

Registered Senior Member
I learnt something today. There are no good people in the world, as humans we are all principly and instinctively evil.

Can't help but feel i'm a bad person too.
So whatever it was that taught you this, involved every single person on the face of the planet, did it?

And it's not "truth." It's an opinion.
I learnt something today. There are no good people in the world, as humans we are all principly and instinctively evil.

I have to admit, I am curious what led you to this conclusion. Personally it sounds more like a statement born out of a glum mood than a logical deduction.

I don't think it's possible for a person to lead a completely perfect life of good - simply because of conflicting definitions of good and evil. I think it's important that people strive to do good, as they understand it, in their lives. Some will, some won't. Some people are generally evil, but not all.
Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
~Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes~
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Why the hell do you think there exist morality? ethics?

So Christains could keep young boys from touching themselves and making god cry?
I would tend to agree with that, but since good and evil are mostly relative, it is hard to make that a factual statement. It seems that we are the most destructive species around, and we are hell-bent on destroying ourselves and everything around us...but some people like Hitler would say that this is isn't inherently wrong, and therefore the statement is a tad lopsided.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Maybe you are misassigning evil?:cool:

Or maybe i am being a smart ass.

but some people like Hitler would say that this is isn't inherently wrong, and therefore the statement is a tad lopsided.

No offense but Hitler isn't exactly the best historical figure to look forward to when deciding one's stance on Moral and Ethics. However, i can agree here with him, after all we are animals who carry out primal urges on a lot more complicated level.
I was trying to be a smarter ass. Hmmm. What the fuck is a smart ass anyway? How can an ass be smart? A smart butt? A smart donkey? Hmmm. Go ahead and be a smart ass fool, I was trying to be a scarcastic human. :bugeye:
Originally posted by thefountainhed
I was trying to be a smarter ass. Hmmm. What the fuck is a smart ass anyway? How can an ass be smart? A smart butt? A smart donkey? Hmmm. Go ahead and be a smart ass fool, I was trying to be a scarcastic human. :bugeye:

A smart ass is a slang for someone who is being clever and sarcastic. Being a nuesance at the same time. A smart butt? look at J-lo, it got her a carrer because her buttocks were higly intelligent. I will try to be a smart ass in the future while you'll remain a sarcastic human. Sure i will pretend to get along with you but secrectly inside i wll fester hate and loathing for you.

*goes to corner* Now excuse me while i go there and respect you

while secretly he hates him evermore
I see your smart ass is trying to explain smart assness to my smarter ass; no I mean scarcastic human self. Yea that's it.
Wow., you shall "fester' hate and a loathing for me? I am hurt, very hurt. I will always love you though.

**Secretly plans to kick Sarge's ass for festering hate for the hed.

Dam you figure that out now, join the club. Read about selfish genetics to understand why we are all evil. I'll give you a quick run down on it: good people don't breed as well as evil people, social animals like humans do help each other out but this is all for a long term "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine" ideal. Everyone only cares about them self’s and there own kin.
"Life is suffering. Some will always suffer."- Spinoza Ray Prozak

The reason your 'evil' society exists comes down to the fact that someone invented concepts of moral 'good' and 'evil' in the first place. In industrial society actions are aligned in those polarities. Those that benefit the machine are good, but to accomplish this good, it will entail a lot of pain towards others, thus evil. It's a ridiculous circle really.

It is true that the idea that all people are evil is fatalistic and should be reserved for idiots too frail to withstand the pressure of reality. People such a 'God-Of-Course' probably think this way because they are unprepared to dealing with the harsh reality of the universe and would rather sleep than stay awake.

People can only point fingers, then return to their Playstation 2 game to drown thier pain. They are the ones who cannot see beauty in strife, and hope in suffering. Sad after effects of anti-natural judaism.
Originally posted by thefountainhed

**Secretly plans to kick Sarge's ass for festering hate for the hed.

Brutha man dude...*gasp*....i was in the corner respecting you. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
Brutha man dude...*gasp*....i was in the corner respecting you. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
LOL. Cool, keep the respect going...But I cannot allow the hate to fester in your heart dog, it must be exorcised.
You are wrong, humans are instinctively good. Not everyone, of course, but most people, and all animals. A recent study on monkeys showed that they have an innate sense of fairness. Christianity tries to tell us the opposite, because that's how it controls your mind! If you think you are born bad, you will be more willing to subject yourself to the authority of a church or a government. You are good, no higher authority is required!

Animals are good because they have no morality, their violence is temporary, they seek no revenge. Violence is not inherently evil. They may kill, but not out of cruelty, just simple hunger.