Tight Clothing


Registered Senior Member
For the sake of this free thought I will use the term centre weight. This does NOT mean that I feel there is an 'ideal weight' or that it is 'wrong' to be above or below this weight. My own personal opinion is that unless it makes you unhealthy or unable to complete simple, common tasks it's your choice.

That said, I don't feel like looking at everyone else's fat. And I use the term fat because I'm honest. To say someone is "overweight" instantly implies that there is an ideal weight which one could go over. Which seems kind of contradictory to what people who use the term "overweight" want us to think. Confuses the hell out of me. Anyway....

In the world today there is fashion trend which I, one with very minimal knowledge in fashion, assume has been going on since about the sixties. That trend (if you can call 40 year fashion a trend) is tight, revealing clothing. Nearly every clothing company in North America has billboards up of attractive individuals with nicely toned bodies wearing tight clothing. For the men, it is often tight to show off the abs and chest. For a woman, it usually reveals the stomach and is to show off the ass and breasts and legs. The key word here is "show off".

The term to show off indicates that you have something to show off. If you have nothing to show off, you can't very well show it off. After all, how is it possible to show off your wealth if your poor? I would like to state plainly and straight forward for all the men and women in particular (as increasingly they are the ones wearing tight clothing MUCH more often) of sciforums - if you do NOT have it, do NOT flaunt it. If you have very small breasts, do not wear clothing designed to show off natural breasts. If you have an unnatractive rear and you know it, please don't wear pants designed to show off a nice ass. And I would like to make this clear now - when I say clothing designed to show nice breasts or nice ass or nice legs or nice stomach I mean "nice" in the sense of the common North American view and what the clothes are designed for as, of course, beauty is subjective.

Those two things though (breasts, ass) aren't my major concern. My major concern is women who are not of centre weight who wear extremely tight tops and jeans who have their stomachs showing or their ass accentuated or anything else like that. For the love of god almighty why do they do this? It confuses the hell out of me. I know for a fact that tight clothing is not particularily comfortable. There is very little tight clothing I have worn that was more comfortable than sweats and a t-shirt. And I have never once heard a woman say "yeah, these tight, tight jeans are so easy to get into and comfortable". So it's obviously not for comfort reasons. All I can think of is to attract men (or, women I suppose). Well, here it is from a typical male - THAT IS NOT ATTRACTIVE!!!! It is so very detrimental to a woman's (or a man's) appearance to wear clothing which is not fit for their body design. There is very, very few men who wish to look at a 5'2 150 lbs. woman's gut spill out from the bottom of her tight shirt or see a 5'5 165 lbs. woman's ass in the tightest jeans imaginable. These articles of clothing are designed for people with today's North American "ideal weight" or just above/below. Here's a little tip - if you could loose 20-30+ lbs through exercise and a healthy (not eating too little) diet and remain in a perfectly healthy weight you should never be wearing tight, tight clothing. It is unpleasant to look at. If you wore a t-shirt and some loose jeans or sweatpants or anything not tight I say all the power to you, enjoy whatever healthy weight you wish to maintain and I will respect you just as much. But do not try to flaunt what you don't have. Remember - you would laugh at the pauper showing off his wealth.

While I'm on the subject I would liek to address two minor issues as well. The term BBW and the phrase "Proud to be Fat!". The former I am willing to bet every young male on this board at some time or another ran across while searching for pictures of hot girls and quickly learned BBW stands for Big Beautiful Woman. This is a minor issue as I am simply opposed to the term. Just as being thin or fit does not equal beautiful, in no way does being fat equal beautiful.

The second is something I've seen on a few occasions. I've seen it as a bumper sticker and as a little graphic on numerous neo-Feminist site. And no, I'm not going to rant on the feminists now as I don't equate Proud To Be Fat to feminism. However, this saying is stupid and irresponsible. No person should be "proud" to be fat. For starters, the term "proud" implies satisfaction over an act one or a group completed. There is ZERO skill, ability or practice necessary to become fat. Therefore, I see no reason to have pride because there is no accomplishment. Second, no individual, in my opinion, should be content with being fat (again I remind you I refuse to use the term overweight here because that implies an ideal weight). You should not be happy to be fat IF (and this is a biiiiiig if) you have the ability to loose weight. Being within a certain weight (which differs for every individual's height and body type) will allow one to be better at athletics, more mobile, healtier and believe it or not, better suited for business and social interaction. Plus, for most people it tends to increase self confidence. However, IF you are one of those individuals for whom it is extremely difficult or impossible to loose weight with a healthy method I have absolutely no disrespect and totally understand the situation. For those individuals I see how depression over one's body weight occurs, however I feel they should eventually be accepting and content with their body (thoguh I realize just how much easier it is to say than to do). That said, the vast majority of people simply don't do enough exercise and have poor diets. Having troubles loosing weight? Run 6 or 7 km (that's about 4.5 miles to Yanks) 4 or 5 days a week and within months I guarantee a visual notice in weight lose. Can't run that far? Build up to it. It takes time, but so what. Of course, there are also individuals who simply don't have the time to run that distance every day. Eat healthy and get in exercise when you can. And be content with your body style because obviously there is little time for you to do what it would take to get in better shape. That said, for a while I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to run 10k after usually waking up at around 11 (it was too hot in Toronto to run during the day).

I suppose my only reason for posting this is because tomorrow is back to school and I am guaranteed to encounter countless very out of shape women in skin tight shirts and jeans designed to show off their 36 waist. Please, please. For the love of god either give me a logical reason to wear these clothes (comfort is not the answer because that's a lie and to look attractive to men/women is not the answer because, as I said, tight clothing on a woman not fit to wear tight clothing is one of the least attractive things I know of) or put on a fucking pair of loose pants and a t-shirt.

And I assume right about now I'll have a few ladies on my back for being sexist or uncaring!
I agree with you

*ducks for fear of the barrage of incoming fire*

I've seen many overweight women who have walked down the road wearing nothing but a tight mini-skirt and a boob-tube. Its not nice, especially if you have to walk behind her

*peeks head over the trench, incoming hail of bullets forces him to seek furthur refuge*
*Xev resettles her glasses on her nose and looks sternly at the crowd*

A "fat" woman wearing tight clothes is mostly a black and Hispanic custom. You see, in many cultures, extra fat is considered appealing in a woman. It shows that she has access to extra resources.

This is especially important in hot, dry climates where drought is common. When blacks were brought to America as slaves, many brought these tastes with them. There isn't half as much of a stigma against being "fat" in Afro-American culture, and I believe this is why.

In addition, Afro-American women are taught to "flaunt it" more than white women are. Observe a group of black women and a group of white women. The black women will be, likely, much more comfortable with their bodies. If you are a conessiuer of human behaviour (as I am) you'll likely agree that this is much more fun to watch.

Not to sound something-ist, but white folks is uptight.

Interestingly enough, this bleeds into interracial relationships, which I think is a symptom of the trend's relatively virgin territory - the dominent, white, culture.

It's hardly that black women don't want to lose the extra weight. It's more that their sub-culture doesn't stigmatize "fatness" as much as the dominent, white culture does.

You see, Tyler and Thor, most cultural traditions do not change just to fit your desire to ogle members of the opposite sex. This particular tradition has survived thousands of years and the disruption that slavery caused.

Now it is true that it only takes one generation to change a culture, and I also believe that the strength of most passing cultural fads declines in an inverse square relationship. But I don't see this changing soon, for the reason I outlined above, and for the further reason that it is beginning to cross over into white culture.

But women's fashions depend very little on what men think. Contrary to popular belief, women's fashions don't have bull shit to do with attracting men.

They have much more to do with exerting power over women. Your gender, Tyler and Thor, is only a tool in this.

Whooops! I am going off on a completely different tangent. And this is more a personal theory about women, less a well verified hypothesis.

See how interesting things can be when we think with our brains rather than other parts of our anatomy? ;)
Now that doesn't explain why British women are doing it.

Woah woah woah woah. You mean when women spend all that time buying expensive 'fashion' items and putting on 'fashionable' make up when they go out, it isn't to attract men. Ummmm, interesting. Now, what are said women trying to attract, moose?
"This is especially important in hot, dry climates where drought is common. When blacks were brought to America as slaves, many brought these tastes with them. There isn't half as much of a stigma against being "fat" in Afro-American culture, and I believe this is why."

As I recall, it also stood as a measure of wealth in centuries past in Europe. However, these cultures have changed. And, to the best of my knowledge, I have yet to meet one male who says "hmm, that girl has some extra baggage. She MUST be wealthy!" I can only conclude that North American and European men have grown out of aligning the two. Are you suggesting women have yet to go through this same awakening?

"You see, Tyler and Thor, most cultural traditions do not change just to fit your desire to ogle members of the opposite sex. This particular tradition has survived thousands of years and the disruption that slavery caused."

Which tradition? Wearing tight clothing? So you're saying hte logical and acceptable reason for a man or woman to wear tight clothing is because hundreds of years ago in a far away land it showed that your family had money? Or the tradition of not caring about weight? Again I ask whether this is at all logical? If you're wanting to debate me about being in a healthy, fit condition that's fine, I'm open to that. But I highly doubt that it's logical to follow hundreds-years old traditions when the meaning and purpose behind them has ceased to exist for quite some time.

"But women's fashions depend very little on what men think. Contrary to popular belief, women's fashions don't have bull shit to do with attracting men."

Like I said, I know very little about fashion. So then, why do fat women wear tight clothing? To maintain a meaningless tradition that they probably know little to nothing about with a purpose that has long been dead? I doubt that. And as I said, comfort and attracting men don't fit. To me, it's always been apparent that these women wear tight clothing because it is (a) popular and (b) attracts men for some women (those who fit the clothes) and therefore they figure it can help with them.

"See how interesting things can be when we think with our brains rather than other parts of our anatomy"

Okey dokey. I'm just a little confused at what your point is, so if you clarrify that it would be a big help. Are you trying to say that it is logical for fat women and men to wear tight clothing? Are you trying to say that I should be okay with fat women and men wearing tight clothing? Are you trying to say fat men and women wear tight clothing because of a tradition that few of them know about and even fewer understand in depth? Are you trying to say fat men and women wear tight clothing because it still gives off the impression of wealth? Help me out here!

And oh yes, I was definetly thinking in part with my anatomy. That is, my eyes and stomach. Which can hardly take another years worth of fat men and women in tight clothing.
Now that doesn't explain why British women are doing it.

I believe that this is a significant component. First lesson of sociology ---> there is no one answer to a phenomena.

Woah woah woah woah. You mean when women spend all that time buying expensive 'fashion' items and putting on 'fashionable' make up when they go out, it isn't to attract men. Ummmm, interesting. Now, what are said women trying to attract, moose?

No, I never said that. Please take the time to read my posts, mmkay? I extend you the same courtesy.

My contention is that attracting men is likely secondary to competing with other women.

Are you female, Thor? I'm assuming not, giving your nick.

How much time do you spend shopping with women?

Tyler, you have some weird paraphilia centering on straw men and my posts?

As I recall, it also stood as a measure of wealth in centuries past in Europe. However, these cultures have changed. And, to the best of my knowledge, I have yet to meet one male who says "hmm, that girl has some extra baggage. She MUST be wealthy!" I can only conclude that North American and European men have grown out of aligning the two. Are you suggesting women have yet to go through this same awakening?

Either you're deliberatly twisting my post or you have no knowledge of sociology. Actually, this may be the case.

In which case, you should be properly humble with a woman who knows more about it than you do, shouldn't you?

The decision is not made on a conscious level.

Which tradition? Wearing tight clothing?

No, nitwit, try reading my post.

So you're saying hte logical and acceptable reason for a man or woman to wear tight clothing is because hundreds of years ago in a far away land it showed that your family had money? Or the tradition of not caring about weight? Again I ask whether this is at all logical? If you're wanting to debate me about being in a healthy, fit condition that's fine, I'm open to that. But I highly doubt that it's logical to follow hundreds-years old traditions when the meaning and purpose behind them has ceased to exist for quite some time.

No, I'm not saying that at all.

Human behaviour is rarely logical. I think I realized this when I was 9 or 10 at the latest. You've got some catching up to do, kiddie.

Like I said, I know very little about fashion. So then, why do fat women wear tight clothing? To maintain a meaningless tradition that they probably know little to nothing about with a purpose that has long been dead? I doubt that. And as I said, comfort and attracting men don't fit. To me, it's always been apparent that these women wear tight clothing because it is (a) popular and (b) attracts men for some women (those who fit the clothes) and therefore they figure it can help with them.

What are you babbling about? Cultural traditions (in this case, flaunting or being unconcerned with weight) live for thousands of years.

Do you have any clue how long european culture has been fucking using primarily the missionary position? There is a valid reason for this, but it's endured for thousands of years.

Okey dokey. I'm just a little confused

That seems to be chronic.

at what your point is,

That seems about as chronic.

Are you trying to say that it is logical for fat women and men to wear tight clothing?

No, why would I care?

Since when did logic determine fashion patterns? And since when did you become Mr. Spock?

Are you trying to say that I should be okay with fat women and men wearing tight clothing?

Your views are irrelevent. If you cannot look at this as a scientist, or at least a semi-rational person, I'll bow out of the discussion.

I find this phenomena fascinating, however.

Are you trying to say fat men and women wear tight clothing because of a tradition that few of them know about and even fewer understand in depth?

Bingo. My aren't you a smart one!

Are you trying to say fat men and women wear tight clothing because it still gives off the impression of wealth?

This may have some relevence.

And oh yes, I was definetly thinking in part with my anatomy. That is, my eyes and stomach. Which can hardly take another years worth of fat men and women in tight clothing.

Nur überlebt das starke, eh?
Everyone has their own idea of what beauty is. If a heavy person feels comfortable in tight clothing it means that they find themselves beautiful - which is all what we all should strive for - to feel comfortable in our own skin. How do you not know that the heavy person looks at someone thin and thinks 'yuck, have a steak or something!'.
Perhaps you should try looking at people in the eye and judging a persons beauty on their actions and speech.
"In which case, you should be properly humble with a woman who knows more about it than you do, shouldn't you?"

Hence the multiple questions I ask thrughout my entire posts.

"The decision is not made on a conscious level."

Granted. So then what is it on a subconscious level? Do they know of the tradition and wish to continue it (please take notice there's a question mark there, not a period)? I doubt it, however I'm curious.

"No, nitwit, try reading my post."

You were talking about flaunting one's body. Then you said - this tradition has not died out. So I said "Which tradition? Wearing tight clothing". What am I missing??

"Human behaviour is rarely logical. I think I realized this when I was 9 or 10 at the latest. You've got some catching up to do, kiddie."

Go read my first post, you seem to have forgotten it by now. The point was that there is zero logic what so ever in wearing tight clothing if it does no good for your appearance or comfort. Therefore, I am asking that the action stops completely.

"What are you babbling about? Cultural traditions (in this case, flaunting or being unconcerned with weight) live for thousands of years."

To quote my first post - "If you do not have it, you cannot flaunt it". What would you think of a homeless man running up and down the street yelling "I've got a ton of money!!!!!!"

"Your views are irrelevent. If you cannot look at this as a scientist, or at least a semi-rational person, I'll bow out of the discussion."

If you're willing to answer questions that I ask you I'm excited to discuss this.

"Bingo. My aren't you a smart one!"

Then it's illogical and the whole point of my post was to say that it should stop. Now before you snap back that this is a stupid, useless, male chauvinistic point - that's why I put it in Free Thoughts and not General Philosophy.

"Nur überlebt das starke, eh?"

Of course.
"Everyone has their own idea of what beauty is. If a heavy person feels comfortable in tight clothing it means that they find themselves beautiful - which is all what we all should strive for - to feel comfortable in our own skin"

Comfortable in tight clothing? Is tight clothing comfortable to wear?? I've always experienced and been told the opposite.

"How do you not know that the heavy person looks at someone thin and thinks 'yuck, have a steak or something!'."

I hope they don't. That'd be like someone with chicken pox looking at someone healthy and saying 'yuck, catch a cold or something!'.

"Perhaps you should try looking at people in the eye and judging a persons beauty on their actions and speech"

See, if you'd actually read my post you'd notice the numerous times I state "if this is the case, I have perfect respect for you". However, I don't understand people who are, by choice, fat. I myself was once fat, in that I rarely exercised and didn't mind my diet.
Tyler, you misunderstood what I meant by being comfortable. Not that tight clothing is comfortable in and of itself. I mean that someone is comfortable with themselves - they like themselves, they find themselves beautiful so they wear what they feel makes them look beautiful in their own eyes - not in other peoples eyes.
You also have some misconceptions about human biology. Being fat does not mean that you are unhealthy. Someone thin can have more health problems due to their efforts to remain thin. Also, people generally do not choose to be fat. It is an error in thinking to believe that a heavy person eats too much more than a thin person of equal height. Some people are blessed (in American culture ideals at least) with a fast metabolism, others are not so lucky. In the course of human evolution, being able to retain fat has been an advantage to survival. This turns into a problem when we are no longer hunting and gathering and roaming the world, but have to sit at a computer terminal for most of the day. If it were simply a matter of exercising to loose weight, obesity wouldn't be such a huge health problem. Look at footbal players, these are huge men - definately not thin, but they are also for the most part examples of excellent physical health.
"Tyler, you misunderstood what I meant by being comfortable. Not that tight clothing is comfortable in and of itself. I mean that someone is comfortable with themselves - they like themselves, they find themselves beautiful so they wear what they feel makes them look beautiful in their own eyes - not in other peoples eyes."

Wait, wait, wait.....
Are you suggesting that all of these men and women find it more attractive to see a fat person wearing skin tight clothing and to see a persons stomach coming out of their shirt than with clothing that doesn't quite reveal their entire body?

"You also have some misconceptions about human biology. Being fat does not mean that you are unhealthy. Someone thin can have more health problems due to their efforts to remain thin."

No, what you're doing is falling into a trap. You'll notice I made a number of comments stating "within healthy weight range".

"Also, people generally do not choose to be fat. It is an error in thinking to believe that a heavy person eats too much more than a thin person of equal height"

There are people unable to be within a fit, healthy range due to their body. If you wish I can quote the sentances where I talked about this in my first post. Please don't skip parts of my posts.

"Look at footbal players, these are huge men - definately not thin, but they are also for the most part examples of excellent physical health."

One of them died last summer because of over-exertion. Had he been in better physical condition he would have had a much lower risk of suffering as he did.
Hence the multiple questions I ask thrughout my entire posts.

Ah, I had assumed they were rhetorical. My bad.

Granted. So then what is it on a subconscious level? Do they know of the tradition and wish to continue it (please take notice there's a question mark there, not a period)? I doubt it, however I'm curious.

The choice to continue a tradition is rarely made on a conscious level. So I doubt they "know of the tradition and wish to continue it". More likely that they are simply doing as comes natural.

You were talking about flaunting one's body. Then you said - this tradition has not died out. So I said "Which tradition? Wearing tight clothing". What am I missing??

The tradition of being proud of or unconcerned with body fat. Flaunting one's body is a seperate topic.

"Human behaviour is rarely logical. I think I realized this when I was 9 or 10 at the latest. You've got some catching up to do, kiddie."

Go read my first post, you seem to have forgotten it by now. The point was that there is zero logic what so ever in wearing tight clothing if it does no good for your appearance or comfort. Therefore, I am asking that the action stops completely.

So you realize what a ridiculous request you make? Okay.

In any case, it is perfectly logical. Firstoff, it stimulates the economy. Do you know how much profit is made on women's clothing?!

Secondly, for them, it enhances their appearence. Take off your cultural blinders for once and actually study human behaviour and you will see this.

Thirdly, it provides Xev with entertainment, which is paramount in Xev's eyes.

To quote my first post - "If you do not have it, you cannot flaunt it". What would you think of a homeless man running up and down the street yelling "I've got a ton of money!!!!!!"

In their eyes, they do have "it". Luckily, the standards of the world are not set by upper-middle class white Canuck boys.

*Shudders at the thought of the middle class setting fashion standards*

If you're willing to answer questions that I ask you I'm excited to discuss this.

If you can keep your attitude in line, I'm perfectly happy to teach you what I know of sociology, and to share my own theories.

Then it's illogical and the whole point of my post was to say that it should stop. Now before you snap back that this is a stupid, useless, male chauvinistic point - that's why I put it in Free Thoughts and not General Philosophy.

Anything that is illogical should stop?

By that "logic", most of what makes life beautiful would stop. Humans would only have missionary style sex during the female's peak ovulation, we'd ignore the arts completely, the sciences would wither to applied technology, nobody would ever hate or love again as emotion faded into a mere tool of logic......

In any case, it's perfectly logic. You are the one being illogical here.
I think these girls need to get themselves some different friends - one's who'll tell them the truth. Obviously that's just not happening, which would tie in with Xev's theory about it being a competition (or whatever) with other girls first and foremost. (Well, it would have to be...)

As it is, I think a lot of them are trying to win the game by seriously betraying their girl-pals. "That looks great. Honest."

... Which puts me in mind of that other female trick. You know, the one where the girl with the looks (as she thinks) has a plain best friend...
>>>Are you suggesting that all of these men and women find it more attractive to see a fat person wearing skin tight clothing and to see a persons stomach coming out of their shirt than with clothing that doesn't quite reveal their entire body?

No, I'm saying that they find themselves attractive in the clothing they choose, not necessarily all others who dress in such a way. For instance, a heavy woman may feel beautiful in her new miniskirt and wear it often - she may find another heavy woman wearing a similar skirt unattractive. It is all about perspective.

>>>There are people unable to be within a fit, healthy range due to their body.

What you don't understand here is that what is a healthy range for one person is unique to that person. Being thin and looking good in tight clothing is not the healthy weight range for every person - some people are healthier heavier. Also some people cannot physically attain a thin weight (as you mention in your post), should these people live in misery and hate the way they look? Or is it better that they may give you a momentary disgust at looking at them because they dress to show their body, but yet they still feel good about themselves.

I admire anyone who can feel good about their body with all the bombardmants from advertising and the media about how a person should look. It shows that these individuals are just that - individuals, people of value who don't have to conform to society norms. You may find it of benefit to get over your immature dislike of extra fat showing on a person. We were all born naked, our bodies and what we adorn them with are just extra glitz. Try to see people as humans beings and not sacs of flesh.
"Ah, I had assumed they were rhetorical. My bad."
No worries.

"The choice to continue a tradition is rarely made on a conscious level. So I doubt they "know of the tradition and wish to continue it". More likely that they are simply doing as comes natural"

Then, there is no thought process (this is not a serious question as I realize there is thoguht process)? When a fat woman goes to the store and is looking for what to wear they think......? Is it "hmmm, this looks good on me"? Is it "hmmmm, this looks good (in general)"? Is it "hmmmm, this will show off my body?". Or, do you (and consequently I!) have no idea?

"The tradition of being proud of or unconcerned with body fat. Flaunting one's body is a seperate topic"

As it stands, flaunting one's body is my topic. And it is the one I started. Notice the title - Tight Clothing.

"In any case, it is perfectly logical. Firstoff, it stimulates the economy. Do you know how much profit is made on women's clothing?!"

If fat women didn't wear tight clothing I assume they would still wear clothing - thus women's clothing would have just as many clients.

"Secondly, for them, it enhances their appearence. Take off your cultural blinders for once and actually study human behaviour and you will see this."

Like I said, I personally have never met a man who says (or, maybe, admitts) that he finds fat women attractive. The vast majority of my friends are indeed white. So do the white girls think it's attractive to be fat and flaunting the fat?

"In their eyes, they do have "it". Luckily, the standards of the world are not set by upper-middle class white Canuck boys."

Ahhhh, now here's where I have a serious question. For years upon years the feminist organization has been feeding us the fact that women feel the only way to be attractive is to be very skinny and look like a supermodel. Now you tell me that in the eyes of fat women (who wear tight clothing) no such circumstance exists. Apparently, according to fat women it is attractive to be fat. Yet countless women (and men) have told me that the media truly does pressure women into thinking that it is sexy only to be physically fit? So - which is it? Or can both exist; and if so, how?

"If you can keep your attitude in line, I'm perfectly happy to teach you what I know of sociology, and to share my own theories"

"By that "logic", most of what makes life beautiful would stop. Humans would only have missionary style sex during the female's peak ovulation, we'd ignore the arts completely, the sciences would wither to applied technology, nobody would ever hate or love again as emotion faded into a mere tool of logic......"

Hardly. People garner enjoyment from these things. Who, exactly, garners enjoyment from fat people wearing tight clothing? I don't think men do. I've yet to see a music video or movie show a bunch of fat women in tight clothing dancing. All the latino video's have really attractive women in tight clothing. Rap videos have thin, tightly clothed black women in them. And pop videos have supermodel-esque women wearing tight clothing. So wear can we see these cultures preffering fat women wearing thin clothing?
Ugh, Tyler, you're 16, you've lived your whole life among the same socioeconomic and ethnic class and you're being uppity and irrational. I give the hell up.
Tyler, what it really boils down to is that fat people want to be beautiful and wear nice fashionable clothes just as much as thin people do. If tight clothes are whats in style, then it is tight clothes they will wear.
"No, I'm saying that they find themselves attractive in the clothing they choose"

And that's what I don't understand. I have no comprehension of a fat woman or man finding themselves to look attractive showing all of their fat off. Same way I can't see a bone-thin woman or man finding themselves attractive for that reason. I personally have been both, though only truly comprehended appearances as fat. And never once would I have put on a skin-tight shirt and sad "all right! now I can see my man-tits!"

"What you don't understand here is that what is a healthy range for one person is unique to that person. Being thin and looking good in tight clothing is not the healthy weight range for every person - some people are healthier heavier"

Thus why I said "within a healthy range".

"should these people live in misery and hate the way they look?"

No, though I can understand why it would be hard to get over that. I never was fully happy as a fat person. Had I been unable to attain better shape I would probably have remained unhappy for a long time. And that's a horrible thing. However, it woudl not justify me showing off all my fat.

"I admire anyone who can feel good about their body with all the bombardmants from advertising and the media about how a person should look. It shows that these individuals are just that - individuals, people of value who don't have to conform to society norms"

Feeling good about your body is a great thing. I was never, ever happy about my body until I attained a weight which allowed me to act at my fullest capabilities in athletics. However, even then I felt no need to show off my body. I'm as fit as I've ever been (and, possibly, ever will be) and I still feel no need to show off my body. Why do some fat people feel the need to show off their body is a discussion going on between Xev and I right now.

"You may find it of benefit to get over your immature dislike of extra fat showing on a person. We were all born naked, our bodies and what we adorn them with are just extra glitz. Try to see people as humans beings and not sacs of flesh."

I have said countless times that I am more than fine with fat individuals. I just truly despise really fat people who show off their fat. It is somewhat distracting and offputting. And as for seeing a person for who they are, my first true romantic experience was with a girl who for years suffered with attempts at annorexia because she felt she was too fat. When I met her she had not been annorexic for nearly 5 months and had reverted to her old form (which, while not exactly on the skinny edge of the scale, was hardly as fat as she thoguth she was. I spent the better part of many days trying to convince her of this). Before calling me inconsiderate of people, please understand my point. If you don't have it, don't try and flaunt it. These tight clothes in North America are designed to show off fit bodies.
While I am definetly not intelligent enough to be blessed by your genius, I request one question answered, Xev;

"Ahhhh, now here's where I have a serious question. For years upon years the feminist organization has been feeding us the fact that women feel the only way to be attractive is to be very skinny and look like a supermodel. Now you tell me that in the eyes of fat women (who wear tight clothing) no such circumstance exists. Apparently, according to fat women it is attractive to be fat. Yet countless women (and men) have told me that the media truly does pressure women into thinking that it is sexy only to be physically fit? So - which is it? Or can both exist; and if so, how?"

"Tyler, what it really boils down to is that fat people want to be beautiful and wear nice fashionable clothes just as much as thin people do. If tight clothes are whats in style, then it is tight clothes they will wear."

And then I ask - do they (or, who does) consider fat people in tight clothing attractive? There are plenty of people who I say aren't at centre weight but wear clothing that nicely shows what they do have. That's great. Liek I said many times "all the power to you".
While I am definetly not intelligent enough to be blessed by your genius, I request one question answered, Xev;

You can beg or you can bribe me. I suggest bribery. :p