The teacher plants


Registered Senior Member
Mushrooms? I haven't taken them but I have been reading that they are infact rather harmless physically to you, impossible to overdose and to get addicted, etc.
Certain philosophers, especialy Eastern believe that they are put here to teach us about reality.

Say I want to take a reality trip with mushrooms what am I getting myself into?
I've tried it a couple of times. It can be just about anything. It all depends on you. At first, after about 15-30 minutes, you can feel uneasy and uncomfortable. This is the critical stage, what will determine the whole experience. Some get panick attacks at this stage. You can become very conscious of your breathing. What is important here is to stay calm and remember that this stage will soon pass. Think positive thoughts. :)
After the critical stage the body becomes very "smooth". You often get lost in long thoughts. If you meditate at this point, you may have remarkable visions. Otherwise it's a very personal experience and noone can really tell you what will happen. Be in a safe environment with people you feel secure with.
Although, I do not recommend mushrooms to anybody that is not ready for a life altering experience and definitely not to anyone under 25.
Our yard is full of those weird mushrooms especially after a rain fall. No one I know of eats them here. However, we had a house guest from up north who went bananas looking at them and took some with him. I think it is a risky proposition.
Are you saying that you have a goldmine in your backyard and didn't even know about it? :eek: :D
Why don't you try making a nice cup of tea with them?
I dont want to risk it. Besides I do not need shroom help - I can meditate to get the same effect....:D

Is it true that certain drugs are capable of producing out of body experiences?

How am I supposed to know....I dont do drugs... :D

I have talked to my kid's friends who have done LSD, but later regretted it because apparently LSD somehow binds to certain receptors and stays there for many years. Once a while it will send electro-chemical signals that would produce hallucinations in unpredictable times.

I have taken Halcyon for dental procedures - except reducing anxiety level, it did not do anything weird. Same for most standard prescription drugs. Because I grew up as hyper active, codiene keeps my mind clear and pain free while simple antihistamines wipe me out. Weird huh?
yeah( said with wry smile...)...

I asked one of my friends who is into it,Says that Marijuana produces OBE experiences where you feel like flying...

Marijuana does produce a floaty feeling and numbs the senses. It also has different effect depending on your personality. Since it does not produce crystal clear experiences that you can remember after the effect wears out...I am not sure you can be in control to do anything. May be your friend can answer that....
Marijuana that's high in THC, can produce hallucinations and OBE's in inexperienced smokers. I can personally vouch to the former.
Mushrooms, LSD, and other hallcinogens in my opinion can have the effect of forcing you to face things about yourself that you might not have realized or were in denial of. This can be very helpful if it happens in the right environment and very dangerous if not.
A lot of research was done on using drugs like these in psychotherapy before they were banned.
A great source of information on issues like these is