The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting



At the onset of Ramadan Muslims all over the world start fasting from dawn to dusk daily for 30 days as ordained in Quran.

"O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa" (Quran 2:183)

The Arabic word Taqwa is translated in many ways including God consciousness, God fearing, piety, and self restraining. Thus we are asked to fast daily for one month from dawn to dusk and avoid food, water, sex and vulgar talk during that period.

But why do we need to fast? It is our experience that temptations and ways of the world tend to spoil our purity and austerity. Thus we indulge in food all of the time, snacking and nibbling the whole day, heading to obesity. We drink too much coffee, or tea, or carbonated drinks. Some sexaholics can not stay away from sex unless they do it at least once or more a day. When we argue, we leave our decency aside and resort to vulgar talk and even physical fighting.

Now when one is fasting, he or she cannot do all of that. When he looks at the mouth watering food, he cannot even taste it and he has to give up snacking and nibbling as well as smoking cigarettes if he does. No constant coffee, tea or Coke drinking either. Sexual passions have to be curtailed and when he is provoked to fight, he says " I am fasting that I cannot respond to your provocation". To achieve God consciousness or God nearness, a better word, we are advised to do additional prayer and read the Quran.

Medical benefits of Ramadan.....
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
when he is provoked to fight, he says " I am fasting that I cannot respond to your provocation".
This, you have to cross check with what is happening in reality. :D

The funny thing is those who indulge in blood-shed during Ramdan quote Al-Badr. This is an outright insult to the prophet and misunderstanding of the situation on that day.
Appeal for Ethiopia's Starving Muslims

Addis Ababa (IINA): About half of Ethiopia’s population is Muslim, and presently the country is going through a period of famine. Over a million children are under threat of starvation, and they need urgent assistance. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has put out an appeal for donations, in order to vaccinate the children and also provide food aid to them. The total amount that is immediately needed for the purpose is US$ 7 million. Ethiopia’s Muslims look to their brethren in the Muslim world to help in this hour of need.

And where do these poor starving muslims stand in the way of ramadan, are they expected to give up something too, and if so....what??????

Rather than following some religious event, why don't you all get off your arses and do something positive to help your brothers in their time of need. Why not change the meaning of ramadin to help the less fortunate around the world, it would be more constructive than following some outdated hype. Give up your indulgences if you want - but give them to people who haven't got anything.
But why do we need to fast? It is our experience that temptations and ways of the world tend to spoil our purity and austerity. Thus we indulge in food all of the time, snacking and nibbling the whole day, heading to obesity. We drink too much coffee, or tea, or carbonated drinks. Some sexaholics can not stay away from sex unless they do it at least once or more a day. When we argue, we leave our decency aside and resort to vulgar talk and even physical fighting.

By your reasoning, Muslims either have no self-control or simply use Ramadan as an excuse to indulge themselves 11 months of the year.

Medical benefits of Ramadan.....

Long–term fasting is dangerous and can cause Ketosis of the kidneys, headaches, dizziness, constipation, muscle loss of lean tissue in vital organs like the heart.
Originally posted by (Q)
But why do we need to fast? It is our experience that temptations and ways of the world tend to spoil our purity and austerity. Thus we indulge in food all of the time, snacking and nibbling the whole day, heading to obesity. We drink too much coffee, or tea, or carbonated drinks. Some sexaholics can not stay away from sex unless they do it at least once or more a day. When we argue, we leave our decency aside and resort to vulgar talk and even physical fighting.

By your reasoning, Muslims either have no self-control or simply use Ramadan as an excuse to indulge themselves 11 months of the year.

Medical benefits of Ramadan.....

Long–term fasting is dangerous and can cause Ketosis of the kidneys, headaches, dizziness, constipation, muscle loss of lean tissue in vital organs like the heart.

First of all, Muslims have to control themselves all the time not only in Ramadan.

Second, you made general statement about how long-term fasting is dangerous, well, fasting DAILY for one month is very very healthy indeed, the link above provide more details about it, but here you have other links :

Fasting - Key to Good Health:

Fasting and Your Biological Rhythms:

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
First of all, Muslims have to control themselves all the time not only in Ramadan.
And what a splendid job some of them do in controlling themselves - NOT.
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First of all, Muslims have to control themselves all the time not only in Ramadan.

But they don’t – you just explained that to everyone. Are you now changing your story?

Second, you made general statement about how long-term fasting is dangerous, well, fasting DAILY for one month is very very healthy indeed, the link above provide more details about it, but here you have other links

Rather than linking a religious site, try reading a medical journal instead.

Sorry, I forgot, the Quran IS your medical journal.


What happened to the "In yer face" replies from Ghassan and Syrian.

I guess fasting also includes "Do not reply to infidels"!

Im not fasting , don't look for excuses when peoples don't engage in idiot debates with you , Vienna . The reasons are obvious . When will you finally kill yourself ?
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When you are observing a supposed desire of 1 person and you define a "trait" for more than a billion peoples , there is little reason for you to not kill yourself .

If it's a Muslim trait then you must be a much better Muslim then I am , since not to long ago you expressed your desire for Iraq to be nuke , which is obviously a much better actualization of this "trait" , is it not ?

Should we call you by a differenty name now , perhaps we should call you Mufakir , the thinker . :p
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
When you are observing a supposed desire of 1 person and you define a "trait" for more than a billion peoples , there is little reason for you to not kill yourself .

If it's a Muslim trait then you must be a much better Muslim then I am , since not to long ago you expressed your desire for Iraq to be nuke , which is obviously a much better actualization of this "trait" , is it not ?

Should we call you by a differenty name now , perhaps we should call you Mufakir , the thinker . :p
Ha ha...Mukafir..good one!:D

My comment on nuking Iraq was a silly one, although it would have ensured Saddam was dead and cancelled out any need for invasion..... a purely idiotic and hypothetic statement made by me, but netherless would have had the mentioned results.
Originally posted by (Q)
First of all, Muslims have to control themselves all the time not only in Ramadan.

But they don’t – you just explained that to everyone. Are you now changing your story?

Second, you made general statement about how long-term fasting is dangerous, well, fasting DAILY for one month is very very healthy indeed, the link above provide more details about it, but here you have other links

Rather than linking a religious site, try reading a medical journal instead.

Sorry, I forgot, the Quran IS your medical journal.


How stupid for someone to come and make himself SELP APPOINTED EXPERT on Islam.

Are you living with muslims to say they dont control themselves only in Ramadan ?

What do you know about Islam ??? oh yeah, FOX JEWS and the CNN is your source of information....

How stupid for someone to come and make himself SELP APPOINTED EXPERT on Islam.

Ah yes, you are unable to debate the topic so you change the subject and hurtle insults. Is this a personal character trait or a Muslim trait?

Are you living with muslims to say they dont control themselves only in Ramadan ?

Those were YOUR words in your first post. Do you not remember what you wrote?

What do you know about Islam ??? oh yeah, FOX JEWS and the CNN is your source of information....

You’ve made the point of despising everyone non-Muslim in most all of your posts. There is no need to keep repeating yourself. But if that is the only thing you know, perhaps you should stick to your usual “I wish all non-Muslims were dead” style of threads.

And besides, Islam has nothing to do with the effects of long-term fasting.
Vienna, i don't think Ghassan is a muslim.
Anyway, there can be health benefits to fasting, it can be good to take a break from what we normally do, and get some perspective. However, I don't think there is anything spiritually wrong with sex, food, cursing, or fighting. The prohibitions against these things show a discomfort with recieving pleasure from the material world, which, I feel, is our only home. Give me Halloween any day.
Originally posted by (Q)

Ah yes, you are unable to debate the topic so you change the subject and hurtle insults. Is this a personal character trait or a Muslim trait?
P S:

The muslim true trait is to IGNORE pathetic ignorants who cant put up civil debate and instead PARROT what they hear in their FOX JEWS and the CNN.


Those were YOUR words in your first post. Do you not remember what you wrote?
P S:

Actually, you dont remember what you read...scroll up and put some thick glasses buddy.


You’ve made the point of despising everyone non-Muslim in most all of your posts. There is no need to keep repeating yourself. But if that is the only thing you know, perhaps you should stick to your usual “I wish all non-Muslims were dead” style of threads.
P S :

And can you support your CRAP with some links from sciforums which show my 'despise' for everyone non-muslim !!!

Originally posted by spidergoat
Vienna, i don't think Ghassan is a muslim.
Anyway, there can be health benefits to fasting, it can be good to take a break from what we normally do, and get some perspective. However, I don't think there is anything spiritually wrong with sex, food, cursing, or fighting. The prohibitions against these things show a discomfort with recieving pleasure from the material world, which, I feel, is our only home. Give me Halloween any day.

Indeed, Ghassan is NOT muslim, he has no authority to speak about Islam, as to vienna, this man is lonely old man....give him a BIG HUG.

spidergoat : How exactly this you concluded that if I may ask ? You should reconsider that conclusion because it is incorrect .

proud syrian : Engaging in Takfir at this time of the year :(

Perhaps it is a nice time for you to think about Jihad against your Nafs e Amarah through your Nafs e Lawamah to result in Nafs e Mutmainah . Why do you not start by not posting opinions that conflict so embarisingly with your supposed striving ? Do you not feel ashamed when you engage in such things ? Does Siyam mean nothing to you ?

If one does not abandon falsehood in words and deeds, Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aala) has no need for his abandoning of his food and drink

Lost brother , don't you understand that only Allah has authority when it comes to Islam ? Authority is not to be defined by your preference , so please help yourself and refrain from acting as if it were your judgement to make .

La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illaa Billah :(

Masalaam proud syrian
The muslim true trait is to IGNORE pathetic ignorants who cant put up civil debate and instead PARROT what they hear in their FOX JEWS and the CNN.

By your reasoning, I am not what you describe because you keep responding to me – and you will continue to respond. :D

Actually, you dont remember what you read...scroll up and put some thick glasses buddy.

OK, here are your words:

It is our experience that temptations and ways of the world tend to spoil our purity and austerity. Thus we indulge in food all of the time, snacking and nibbling the whole day, heading to obesity. We drink too much coffee, or tea, or carbonated drinks. Some sexaholics can not stay away from sex unless they do it at least once or more a day. When we argue, we leave our decency aside and resort to vulgar talk and even physical fighting.

Looks to me like you can’t control yourself.

And can you support your CRAP with some links from sciforums which show my 'despise' for everyone non-muslim !!!

Sure, here you go – at this time there are 23 pages, take your pick:


You forgot the exclamation mark !

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Indeed, Ghassan is NOT muslim, he has no authority to speak about Islam, as to vienna, this man is lonely old man....give him a BIG HUG.

Ha ha... I'm not old nor lonely... but thanks for the BIG HUG anyways :)