To Everyone. From A_Canadian. Goodbye?

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A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
Excuse my absents on Sciforums or even the Pseudoscience Section.

This is my last word in the pseudoscience section, except for this thread.

I have come to the conclusion that people are arrogant, idiots (by definition), immature children, flatulent liars, or way too open minded when it comes to any situation that has been classified as paranormal. This goes for BOTH debunkers and believers and any field of the paranormal.

I am all for speaking my mind in a massive community. But I found that everyone who posts in the pseudoscience section either says "YES" or "NO".

No one ever changes their mind... which shows that people do not learn... which also tell me that I should not bother anymore. Please, I am not trying to say that everything I say is true or not, or what anyone says is true or not... but the way these conversations go on in the pseudoscience section... it is unbearable.... Facts this, facts that... who cares about facts.... people have thoughts and dreams...

The Earth is flat.... Yet, Man cannot Fly.

Feel free to reply, excuse me if I reply late in my own thread.

... and my last thread on the pseudoscience section.

Make a theory... someone makes a rebuttle...

Show a fact... someone shows another fact...

The never ending cycle that is Pseudoscience.
Its true that seldom to people change their overall views and perspectives in a forum like this, particularly when debating issues of paranormal and pseudoscientific nonsense (biased tone intentional).

But you also have to consider that there are two basic purposes:

1) People develop and hone their skills at research, debate, and knowlege on the subject at hand.
2) While the active posters are generally decided in their opinions, there are many, many lurkers who rarely or never post that could be swayed by an argument/debate in a forum like this (or any other debate-type forum).

Sciforums is highly googled... go to google and search the phrase "ufo photo contest" and see what I mean. The same could be done for "crater chains" and "mining operations." By page two, you'll see a sciforums thread.

A lot of these people are searching for information.... when they land on a debate on the validity of UFO research and anecdotal evidence, they have at least two sides of a story to chose from.

As far as increasing personal knowlege, I never knew what a tidally disrupted comet or asteroid was until Norval started his rant. I didn't know what Fermi Labs was until Paul W. Dixon started his crusade... but I still don't know what the hell deSitter space is! :)

But to the notion that people don't change their minds... I don't think that's true. Sure, they don't have epiphanies in a single thread, but over the course of months and years, I would strongly believe that people will gradually change their minds on the things they believe in based on a cline in education.

I used to be a huge believer in the UFO stuff... to the point that I automatically gave credit to a UFO story before I would ever question it. That wasn't so long ago, either.... perhaps 5 or 6 years.

Drift away if you want.... but you'll be back... we always come back! :cool:
Don't take things so seriously mate.

Afterall this is just an internet forum where most of us come to argue about pointless things and maybe have discussion about an interesting topic.

I am an asshole in many of my posts. I am arrogant, I use patrionizing language and I belittle the oppinion of those who try to make certain claims that are to me nonsensical.

But I do not take the things I say very seriously and I rather don't expect people's feelings to get hurt from some internet forum where any asshole can log in and post some bullshit comments.

And I certainly don't believe half the things I say.

SO. This is a public forum. Any one may say almost anything they like. If you don't like what someone says. Then don't read it. Ignore it, afterall ignorance is bliss.

There is a reason for why there is an ignore button. It is so that you can be ignorant of someones posts.

So you can completely ignore everything the rationalists say and everything that the anti-rationalists (I used the terms loosely and out of their actual contexts) say. But I'm affraid that there won't be much left to read.

Also, if what you are after is a casual discussion about ETI. Where you bounce arround ideas about what they might look like or how their spaceships might work then start a thread with this in mind...

Whatever you do do not start a thread posting an immage and saying something like 'OMG this must be evidence of ETI!'. And don't make claims about their existance either because it is that which will provoke the bebunkists to post on your thread debunking your claims.

So if you want no debunkery and no insanity then make that clear in your posts.

I doubt anyone is realy going to care if you threaten to leave because of some posters.

To come here was your choice, to read and write posts was your choice. To leave is your choice. No one asked you to do any of these things.

This is not intended to be harsh or negative. It is simply the plain truth. I don't want anyone to leave because of my posts, and I don't intend on driving people away. And I honestly hope you don't leave because of something I said.

In essence people drive themselves away from different posters because they don't want to hear what they have to say. That is not the fault of the posters unless of course they are overly crude and discriminating.

So relax. If someone feels for example that thier view of the world is threatened by a logical arguement on an internet forum, than perhaps their view of the world needs some revision.
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I should state for the sake of those familiar with my recent burst of heavy debunkery this thing.

I don't believe in the truth of Science.

And logic, while a usefull tool has brought upon us a darkness of soul.

For, the cold systematization of logic has no place for the beauty of a sunset. The feeling of a dream, or the smell of burn almonds.

The awe and wonder of life itself.

The enlightenment that is God, cannot be captured in 216 digits. You'd sooner drill a hole into your brain.

The fate of the rational mind is the eternal ignorance of its own true nature.
Facts this, facts that... who cares about facts.... people have thoughts and dreams...

This is a science forum, what did you expect?

The never ending cycle that is Pseudoscience.

Hopefully, one day Pseudoscience will be a thing of the past.
A Canadian said:
Excuse my absents on Sciforums or even the Pseudoscience Section.

This is my last word in the pseudoscience section, except for this thread.

I have come to the conclusion that people are arrogant, idiots (by definition), immature children, flatulent liars, or way too open minded when it comes to any situation that has been classified as paranormal. This goes for BOTH debunkers and believers and any field of the paranormal.

I am all for speaking my mind in a massive community. But I found that everyone who posts in the pseudoscience section either says "YES" or "NO".

No one ever changes their mind... which shows that people do not learn... which also tell me that I should not bother anymore. Please, I am not trying to say that everything I say is true or not, or what anyone says is true or not... but the way these conversations go on in the pseudoscience section... it is unbearable.... Facts this, facts that... who cares about facts.... people have thoughts and dreams...

The Earth is flat.... Yet, Man cannot Fly.

Feel free to reply, excuse me if I reply late in my own thread.

... and my last thread on the pseudoscience section.

Make a theory... someone makes a rebuttle...

Show a fact... someone shows another fact...

The never ending cycle that is Pseudoscience.

actually your completley wrong, and out of line.. I came here accepting UFOS as fact and believe the goverment was conspiring against us..
Now I believe ETI's have never contacted Earth or visited Earth... Furthermore, the alien sightings is the same pheonomon as early witch burnings, fairy/troll sightings and daemons...
Terpinator, that's arguably the most interesting comment I've seen in the pseudoscience threads. Could you expand a little. What changed your mind? Was it sudden - a single post - or a gradual swing over days and weeks.
Ophiolite said:
Terpinator, that's arguably the most interesting comment I've seen in the pseudoscience threads. Could you expand a little. What changed your mind? Was it sudden - a single post - or a gradual swing over days and weeks.

Well it comes down to the fact you always hear about UFOS, ETI's.. Its everywhere.. You begin to believe that the overwhemingly majority of people have actually seen UFOS... its something that you just accept.. and just try not to really think about... You hear about the fantasy stuff in the news, talk radio etc, but you never hear any debunking or the rationale behind the debunking..

I've done a lot of research the last few months in preparation for writing a fictional story..

Reading books like Chariots of the Gods, Arrival of the Gods, Demon Haunted world etc etc with other various readings..

The myths and legends of these "Entitys" with UFOS, ETI, ghosts, fairys/dwarfs/trolls and witches all make sense from the debunker angle. I hate to admit that we know less about the world than we let out.. The idea of having UFO's in roswell and knowledge of this technology makes 1 believe we know more than is "common knowledge" and this makes the layman think that everything is ok, we know whats gonna happen and we are prepared for anything.... But in reality we know very little...

These sightings are nothing but mere hallucination and dreaming.. I would say almost exclusively in the night time.. The mere fact that some sexual perversion always seems to take place makes complete sense of the dream theory.. WHen males sleep, we almost always wake up with morning wood. This unscienitfic explanation of this shows that in a dream like state we are in some kindof sensory overload.. Our sexual organs included, which help correlate fears from media/movie portrayl's of abduction and natural dreaming phenomon..

Like when those instances where people are driving aroudn and see a ufo, i honestly beleive it STILL is the same phenomon.. When you are driving for long distances or even short distances you tend to wonder off, day dream etc, and you have no idea how you can consciously keep your car from going off the road, but some how you miracously do... This "mental state" is very similar to the dream state.. and these abductions are nothing more than dreams...

You can argue hypnosis brings out suppressed dreams but unfortuantely those are all bogus.. These psychologists have agendas, and often lead the subject regaardless..

What I've learned is that if you sit back and try to rationalize aliens with scienctific method, or even scholoastically you find it impossible to accept that ETI's have visited earth..

People say the same thing about God, and that I argue is the point about religion.. I agree a lot of things with the Bible etc are made up by man.. In reality, we do not understand the concept of God and divinity. I beleive in a higher power, yet I think we have no concept of understanding really of it. I argue that if everyone could prove God existed then the whole point of beleiving and the "existance of faith" even as a emotional response would be pointless, and I would argue wouldnt exist in our emotional responses.. If everyone knew God existed, then this whole life existance woudl be completley differnet and most likely useless.. Sit and think... If you can prove God exists, how would that change the word not just to mention LIFE?

Back to aliens..

With rationalizing, it is easy to debunk 99.99% of all ETI/ufo/abuctions.. Now the layman might not understand this... Rationalizing is only for the enlightened mind. And with this enlightenment you start to question everything that the layman just accepts... Hence that is why ecclesiastics is my signature... Enlightment/Knowledge makes you question everything, therefore it leads to grief. Check it out, its a really cool verse, and 1 of my favorites.

With rationalizng approach to these phenomonon's, you cant seriously consider them having any merit/ truth..

Look at this clip.. Here

I dont have any idea what can move like that, but does that mean its automatically a ALIEN FROM another dimension/solar system? I doubt it.
Being rationale is clearly 1 thing 97% of the population is uncapable of doing in my humble opinion.. I was quite guilty of this untill college.

There are a few reports of abductions./ghosts/etc etc that are quite hard to rationally explain.. But it is crucial for us as humans to first try to rationally explain any phenomon before we just say its aliens/ghosts/etc... Clearly, in ancient times this is what many civilizations did and it severly affected them into oppression.
In addition.. You can easily compare UFO/ETI visitations to the witch burnings..

All of a sudden it was talked about and feared the visitation and rituals of witchcraft and satan.. End Result-- Thousands of people were killed... Now if these things existed then, they couldnt have killed every single one.. THey woudl have to still exist today, yet the reportings of this are at a not existant level.. what happened?

The fear/ media portrayl shifted to aliens.. IN which the same thing happens, everyone reports these things..

What is next? The wolfman? Dracula again? I predict its going to be a reappearance of dinosaurs. LOL
terpinator72 said:
actually your completley wrong, and out of line.. I came here accepting UFOS as fact and believe the goverment was conspiring against us..
Now I believe ETI's have never contacted Earth or visited Earth... Furthermore, the alien sightings is the same pheonomon as early witch burnings, fairy/troll sightings and daemons...

I used to believe that alien intelligence was alive currently on Mars. Now, I really don't.

I used to believe the Moon was just a dusty ball of dirt, with no alien intelligence. Now, I do.

I used to believe that alien's had to come from other worlds. Now I wonder, and give the chance that they are from alternate dimension's, as well as worlds.

Now, it's not the Canadians fault that I've never mentioned this before. I agree with im about the round-about fashion that is this section. I guess I'm just used to it. :D
Look at this clip.. Here

I dont have any idea what can move like that, but does that mean its automatically a ALIEN FROM another dimension/solar system? I doubt it.

That thing is obviously an arts and craft rocket/plane. Look where the video starts out, the thing is sticking out the side of the building, then it just shoots off, comes towards the car (or wherever the video was filmed in) and looks just like a rocket/plane, then it swirves back upwards leaving a smoking contrail. It looks and even moves like one.

I believe in UFOs and all that, but this thing is obviously not one. And ironically, it figures it had to be in this thread where it's being pointed out, heh.

- N
terpinator72 said:
With rationalizing, it is easy to debunk 99.99% of all ETI/ufo/abuctions.. Now the layman might not understand this... Rationalizing is only for the enlightened mind. And with this enlightenment you start to question everything that the layman just accepts... Hence that is why ecclesiastics is my signature... Enlightment/Knowledge makes you question everything, therefore it leads to grief. Check it out, its a really cool verse, and 1 of my favorites. .

Your debunking does not lead too any definable truth. It's just an endless game to make sure something is never, "proven" by a certain group of people. Or, as some might call, GRIEF. Confusion. To remove, to confuse, to dis-inform.

I suppose my question is this; Why do you feel obligated, or even proud to "want to debunk" in the first place? Did you believe in something stupid growing up that you later learned never existed, so now you wish to debunk such things?

I am curious as to what drives you guy's to debunk. I have thought it's because of some bad experiences, or beliefs.
You know what btimsah. Every time you ask that question I am going to repost this extract from one of my posts in one of your threads. .

"Allow me to diverge to discuss my own view on ET’s for a moment. I am fifty six. For close to fifty of those years I have been fascinated by the possibility of alien life. I have read volume after volume at both ends of the spectrum, from Daniken to Sagan. You will understand, because I suspect you share these emotions with me, that I am desperate for us to get evidence of life out there. Microbes on Mars would be the biggest thing outwith my personal life I have experienced. Intelligent aliens would, to employ a cliché, blow my mind. I want this so badly I can smell it.

But I only want it if it is true. And to determine its truth I have to apply the scientific method. I have to be skeptical. I have to question. I have to accept simple explanations over complex.(You are probably tired of hearing of Occam’s razor.). I have to agree with Carl Sagan, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. (Tired of hearing that one too, I imagine.)

That’s why the skeptics, or at least this skeptic, give you such a hard time. Not because we don’t want to believe, but because we do want to, but beyond that we want the truth, unvarnished and unaffected by how we would write the truth. Because we don’t write it, we only observe and interpret it. That is a grave responsibility and deserves to be treated as such."
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

It also depends on what one feels is an extraordinary claim. I don't feel that seeing a UFO is so extraordinary. But because some find it to be extraordinary, they want extraordinary evidence yet what kind of evidence can be created? A picture or video won't work because it's not "advanced" enough. A sighting is simplistic yet skeptics just make it harder on themselves; no wonder why they can't get what they want. Things are being made worse and more complex than they need be so they just decide to ignore UFOs altogether and dismiss any and all claims as fake. Heck, skeptics are the ones that go out of the way with the extraordinary claims when it comes to debunking it all, lol. Anything can be debunked, nothing can be proven true.

That’s why the skeptics, or at least this skeptic, give you such a hard time. Not because we don’t want to believe, but because we do want to, but beyond that we want the truth, unvarnished and unaffected by how we would write the truth. Because we don’t write it, we only observe and interpret it. That is a grave responsibility and deserves to be treated as such.

They say it's better to be safe than sorry. However, if one is "too safe", it leads to paranoia. The same applies to skepticism. It's good to be a skeptic, but to be "too skeptical" will turn the person fanatical which they then deny everything and miss many awesome things that may be right under their nose. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? The bad part about scientists is that they become so absorbed with their scientific field and look at everything through one advanced mindset and can no longer look at things from a normal perspective. Simple things can easily pass them by because they make things out to be more than it really is.

- N
Neildo said:
Simple things can easily pass them by because they make things out to be more than it really is.
I rather think those who see UFO's in natural phenomena are the ones who make things out to be more than they really are.

Neildo, some debunkers fit the profile you have laid out.
I am not one of them.
Such debunkers are not scientists, or are certainly not acting as scientists
I am not one of them.
Canadian –
Your absence is excused & thereby pardoned to parole outside this excruciatingly inexcusable forum.
However your conclusions are found guilty of the most horrendous affirmations in the pathology of pseudoscience.

Are you on your final breadth of air in this world or does spiritual nirvana beckon you to the centre of the Universe that you want to give up watching movies because some are good & other are bad, that you will not buy cars because a few cause accidents & other don’t, that you stopped shopping for sardines because some smell and others come preserved in oil?

Does it always snow in downtown Ottawa and do people in Vancouver ever realize that some hours of the day are actually night.

So wherever you go next, remember that if you can’t live with the opposite sex, pack up & leave. Don’t announce it !
At this point, all i want to do is quote something Albert Einstein once said, yet I am having troubles finding the exact quote. it starts with "The mind is a beautiful thing...."

if someone can find the rest if it for me it would be greatly appreciated.
I agree I think.
I'm moderately interested in ufos/extraterrestrials and cryptozoology, but this subforum is simply too retarded for me to be wasting my time in.
I'll stick to the documentaries.
Ophiolite said:
The mind is a beautiful thing to
have and a terrible thing to waste

May not be Einstein

Actully it was something like the mind is a beutiful thing, "something something" art and science "something something"

I cannot belive I forgot it. It was one of the best quotes I had ever heard.

Dr Lou Natic said:
I agree I think.
I'm moderately interested in ufos/extraterrestrials and cryptozoology, but this subforum is simply too retarded for me to be wasting my time in.
I'll stick to the documentaries.

Agreed. But If I had money I would go hunt bigfoot or track UFOs.... shed some light on the issue.... or die trying.

This subforum is horrible... the subforum itself is fun by one of the most arrogent people ON sciforums. I am all for arguments and discusions, but the level of mental capacity for the people posting this subforum is ridiculous. No wonder no one else particapates in here anymore except for quacks saying the mars photos are faked....
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