Tropical or Sidereal: Which is the REAL Astrology?


Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
The mainstream version of astrology is (apparently) tropical astrology. But there's another school of thought, and that's sidereal astrology.

What I'd like to know is which of these versions of astrology is the one that tells the most accurate stuff about a person? For example, one is a Leo in tropical but Cancer in sidereal. Are they gonna have the basic personality of a Leo or Cancer?

Oh, and I realize there are people that think astrology is phony (that must be why all the astrology threads are under Pseudoscience). If you are one of those people, please don't post something along the lines of "Astrology is totally fake". That's not what this thread is for. (Please read the update below!)

If ya wanna look at my birthchart (for some reason), here's my birth info:
August 5th, 1988 ; 2:20PM PDT ; Klamath Falls, OR USA 42N15 121W47

Thanks in advance for yer posts! Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all!



If you are against astrology, the place for you is another of my threads entitled [THREAD=39915]Let's Debate Astrology Here![/THREAD].

I have started that new thread because most people have not posted on this thread about the intended topic. Please go there to debate the truth of astrology.

Thank you for your cooperation. Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all!

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Sorry dude, but Astrology is fake. If one branch of it were 'real' and predicted more accurate results, there would be no debate on the issue, it would be obvious.

There is ONE scientific method, and that produces real results every time. If you are going to fill you head woth something, why not make it something valuable?
"Oh, and I realize there are people that think astrology is phony. If you are one of those people, please don't post something along the lines of 'Astrology is totally fake'. That's not what this thread is for."
Athelwulf, are you going to respond to my point, or just stick your fingers in your ears and shout 'la la la not listening!' because you can't cope with a different point of view?
One thing about astrology that I never understood is why it only included visible astrological bodies. The non-visible ones, like asteroids, are much closer and have more gravitational effect than do stars or galaxies that are millions/billions of light years away. Yet their positions are not considered.

I'd say that this alone points to the anthropogenic nature of "astrology" and therefore a good indication that it is fake. Indeed, the lack of any real astrological reading that wasn't simply general placation of human desire to believe and have magical thought.
BobG said:
Well it makes the whole topic completely irrelevant.

What does?

phlogistician said:
Athelwulf, are you going to respond to my point, or just stick your fingers in your ears and shout 'la la la not listening!' because you can't cope with a different point of view?

Who said I can't cope with a different point of view? I just didn't want a lot of "Astrology is fake" clutter in this thread cuz I'm trying to learn something. I also didn't want to have to spend time typing out a defense for astrology. I'd much rather talk about the specific subject of the thread. I'll respond to your point, though, if you so wish.

If you are going to fill you head woth something, why not make it something valuable?

Alas, astrology is valuable. The planets make an "imprint" on your personality when you are born. You can learn what imprint those planets have made on you. You can learn your tendencies. You can understand yourself better.

Overall, astrology is a tool to better your life.

For example, if you are a Scorpio, you most likely won't forget pain dealt to you by some unkind person, and you may wait years for the chance to pay your revenge to whoever hurt you. Well, once you understand this, you can work on letting go of those desires for revenge.

I'm guessing that you don't have much knowledge of astrology. It's more than those articles you read in the newspaper. It's much more than that!

I suggest you go to the library and find a good book about astrology. A GOOD book. One that tells you about more than just the sign the sun was in when you were born. Here are two books I recommend:

Astrology for Beginners by William W. Hewitt
The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk

The Dewey Decimal number for the first book is "133.5 Hewitt". Any other astrology book should be grouped around that number too.

Just look into astrology with an OPEN mind. After you have a working knowledge, I DARE you to tell me there is NO truth WHATSOEVER to astrology. Don't judge something if you don't know much about it at all.

Now, SkinWalker,

One thing about astrology that I never understood is why it only included visible astrological bodies. The non-visible ones, like asteroids, are much closer and have more gravitational effect than do stars or galaxies that are millions/billions of light years away. Yet their positions are not considered.

I suggest you take my advice to phlogistician as well. Only the sun, moon, and the planets out to Saturn are visible and have been known since antient times (which, by the way, is where astrology had its beginnings). Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto aren't visible if you don't have a telescope.

Also, big asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and others) have been studied. They do have an influence on the personality as well. However, their influence is not as profound as the influence of the planets. Also, the astrologer needs to draw the line somewhere. If he or she has to analyze dozens of heavenly bodies, he or she is sure to either waste time or get a headache. So astrologers use their judgement to decide how minor the influence is, and whether or not it's so minor that it's negligible.

Also, the stars that make up these constellations aren't millions of lightyears away. To the best of my knowledge of astronomy, they are within the Milky Way. Astrology also ignores the galaxies. But I see the point you are trying to make.

I hope this makes you all think. Later.

- Peace, Love, Health, and Happiness to all. Âðelwulf
If you link me to where I can get my astrological profiles, I'll tell you which pleases me more.

Love, Peace, Dope.
Athelwulf said:
The planets make an "imprint" on your personality when you are born.

How? Where is this "imprint?" What evidence exists of its presence?
I have the link below. But before you go, I should say that you probably know your sign in Tropical astrology, but not in Sidereal. Ya can give me yer birthday (I don't need the year), and I can tell ya.

Here is a link to read about your Sun Sign. There is a menu on the left side which shows "fire," "earth," "air," and "water." Under each of them is three of the twelve signs. Click on yours.

Here is a link that all people should look at. I can guess that most people are skeptical about astrology because what should be their sign doesn't fit them very well. If that's you, click on the link.
I was born on Sept. 18, 1984, in Riga, Latvia, at either 9 or 10 am. Or 8 am. Mom was hazy on this. This makes me a Virgo, with either Gemini or Libra as my Moon sign. The link for the Sun sign you provided makes me less happy than the one on ivillage (which doesn't make me happy, either).
I'll just assume yer birth time is 9AM. Your moon is in Gemini, and your Ascendant is Libra. Also, your Venus is strong in your chart, because it is in Libra, the sign it rules. Also, it is in the First House, the house of Self. AND it is conjunct with your Ascendant line. I dunno if you could understand that at all. I'll try to clarify and give interpretations later.

Anyway, your Sidereal sign is also Virgo, but the sun is VERY close to Leo, so you may have some characteristics of Leo if Sidereal is more accurate.
This may sound stupid, but sometimes when I'm around people I'm just meeting, I like to guess which star sign they are by the way they act. I'm usually pretty accurate, especially with fellow pisceans, virgos, leos, cancers and scorpios. It's fun scaring people by pretending you're psychic. I've always been the model pisces, down to every characteristic. Alot of people are like this.
After reading your webpage, I probably would have guessed leo. You take pride in your art of photography, leo's are said to be proud somewhat. But really, isn't everyone proud of something? I'm proud of my certain skills, such as the art of lingam massage.
I don't recall ever talking to you before, or reading your posts. That's how I usually know, from talking to them, watching their body types, looking at the way they dress, facial expressions, and how they move about.
OverTheStars said:
After reading your webpage, I probably would have guessed leo. You take pride in your art of photography, leo's are said to be proud somewhat.

Wow, ya looked at my site?! Did ya like it?

Damn, you take pride in everything about yourself.
yea, you top the charts in leo behavior.

:eek: Why, I'm flattered. I'm sure ya also know that flattery is the way to a Leo's heart?