To all Catholics


Registered Senior Member
What does catholicism mean to you?

Why do you confess to a priest when you could speak directly toward God?

Why would you devote your life to a God which you do not have physical proof exists?
1. It means a whole organized people united under jesus.
2.Something to do with what jesus said at the last supper, it was a while ago i read something about it.
3. Because of the bible, and faith which is something alot of people dont have. I sometimes "feel" thatg god is with me...hard to describe it but i just know god exists.
Why do you devote your self to your life goals if theirs a chance that you may die or not achieve it?
Mors, do you have faith in anything ? For a Catholic it is a question of Faith here, sometimes I envy those believers.
No, i have no faith.
But from what i have hear from a few Sisters, Catholicism is a personal relationship with Jesus.
And they also said that confessions through a priest were origonally ment for only severe sins such a murder or rape, not for everyday sins, those could be confessed direcly to God.
Originally posted by Mors
What does catholicism mean to you?

Why do you confess to a priest when you could speak directly toward God?

Why would you devote your life to a God which you do not have physical proof exists?

I was a catholic from birth, but gave it up when I realised the fallacy.
Re: Re: To all Catholics

Originally posted by Blue_UK
I was a catholic from birth, but gave it up when I realised the fallacy.

lolol :D

I'm not Catholic so I'm not going to answer the questions.
I was also born Catholic. Once I started to question the religion I was given at birth, I started to realize how distanced from rational thought it was.

I always Used to ask my CCD teacher questions on difficult issues that religion pretends to know the answer for, and her brilliant response was always "God works in mysterious ways" Maybe my expectations for a belief system are high, but to me I felt that was not a sufficient answer. Even if she did supply me with a better answer I would not be consumed with blind faith to actually believe in such grandiose claims with no factual basis to stand upon.

I think my key to losing my given religion was the simple act of THINKING. Distance yourself from emotions and think with all the rationally that you can muster, you might not like the results, but to me, the truth is more important than a emotional pillow to fill in ones human inadequcies to pervice reality without succumbing to being victim to the weakness of our capacity to accept the harsh truth that plagues humanity. Basically, our perception of reality can tend to be misconstrued because we are highly succeptable to being influenced by emotional constraints.
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The story of religion when explained in the way I have mentioned, seems to amount to an extraordinary conspiracy. Religious concepts and norms and the emotions attached to them seem designed to excite the human mind, linger in memory, trigger multiple inference systems in the precise way that will get people to hold them true and also to communicate them on a mass scale.

Religious concepts just work this way, they are exactly what people will transmit, simply because other variants were created and were unsucessfull ,thus were ubandoned long ago.

The "magic" that seems to produce such perfect concepts is merely the effect of repeated selective events.

Look at faith and belief as simple byproducts from the way concepts and inferences are doing their work for religion in much the same way as for other domains. It boils down to a whole frustration of invisible hands. The invisible hand of cultural selection makes it the case that the religious concepts people aquire and transmit are in general the ones most likely to seem convincing to them, given their circumstances. Similarly, the invisible hand of multiple inference systems in the mind produces all sorts of connections between these concepts and salient occurances in people's lifes.


Religion can be seen as a product that results from having a human brain that has processes that can be taken advantage of from the connection of intuitive mental inferences and religious thought.
i'm not too sure bout this and i'm not trying to be crude, but isn't it a sin for catholics to "waste" sperm? because even if the guy copulated with a woman every time he is still wasting millions of sperm- only one gets through in the end the rest are waste. does that make it immpossible for catholic guys not to sin?
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Originally posted by Mors
And they also said that confessions through a priest were origonally meant for only severe sins such a murder or rape, not for everyday sins, those could be confessed direcly to God.

This stems from knowledge is POWER, a medieval concept when the church ran governments and kings. The more the church knew the stronger its stranglehold. Ever since then the church has kept hold of this concept.
Originally posted by DefSkeptic
I always Used to ask my CCD teacher questions on difficult issues that religion pretends to know the answer for...

CCD teacher? Wouldn't you be better off asking question about bi-scanline matrix filtering or something like that?

CCD teacher? Wouldn't you be better off asking question about bi-scanline matrix filtering or something like that?

Sorry I didnt clarify, but CCD stands for Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.

"CCD is integral to the life of the Church in the Archdiocese where it provides religious education for more than 50 per cent of Catholic children."-Catholic

Originally posted by Red Devil
This stems from knowledge is POWER, a medieval concept when the church ran governments and kings. The more the church knew the stronger its stranglehold. Ever since then the church has kept hold of this concept.
Confession, as I understand, was originally a practice started in Babylon to enforce control over the population.
o yea......the church is going to have total control over my actions.........its gonna send altar boys to beat me into submission...
What does catholicism mean to you?

I believe in the general concept of the religion -- i.e., God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, the stuff in the Bible (on a figurative level), etc. Catholicism is the first and oldest organized form of the worship of these ideals. Thus, I am a Catholic.

Why do you confess to a priest when you could speak directly toward God?

I don't. I chose to speak directly to God and take up the state of my soul with HIM, thankyouverymuch.

Why would you devote your life to a God which you do not have physical proof exists?

I could argue that the entire universe is physical proof, but that's old. To tell the truth, my proof is very simply that it makes sense to me.
Originally posted by edgar
o yea......the church is going to have total control over my actions.........its gonna send altar boys to beat me into submission...
Guilt is a powerful motivating factor. So is the belief that priests can talk to god on your behalf and convince god to change his mind, you're not such a bad guy after all. If I believed that, I'd want the priests to believe I was sorry too.
Perhaps a question can be posed to you, starter to this thread, which may answer one of your questions.

That is (and it is late so forgive me if the logic is missing) why would you content yourself with the world when you have no spiritual evidence that it exists?

Are you so satisfied with the physical that you deny the spiritual? I have no proof of love, yet I feel it's existence. I have no proof of hate, yet I hear it in words past and present. I have no proof of God yet I feel his existence...