We may as well compare electrical wires to humans. They are both "alive".
As for your Venus Flytrap argument. that just supports my argument because there are different levels of being alive and to put a tree in that catagory with so many legitimate counterarguments then i don't believe a tee accurately meets the requirements as to being alive.
Thank you. The "a" i was referring to is that when we think of creatures as alive we think of animated behaviors, reactions, movement.
A tree is staionary and does not move, this is why i used that analogy. Not the best but if you think about it in those terms than a tree and a human are as close to opposite we can get without there being trees that move from one position to another.
Is the Sun alive?
Thank you. The "a" i was referring to is that when we think of creatures as alive we think of animated behaviors, reactions, movement.
A tree is staionary and does not move, this is why i used that analogy. Not the best but if you think about it in those terms than a tree and a human are as close to opposite we can get without there being trees that move from one position to another.
All i am saying is that while it is acceptable to call trees alive it is not entirely accurate. That is all.
Life is a condition that distinguishes organisms from non-living objects, such as non-life, and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism and reproduction.
beside the point,but in an abstract way yes.
in actuality,no.it doesnt reproduce.
Rrrr... perhaps we are all misunderstood what this guy (John) meant.
John, were you trying to say that a tree is a living thing but not alive?
In that case, you are right. Unless you deny that it is a living thing.
We can say a street is alive with carnival, it does not mean that a carnival
or a street is a living thing.
OK. In an abstract way a tree is alive too.
A tree is a living thing, therefor it is alive.
a·live (-lv)
1. Having life; living. See Synonyms at living.
2. In existence or operation; active: keep your hopes alive.
3. Full of living or moving things; abounding: a pool alive with trout.
4. Full of activity or animation; lively: a face alive with mischief.
Not necessarily, Enmos.
Yes, necessarily.
How do those definitions say otherwise ?
In a biological context, yes it is. In a context such as mention by number 4,
not it is not. It's a matter of context, Enmos.
no,trees reproduce.