What is the origin of the expression "the whole nine yards" for entirety? In particular, why "nine"?
Hardly.during world war 2 the 50 cal machineguns on american fighters were loaded onto the planes in drums that when laid out equaled 9 yards so to fire the whole nine yards was to give it everything you had.
I lack the enzyme to digest sports (inherited that mutation from my father) so I'm the last person to speak with authority about the rules of American football. Nonetheless, five minutes of Googling convinces me that penalties are only in multiples of five: five yards, ten yards or fifteen yards.I thought it had to do with a penalty in football, where the opposition has to move back nine yards
Until late in the war, the most commonly used fighters by the army air force were various models of the P-40, most of which used 50 cal. machine guns.Hardly.
P-51B - 4 guns: 350 rounds inner, 280 outer. That's a total of 1260 rounds at 1/2" diameter = 17.5 yards for bullets alone (excluding gaps and links).
Later versions (P-51D) had 6 guns, 1880 rounds = 26.1 yards. (Again, excluding gaps and links).
Late in the war? P-51 entered service just over a year after Pearl Harbour (March '43 for the P-51A [Allison engine]).Until late in the war, the most commonly used fighters by the army air force were various models of the P-40, most of which used 50 cal. machine guns.
If you really want to spend some time getting frustrated, try divining the origin of the word "okay." There are many fairly sensible candidates. There are four that I personally judge to have the highest probability of being true, but they all lack an adequate paper trail.In summary, this is just one of those idiomatic phrases that defy explanation. This may not be satisfying, but it is not uncommon in English.
The citation posted by DH addresses this possible origin and hastens to add that it was quite common for square-rigged vessels to have eighteen yards rather than nine.Aye, mateys, you scalawags have certainly spun many a good yarn betwixed the lot of you. Avast, and look alive now, as the wind has come about the yard arm, and we must fill all this tall ships sails, to make Tripoli by the fortnight. Give her the full nine yards (3 masts x 3 yards per mast), and be quick about it.
Another possiblity is earlier dump trucks, like for delivering gravel or dirt. Nine cubic yards would have been a typical load (not today - trucks have gotten bigger).
If you dumped the whole truck in one spot you gave it the whole 9 yards.