True Creator?


Insanity Gone Mad
Registered Senior Member
Simple question, who created the creator(god)? And who created the creator of the creator? And if the creator simply always has been there why is it so hard to comprehend that some form of matter simply always has been there?
The idea that everything needs a Creator is flawed; if that were the case, then an Infinite Regress occurs in which nothing is created. Instead of that premise, take this one,"what has a beginning has a creator." Now did the universe have a beginning? The universe is expanding right? Put the tape in reverse and eventually you get to a beginning point.

It's hard to comprehend some form of matter has simply always been there because in order for matter to exist it would have to have one thing in particular: space in which to exist. But that space needs to come from somewhere, as it can't just pop out of nowhere. To say that space is always there is inconsistent with the idea that a beginning to the universe happened. So to say matter could have just always been is flawed.

The idea that everything needs a Creator is flawed; if that were the case, then an Infinite Regress occurs in which nothing is created.
This far in your reasoning is accurate. But it erroneously implies that creation is still a requirement.

Instead of that premise, take this one,"what has a beginning has a creator."
This is also flawed since evolution shows that nothing needs a creator. Can you give an example of anything that wasn’t the result of an evolutionary process?

Now did the universe have a beginning? The universe is expanding right? Put the tape in reverse and eventually you get to a beginning point.
Again an entirely flawed argument. Consider the internal combustion engine – a piston moves away from the explosion only to return again in an endless cycle. Current science is now once again proposing, based largely on the realization of dark matter that the universe expansion will slow, contract and end with a big crunch, and then begin again.

It's hard to comprehend some form of matter has simply always been there because in order for matter to exist it would have to have one thing in particular: space in which to exist. But that space needs to come from somewhere, as it can't just pop out of nowhere.
You have defeated your own argument. If we accept that something doesn’t come from nothing then the rather obvious conclusion is that it has always existed. There is no reason to search any further. The imaginative concept of a supernatural creator becomes entirely superfluous.

To say that space is always there is inconsistent with the idea that a beginning to the universe happened.
I agree but then there is no reason to believe that the universe just happened – goes back to your earlier flawed reasoning.

So to say matter could have just always been is flawed.
As I have clearly shown your conclusion is itself seriously flawed.

what caused the big bang wasnt it spontaneouse? and also what about the space that the big bang occured in there's no telling how long that void has been there, if
not always.
I would also say that a true creator cannot exist. Some things just came into existance or were always there.
Katazia said:

This far in your reasoning is accurate. But it erroneously implies that creation is still a requirement.

Then what does it imply?

This is also flawed since evolution shows that nothing needs a creator. Can you give an example of anything that wasn’t the result of an evolutionary process?

If something doesn't need a creator, then how does it get there? To say that it always has been doesn't fit in with the fact that the universe is running down.

How does evolution explain morals or love?

Again an entirely flawed argument. Consider the internal combustion engine – a piston moves away from the explosion only to return again in an endless cycle.

it isn't endless because gas keeps the whole thing running; it relies on something outside of itself to start the whole thing. If this wasn't the case, then it wouldn't run down and would have to have existed forever.

Current science is now once again proposing, based largely on the realization of dark matter that the universe expansion will slow, contract and end with a big crunch, and then begin again.

How is it to begin again and still comply with entropy? If it runs out of usable energy, how is it to start again? If we're to say that it "falls down to another energy level"(like a bouncing ball) it still only has a finite past. (somewhere the ball had to initially be dropped)

You have defeated your own argument. If we accept that something doesn’t come from nothing then the rather obvious conclusion is that it has always existed. There is no reason to search any further.

But space can't always have been for the reasons above. Eventually, no matter what model is used, it eventually comes to a beginning.

The imaginative concept of a supernatural creator becomes entirely superfluous.

You're assuming that God would need space to exist. This isn't the case as God is a Spirit, which isn't natural and needs no space.
1. The universe is not "running down". That's just the creationist misunderstanding of entropy. In fact, it may be "cycling" as Katazia said.
2. The postulated "creator", whether "spirit" or not, also has to have it's own "beginning". As Lemming3k originally said, a creator needs a creator needs a creator....
is there anything in existence that as far as we know, has no beginning, or just always was?
Dreamwalker said:
I would also say that a true creator cannot exist. Some things just came into existance or were always there.
Why can't a true creator exist?
Why can't a true creator exist?

I see no reason why not.

I also see no reason why 5 true creators couldn't exist.

I also see no reason why 5 true creators couldn't exist in 5 seperate universes, without any knowledge of eachother.

I also see no reason why 5 true creators couldn't create even more true creators.

I also see no reason why a true creator couldn't wonder how he came to be.

I also see no reason why a true creator couldn't marvel at the existance of existance itself, and feel humbled.

I also see no reason why a true creator couldn't realize that he is unnecessary.
Oh, you are right guys. Perhaps I should think about the things I write a bit more :D

Yeah, a true creator can exist. But there are also Matnay´s statements,
they are also possible.

Then again, perhaps there is no creator, just an initiator. Who knows? :)
I was using true creator to define original, perhaps i should rephrase, though the point still stands, its a chicken and egg scenario and i wanted to see peoples thoughts and what they consider logical reasoning on the matter, I believe something can have always existed, since i feel its the only logical conclusion to the problem of everything needs a creator, even the creator itself and there could never be a first creator, so therefore we still have something that must have always existed.
A creator might have been the first thing that existed.
The thing that just was there.

Perhaps he grew bored and started making things. Then again, there
would be the question which material did he use to create things.
Again, it must have been something that just existed or the creator used
his "body" tissue to create things, making the universe his body....

So many possibilities. :D
If a creator can just 'be there' then why cant matter and energy or anything scientific just 'be there' and form the universe? This is a common arguement for a creator i have never understood, if he can simply have existed for all time then it is possible he didnt exist for all time but matter and energy did. Your right theres many possibilities, though i constantly try to get my head around the prospect of something simply always being there.
1. The universe is not "running down". That's just the creationist misunderstanding of entropy. In fact, it may be "cycling" as Katazia said.

How come we don't see examples of this in nature and stuff, I mean, once a person gets AIDS or some thing it gets worse, it doesn't eventually get better and go away.
@ Lemming3k

I also did not understand this argument for a creator. At least not entirely.

About a year ago, I tried to imagine how and why something could just exist, no matter if it is energy or god or whatever, I was thinking real hard about it and for quite a long time. It nearly drove me mad. And yes, I mean "mad" as employed for someone who seriously insane.
2. The postulated "creator", whether "spirit" or not, also has to have it's own "beginning". As Lemming3k originally said, a creator needs a creator needs a creator....

What if this creator made is without the abillity to fully be abel to comprehend it. Like so what little it did reveal would cause us ti be in awe of it?