are what you eat you know.

You can tell by my screen name that I am fascinated with Satanic lore? :D :D :D :D

Nehushta means "brass". Exactly what is Satanic about that? Actually, Nehushta was said to have been a female ancestor of Jesus, and was most likely named for the brass serpent that Hezekiah destroyed. I chose that screen name to help me focus on my current theme, which I will have to devote more time to later, as it is now time for me to start work.
Nehushta said:
Jesus was the Serpent. He pretty much admitted this in John 15:22:

If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

Jesus said that before he came and spoke to some unspecified them, there was no sin. Ask yourself, at what point did sin allegedly enter into the world? Wasn't it when the Serpent came and convinced the first couple (through Eve) to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

And then there is John 3:14:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

Read the story of Moses and the brass serpent in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9)...very interesting. Be sure to also read the part where that same serpent, called Nehushtan, was destroyed, and for what reason (2 Kings 18:4). Note that a great, great, etc., grandmother of Jesus was named Nehushta (mother of Jechonias, of the "abominable branch" lineage). Consider also that the stock of Jesse is called the "serpent's root". Draw your own conclusions...

Hi my name is christina and these words below are not my own they are the words of the prophet william marrion branham in whom God used in many ways. He tells what the brass serpent symbolizes and what it means.

The prophet speaking---->Now, closely, I want you to notice this. God shouldn't have to have this, but He's always had to have it, seemingly, some object that people could look to, some object like the brass serpent.
Now, they should not have had that, they should've believed God. But for a memorial, that there'd been an atonement, or was one coming, which the brass serpent spoke... Serpent spoke of sin; brass spoke of judgment, for judgment already; the brass serpent represented the brazen altar: sin already condemned and judged.
Like Elijah went up and looked, and Gehazi said, "Why, the skies are like brass," judgment. Brass always speaks of judgment. The brazen serpent, serpent spoke of sin. It was nailed to a pole, showing that sin would be nailed to a pole, a tree, someday for a compound cause.
When the brass serpent was lifted up in the wilderness, it was for forgiveness of sin and healing of the body. Is that right? Jesus said, "As Moses lifted up the brass serpent, so must the Son of Man be lifted up," for the same cause. One was type, and the other one was antitype.......

When the brass serpent was lifted up in the wilderness, it was for a--an ensign, that God said whosoever looks upon the serpent, believing, will be healed of their snakebite, and the snakebite was caused because they had murmured against Moses and God: sinned.
And God made an atonement for sin. And in there their sickness was an attribute of their sin. You see it? The snakebite that was killing the people was an attribute of the sin that they had committed. And when Je--when God made them an atonement for their sin, it brought in the attribute--their healing. See what I mean?
When Jesus atoned for sin, He atoned for sickness. "He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we are healed."
The apostle said, "By whose stripes we were (past tense, already) healed." It's already done; the--the price was paid.

And out of there, a very beautiful parable. What was that lifted up for, the brazen serpent? For healing. Compound reason: When they needed healing, they lifted up a brass serpent. What was it? Because they were murmuring, chiding against God and Moses. And it was for a compound reason, for they were murmuring, sinning, and they were sick and needed healing.
"And Moses," as Jesus said, "as Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness (just for the same purpose, same cause, same atonement), so must the Son of man be lifted up (compound reason) to save your soul."
And the smitten Rock that brought forth the water, that belched out into the land, to save a perishing people. "God so loved the world," in the New Testament, the type of it, the antitype, rather, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life." There you are. As that was for a perishing, dying, helpless people, that the brass serpent was lifted up, the smitten Rock was smitten to give forth Life and healing and peace, to those people, so God lifted up His Son that you should not perish but would have Everlasting Life.

These are the words of the prophet william marrion branham and i pray that they help you to understand what the brass serpent symbolized
Well Christina, thats very refreshing.
Your quote is from the message "Will I find faith when I return", preached in Los Angeles, CA. on May 8, 1951.
He was God's messinger to this age.
I went over this about three years ago with them.
What caused this thread to get "resurrected" after three years?
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Follower of Christ said:
The prophet speaking---->Now, closely, I want you to notice this. God shouldn't have to have this, but He's always had to have it, seemingly, some object that people could look to, some object like the brass serpent.

Or perhaps a man, who, just as the brass serpent, should not be worshipped as a god either? And why does God always seem to need some icon or another to save us humans from his terrible wrath? I mean, hasn't he figured out by now that we're just going to start worshipping the icon, which is just going to piss him off even more, causing him to smite us again (not to mention the icon) and then have to send another icon to save us, and so on ad infinitum? Isn't there some way he can maybe get some anger management therapy or something? :rolleyes: