The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

lol, it looks like some kind of secret group sabotaged your post =]
The Freemasons were a group of (Jewish) people who were slaves forced to build the pyramids, until one of them discovered time-travel, and freed the masons. Hence there is this:
on the United States' dollar bills. :D
wow. See that!!! I posted the link to the article and its gone and I didn't even write interesting. I posted the link to the article. And the funny as hell thing is I can't even find the article on the net. Let me do a name search now.
I disagree with the Freemasons being linked with Satanism! Besides, I doubt that you, Muslim, truly know what the 'one eye' represents.
The Satanic Bible was written by Dr. Anton Szandor Lavey, not Anthony Sans Delivi...where's the proof that any of this is real? Since when is Matt Groening an anarchist?
Spectrum said:
I disagree. I believe the all-seeing-eye represents the fact that the Freemasons see all. :)

Do you mean that in a metaphorical sense or do you mean they can actually see you all the time. And there is an interesting choice of words you used there.
Spectrum said:
The Freemasons were a group of (Jewish) people who were slaves forced to build the pyramids, until one of them discovered time-travel, and freed the masons. Hence there is this:
on the United States' dollar bills. :D

Time travel? Why didn't they save 6 million Jews from Hitler? :confused: only a bad person would not save someone from oppression.

Actually that makes more sense the pyramid and the "one" eye. You'd have real problem judging distance. Still even the strongest beast can be destroyed, Prophet David vs Goliath! by the planning of god. God is the best of planners.

Are you a Freemason by any chance?
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1 dollar

the inscription below: Novus Ordo Seclorum (new order of ages) reflects the desire of the founders of the United States -- several of whom were freemasons -- to establish a new order in the west. Also... the eagle seems to be a rosicrucian symbol. dunno
I'll tell you what I heard about it.
The eye in the pyramid is "The Great Seal" of God.
The great pyramid was built before the flood by Enoch and the sons of god to reflect the plan of the future salvation of mankind.
Thats what a so- called "Egyptian" pyramid is doing on the back of a one dollar bill.
The U.S.A. was founded ..."In God We Trust".
The other emblem on the right side of the one dollar bill is the seal
"Of the United States", with 13 arrows, she had 13 colonies ect....
They are separate..."The Great Seal", and "Of The United States".
are two different things.
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TheVisitor said:
I'll tell you what I heard about it.
The eye in the pyramid is "The Great Seal" of God.
The great pyramid was built before the flood by Enoch and the sons of god to reflect the plan of the future salvation of mankind.
Thats what a so- called "Egyptian" pyramid is doing on the back of a one dollar bill.
The U.S.A. was founded ..."In God We Trust".
The other emblem on the right side of the one dollar bill is the seal
"Of the United States", with 13 arrows, she had 13 colonies ect....
They are separate..."The Great Seal", and "Of The United States".
are two different things.

Thats wrong god has no sons.
according to bible he has... and also according to many other ancient myths... hercules... sons of ra... etc.
The free masons are servents of satan. Most of their members do not know this but those who are in the higher levels know that they serve lucifer. The eye in the capstone is satan.

Why would they save the Jewish people and help them establish the state of isreal? Because they know that this must happen before the coming of their christ. (the anti-christ) It is not out of love that they save and help the Jews, on the country they hate the Children of Abraham and will gladly take part in the final extermination of the Jewish people. Israel to them is the final concentration camp that must be protected until satans purpose has been fulfilled. The jews will accept the anti-christ as the Messiah when He comes to protect them from the arabs. His act of protecting and destroying the arab enemies of the Jews is part of the deception. This Israel has been set up by a synagogue of satan, It is there for one purpose to set up the world for the great deception. Of course the arabs are playing their part to a tee, their bloody terrorism they call jihad is hated by more and more of the worlds people as they come to taste it in their countries. The Anti-christ will be cheered on as His army liquidates the arab nation of the face of the earth.

The masons have their stamp all over Israel.

There is only one road leading from Eilat to the Egyptian border at Taba and the last circle before getting to the border you will find this Masonic Memorial in the middle of the road.



So at the border of Israel this sits as a signal to all. Notice how the all seeing eye in the capstone of the pyramid is connected to the pyramid. When the US dollar was designed satanic plan was near to completion but now the all seeing eye has reached its destination the mission is complete.

And take a tour of the panicle of Law in Israel, the high court of Israel:


Notice the green glass Pyramid poking out of the top of the building with the all seeing eye on the capstone?

For a better view just click on the link and have a guided tour of this abomination.

The High Court of Isreal a guided tour

Their plans will come to nothing The true God of Abraham will catch them in their own craftiness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A prophet said it was as I stated, the capstone is Christ, not lucifer.
The illuminati story is full of disinformation. The Jews were supernaturaly blinded for a season so the rest of man could receive salvation.
The Jews aren't some evil race because they called for the crucifiction of Christ.
It was done by God to save life.
They are the original olive tree, the rest of us were wild branches only grafted in because they were blinded by God.
Read the New Testement.
Don't be decieved by lies and disinformation.
The kingdom cometh not with observation.
no jewish slaves were used to build the pyramids. thats been debunked pretty much fully at this point.

and yeah wow The Visitor - you need to go to history class, starting probably with like 3rd or 4th grade and work your way up. the great pyramid wasnt built by any sons of god before the flood or whatever. your mind is a wasteland.
yeah, the capstone is identified with Jesus, the trinity, the eye of horus (same as christ), "The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner", or 'chief cornerstone'. Psalm 118:22, Matthew 21:42

charles cure said:
the great pyramid wasnt built by any sons of god before the flood or whatever.

how do you know?
The cornerstone is Not the capstone They are different stones.

Psalm 118
22 The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
23 This was the LORD’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.

How prophetic can it get. :) The masons rejected the cornerstone for the capstone they rejected Jesus for lucifer.

Acts 4
8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: 9 If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, 10 let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

All Praise The Ancient Of Days