the zodiac killings


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i was watching the movie zodiac and i was wondering have the police ever had any suspects in mind over these

i have been trying to find infomation on the net but havent been able to find any on who the police think might have done it

reading the infomation i would have thought the journilist would have been a suspect to be honest
Cheri Jo Bates was the first victim, she was a pretty one...someone who went to college with her is the killer. I am sure of it
i have been trying to find infomation on the net but havent been able to find any on who the police think might have done it

For fuck's sake, the movie is CLEAR about who the zodiac killer was. Even if you didn't watch it carefully, if you look up in the Wikipedia they have the dude's name. He was never charged with it, because they didn't have anough evidence. Nevertheless when he was in prison for unrelated offenses, the murders stopped...

He died of a heartfailure a decade ago, I think....
Arthur Leigh Allen

Though many people have been suspected of being Zodiac through the years, only one, Arthur Leigh Allen (December 18, 1933 - August 26, 1992), was seriously investigated. In July 1971, roughly 18 months after the first undisputed Zodiac murders, a friend of Allen's reported his suspicions about him to the Manhattan Beach Police Department, and the report was forwarded to the SFPD.[59] When questioned later, Allen claimed, without prompting, that the bloody knives he had in his car the day of the Lake Berryessa Zodiac attack (September 27, 1969) had been used to kill chickens. When asked if he had read The Most Dangerous Game -- the famous short story referenced in the 408-symbol cipher -- Allen replied affirmatively and said it had made an impression on him.[59]

Allen was the only suspect in the case against whom police had enough evidence to execute not just one, but three search warrants: on 14 September 1972; 14 February 1991; and 28 August 1992, two days after he died.[59][60] At the time Zodiac was making his threats against school bus children, Allen was working in a school as a custodian. Allen denied his guilt in interviews, and there was only circumstantial evidence against him.[61][62]

Police found no physical evidence to prove that Allen was the Zodiac Killer, and the Vallejo Police Department chose not to press charges against Allen, a felon, despite finding weapons and explosive components in his home following the 1991 search.[61] Ultimately, Allen's handwriting did not match the Zodiac's, his fingerprints did not match those suspected to be Zodiac's, no concrete evidence linking him to the Zodiac killings was ever found, and recent DNA testing on suspected Zodiac letters in 2002 did not provide a match.[63][64] However, neither Vallejo nor SFPD ruled Allen out after the test results.[65]
More famous than the Zodiac killer, is the Paper-Clue killer.

He left messages from cut out letters from magazines and news papers. Including as it was later determined from several precincts.

Lends to itself, I guess. The worse was near San Antonio. Where the killer killed nearly every cop and detective in town.
...and you say that because....

Actually, that is a clue. Several times serial killers know one of the victims and they do the rest of the murders just to cover the original one up. Or that's how they get into the business, recognizing that they like murdering people...
...and you say that because....

dude she is hot, she would be thinking highly of herself and not meet a custodian dude but be meeting someone her own age and young and educated. Unless she was a total case :p I need to see her grades there...

My problem with this was

A) i never found any tests on the blood on the knives to SEE if it was human or chicken
B) the fingerprints didnt match
C) the DNA didnt match and
D) the handwriting didnt match

Again not conclusive but it sort of hints that either he was a) smart enough to know about DNA YEARS before the tech existed to test it and was bloody careful or b) it was someone else

If it was a) why wasnt he more careful that NOTHING linked him
If b) who could it be?
Here is how much I remember since I saw the movie a year or so ago:

The police screwed up at the first interview because they didn't get a house search warrant and Allen moved from his trailer in the next 2 weeks, getting ride of any possible evidence.
While he was in prison, the murders and the mails stopped. It immediatelly restarted once he was released.
I forgot it was the reporter or the detective, but he was getting strange phonecalls. When he confronted Allen in the hardware store, the phonecalls stopped. He also knew one of the victims, I think the first one.

Those are pretty good evidence for me, plus lots of smaller ones. He died in 1992, so I am not sure what kind of DNA they got from him, since the DNA was done in 2002. The writing is easy, since he knew they gonna exemine his letters he could have used his left hand or just deliberatelly wrote in a different style. I am not sure we ever had the murderer's fingerprint at all. Had I been the killer, I would have tried to use paper touched by others...

So I guess B,C,D can be explained quite easily. He also offered the explanation for the bloody knieves without being asked. Also read the book referenced and it left a big impression on him.

The reporter wrote a book on the murders and he was pretty sure Allen was the guy...

Edit: About the no DNA match: "In 2003, due to Allen's alleged habit of having others lick his stamps and envelopes (he claimed the taste of glue made him sick)"
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Hey, look what I have found for you, everything you ever wanted to know about the Zodiac killer, but were too lazy to find it for yourself:

According to his brother, Ron, Allen was given a Zodiac watch as a Christmas gift from their mother in 1967. (Allen's estimation of when he received the watch was July or August 1969.) The logo for the Zodiac watch is a cross-circle symbol, the same as eventually used by the Zodiac killer.

According to police statements, within days of receiving the watch, Allen is alleged to have made these claims to his friend, Don Cheney:
(Allen used the premise of writing a novel to communicate this fantasy. Cheney estimates the conversation took place on Jan. 1, 1969.)
He would like to kill couples at random.
He would taunt the police with letters detailing his crimes.
He would sign the letters with the cross-circle symbol from his watch.
He would call himself "Zodiac."
He would wear make-up to change his appearance.
He would attach a flashlight to the barrel of his gun in order to shoot at night.
He would fool women into stopping their cars in rural areas by claiming they had problems with their tires, then loosen their lug nuts and eventually take them captive.

Don eventually took this information to the police and, in 1972,....

What do you think? Damn good circumstancial evidence....
Allen claimed, without prompting, that the bloody knives he had in his car the day of the Lake Berryessa Zodiac attack (September 27, 1969) had been used to kill chickens.

That was from your quote, now the police would have sizeased the knives and they would (i would assume) still in evidence somewhere. Surly once DNA testing had become avialable they would have been tested

I the police COULD have been wrong about the rest but at the same time the it could have been a coincidence that the letters stoped as well.

Your right that serial killers are either caught, killed or are put in jail for something else. At least i have never herd of a serial killer who stoped killing by him/herself however this isnt proof that he was the killer, it IS suspicious but isnt proof. Someone else could have been in jail for the same timeframe or someone could be overseas or the real killer could have been deliberatly setting the guy up
sorry i dont know the dates, did he claim this to the police before or AFTER the details were releaced?

If it was before your right, it is VERY good evidence (unless it was a cop or someone else with access to the file) however if it was after the killings then its suspect because people often rember things wrong or try to justify things to themselves after seeing something somewhere else
They have a whole discussion board at the above site, honestly, I don't want to go into this deeper. I wouldn't have a problem flipping the switch on his electric chair...To me the evidence is conclusive...
fair enough, i just found the case interesting but then i didnt have to live through it. I found the Gand land killings terrifying because they were so open and innocent members of the public were getting caught up in it but as my thread on underworld proved americans could care less about almost 30 deaths here because the atachment isnt there

Im sorry if this thread disterbed you:(
I am not disturbed, I just lost interest going into too many details and there is a specialized message board for the topic, if you want to pursue it further...