The Smoking Gun Footage


Registered Senior Member
People YOU MUST check this out.



[This message has been edited by Mana (edited April 17, 2000).]
As for me, the smoke from your gun cleared away years ago. To those of us that have seen, and believe what we have seen, there are few questions to be answered. It makes me mad when these so called "scientists" deny the possibility of Aliens on this Planet.
Science once said that the Earth was the center of the Universe.
Science once said that the Earth was flat.
Science once said that man would NEVER exceed 100 miles per hour.
Science once said that man would never fly.
Science once said that man would never exceed the speed of sound.
Science once said that man would never travel in outer space.
Science maintains to this day, man will never reach the speed of light.
Don't you think that it is time for science to stop saying never and work TOGETHER to try and solve some of these questions ?
It took a large number of scientist's to build the first atomic bomb WORKING TOGETHER.
How many of you can do your job with out the assistance of others ? Don't you work together ?
Ozarky-Looks like you're in need of an upgrade. Science stopped saying 'never' years ago. You're thinking Old Scienctists. Learning by trial and error is the heart of the scientific method. Having once said 'never' was the error. The modern-day scientist says 'It is currently not possible...' or 'Most likely not...', but only the old stuffed shirts ever sit back in their ivory towers and say 'never', while us young bucks are out here rocking their worlds.

As far as that footage goes, if it's a 'smoking gun', it's only a cap gun. Faint dots on the horizon that may not be as far away as we are led to believe don't qualify as irrefutable evidence.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Oxygen, i don't think that I am that far behind, despite my age. I saw one of those
ego-maniac scientist's on the tube awhile back attempting to debunk the whole UFO scene. I don't remember his name but he said something to the effect that he was tired of hearing about OFO's and Aliens. "The next time you see one, get his license number and we'll check it out". I think it was the late Carl Sagan that said " not in this universe". Then there was the late Dr. McDonald of the University of Arizona. He could not stand the ridicule, walked out in the desert and put a gun to his head.

If you think that a slight change of language vindicates their narrow mindedness, I'm happy for you.

Chucky-That footage wasn't excatly 3D. How far away were those dots? I've done a lot of optical illusion cinematography, especially where distances are concerned.

Ozarky-Those are the guys that we're proving wrong. They don't speak for the entire scientific community. They just look better on TV.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited April 23, 2000).]
There's a plane high in the sky so high that it looks like a tiny black dot. Wait a minute, black dot? It's definately not a plane theres nothing there at all.
There is some very interesting footage on the Smoking Gun video. On piece which certainly caught my eye involves NASA's tether sattelite. In one shot the astronauts are filming the tether and you clearly hear NASA say that it's between 70 and 100 miles away. It basically gets swarmed by these luminous blobs which all seem to be moving in different directions. Now assuming they are NASA's famous ice crystals you would not expect them to pass out of sight behind the tether. However, during the course of the video you can clearly see at least two objects that do. There are many others which seem to pass behind it as well. But, for me, you can say with absolute certainty that two definately do. Now those are damm large ice crystals!

I was a bit sceptical of the video before I had seen it as I'd heard one debunker claim that the objects never pass behind the tether. Now I can say for certain that there must be something wrong with this particular lady's eyes. I really don't know how it can be disputed as it's that clear that they do.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited April 25, 2000).]
oxygen: that dot appeares to come out of the clouds.....have u even looked at the footage
I have the footage on VHS got it free from Graham burdsell last year - the footage was given away free from for a while but now there charging 11 pounds or something. The footage is great and the more we all shout the more the main stream media will take notice.



ufologyuk finding the answers
We've been shouting for years now, to what end? Most people don't want to know what is "out there", all they're concerned about is "what's in the fridge". If our shouting had ever accomplished anything, it would have been apparent in the UFO/LIGHTS OVER PHONIEX ARIZONA. All we got was laugh and a nudge, as some person dressed up as a grey came out. I, have seen, and what I saw is so far abouve and beyond the technology of today that it left no doubt in my mind. Even considering the technology of black operations - no contest. This occured in the '70's, and still no competition from us.

I'm pretty certain this stuff was not ever given away. Apart from some clips being shown in conferences, it wasn't even shown to the media until March 11th of this year.

I'm afraid we're talking about different footage.
chucky-yes, I saw the footage. I'm no pro, but as I said before, the footage is two-dimensional. We have no way of saying for sure that the dots came from out of the clouds or behind them. The black-and-white aspect only makes things that much more distorted.

It would be nice if the cameras began shooting in color, but since they're only there to record the ship's functioning (or not, as the case may be), there is no need for the extra components (and, therefore, weight) needed to generate color.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it. does not matter if it is in Black & White.......if the object appears (please note i said appears) to come from the clouds then Ice chips are not on that footage.

we would have been able to make thae object out sooner..........but this one come from the clouds.

as for footage in colour there is some very very good footage in colour..........and i am not not having a dig at you oxygen but is "appears" that you have not really looked into the NASA footage..........or you would have know about the colour footage.
In all fairness, I will go back to the site and view more of the footage and clips. I will even give the original one a few more looks. I will view all of the footage this coming Saturday and should post my opinions Sunday. Time, unfortunately, is a big factor for me. I have a pretty busy work day and get up pretty early. Very few of my lengthy posts are done on weekday mornings.

I promise to be as neutral as possible. ;)
oxygen, i thank you for your effort to have a better look.

just to get this clear do you know what mission the footage is: from what i can se it looks like STS 80, and i know of the gentlemen who has the footage and this footage is better than any other i have seen (copies).

as for STS 48 this footage has been run dry.......but the other missions STS 84 and STS 96 ask some very very good questions........i will post more later.

I took a good look at ALL of the videos on that site, and have found that most of them are standard, run of the mill, shaky, blurry camera shots. Ugh.

The one entitled "Crop Circle" was never intended as genuine footage. It was used in a documentary on crop circles as an example of the UFO theory.

The STS shots, almost all of them, led me to the field of orbital physics. I offer up this, that we still know very little about orbital physics. I do know that when things on space footage seem to pop in out of nowhere, they have actually just come into a ray of sunlight. When they are moving and just come to a dead stop (in fact even when they suddenly change directions), what has happened is that have hit a minor gravitational anomaly, thus causing their erratic behavior.

The best non-NASA footage on the site is UFO crash. Something physical definitley hits the ground. However, it could easily be a toy rocket, an RC airplane, or a drone.

I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm looking for in UFO footage to convince me. I fall into the same trap that it's either too blurry or too clear. What I do know is that I saw no smoking guns.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

i thank you for your effort..........but i ment look at the videos of the footage..........get copies do not watch the stuff on the site as it will not give a true account of the footage.

as i have said before....STS 80 is not dirt, it has nothing to do with the sunlight.

looking at websites that have footage is ok.......but looking at websites that have footage with information is better....but yet again looking at real time footage on your own TV from video tape taken from the footage is what needs to be done.
chucky- I'm afraid money is a bit tight for me to be buying UFO footage that I can't do anything about. (Life in Silicon Valley is expensive, but worth it...). As you can tell, I don't trust videotape very much, anyway. Anything that can be seen on video I could easily replicate with stuff from the dumpster down at Silicon Graphics, Inc. You'd be surprised at the stuff they have on display.

I guess I've seen too many video hoaxes to allow myself to get fooled again, and knowing how easy it is to slip things in or to dub things keeps me more than a little shy of even "official" footage. I'd rather see hard evidence, something I can pick up. I'm skeptical about that, too, but it's a little harder to fake if the observer knows their stuff.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
i agree oxygen......."hard evidence" is the best but the chances of that right now are noy very good.

i think that TRUE NASA footage is a very good source as we know it was not faked for the purpose of finding a UFO.

if i could i would send you copies of all the missions..............but right now i am very busy working on something.

ALL of you have seen nothing.........some of this new footage is very very interesting and it asks more questions............and i am not talking about the "smoking gun£ video oe footage. this new footage is still kept tight right now till work has been done.

i know for fact that NASA and Oberg are having problems getting rid of one mission the STS 84 footage...........they say its "ice" but we will have the evidence to prove that this "ice" is 2800 feet away from the shuttle (big chunk of ice) and that it seems to be intelligently controlled..........why do we think this, well lets just say that "ice" that can STOP and HOVER near Mir for about 5 seconds before flying off (and BEHIND Mir)in a different direction seems to be intelligent.

plus other footage.............more later