Theist or atheist


time for change.
Registered Senior Member
Are you theist or atheist?
Also include one statement or so that justifies why you believe in God or not.
Yourself, meaning why you have chosen to be either theist or atheist, what is something that makes you the way you chose to be.
Theist, christian specifically, but my own simple flavor of it. I like the concept that an omnipotent being wants my company, and has made an allowance for my failure to meet the requirements to be in His presence. How about you, laladopi?
Theist, Christian in a sense. I don't have to do anything, as long as I have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to use, i will eventually find the bliss of God.
Are you theist or atheist?
Also include one statement or so that justifies why you believe in God or not.

Atheist. I don't believe because I know all human 'God' claims are false AND I know why people believe 'God' exists.
Mr. Hamtastic, at least we know, that if we except Jesus Christ as our savior we will never be tempted by Satan. the strong will of Satan is amidst us. i hope you are not part of the anti christ.

I beleive in a force greater than we are which infuences everything we do and is essentially equivalent to common conceptions of God, and more powerful than any God I know of.

This force, however, is not a cognizant being and has no will of it's own.
I beleive in a force greater than we are which infuences everything we do and is essentially equivalent to common conceptions of God, and more powerful than any God I know of.

This force, however, is not a cognizant being and has no will of it's own.
The laws of physics?
Mr. Hamtastic, at least we know, that if we except Jesus Christ as our savior we will never be tempted by Satan. the strong will of Satan is amidst us. i hope you are not part of the anti christ.


Jesus Christ himself was tempted by satan, and you expect to be free from it? The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to resist temptation, but we still face it daily, unless of course you live in a sealed off hole in the ground. Even then, you will be tempted by satan.

As far as not being part of the anti-christ, I've had that said to me before, to which I respond, Jesus did not come for the religious, but for the sinners. He offered salvation and redemption to those who were otherwise religiously shunned. He took organized religion to task for misrepresenting the Father. I hope I'm not part of the anti-christ, too. I hope that you are not as well. :)