top = us inside seeing quanta ergo discontinous experience/observations
bottom = outside contigous
The above is texticonic is meant to be a 2-1 ratio representation of gravity--- bottom of the V's ergo closes packed set of external/convex set of nodal vertexial events ---and their relationship to what we observe as the inside/concave set of nodal vertexial existence.
We exist inside looking out with our sensorial observations. We cannot get outside of Universe to look back in, except via mind/intelligence i.e. we conceptually place ourselves outside of a conceptually finite Universe, and look back in from outside, as if were a God holding the whole finite Universe in our hands.
Time is what we experience via our sensorial observations/interferences occupied space We are inside the Universe's sphere of influence ergo we only observe the concave inside existence i.e. quasi-physical gravity ultra-micro set of close-packed set of nodal vertexial events on the convex surface of all of our expereinces/observations and because ultra-micro, remain invisible to us at our more medio-macro-scale of existence.
top/convex = outside/convex
bottom/concave = us inside/concave experience/observations of contigous >arrow-of-time>.
"we cannot return to the womb" Fuller.
> > > arrow-of-time > > > = evolutionary time
Evolution of two types;
2) complex > to > simple ergo cosmic wholeness is easier set of evolutionary events
1) simple > to > complex is more frustrating set of evolutionary events.
The whole exists eternally and and its parts evolve synergetically.
It depends....On whether the angle of the dangle, equals the heat of the meat, and the rise and the fall of the left hand ball.
Unless its raining of course!