"Thought For The Day !"

Athely, you're a worry.....

The parting of friends is a sorrowful thing indeed.

I just lost an awesome roommate today, sorry for the glumnness
Na, you wrote something a page ago or somehting, that was quite random.

"Destruction is the base of creation"
"You never know what you have until you don't have it"
If you focus too much on the past and you forsake your future.
If you focus too much on the future you foresake your life.
If you focus on the Now you will find the truth of your existance.

The past has gone,
have no regret.
The future is a fantasy
That is to happen yet.
The Now is all there really is
And all you ever really get.
Where it's at? I got two turn-tables and a microphone.


we, a sea of mind
thinking, feeling, living - flow
meaning comes and goes