True Resurrection


Valued Senior Member
BACACAY, Albay - A 10-year-old boy, reported earlier to have come to life 17 hours after doctors pronounced him dead, visited the Bethlehem Pastoral Center in Sogod, a village near his town "for spiritual healing."

Dante "Jun-Jun" Cardel Jr., according to the report, was pronounced dead by physicians at the Philippine General Hospital in Manila on June 21. The following day at his wake in the family abode in Puro, Legazpi City, he suddenly woke up and hugged his father and asked for food and water.

After the miraculous incident, his parents and Dr. Al "Zaldy" Abainza, agency director of Children International over Bethlehem Pastoral Center, took the boy to Father Efren "Momoy" Borromeo of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT).

Although Jun-Jun could barely communicate, he related his out-of-this-world experience.

"It was a nightmare at first, then I saw angels singing in a beautiful church," Jun-Jun recalled. Another incident he remembered was being told to wake up "by Jesus Christ, who had a beard and long blond hair." He said when he woke up, in his father’s arm, he looked up the sky, where he saw Jesus, but the kindly man was gone.

Father Borromeo, who claimed to have undergone the same experience, said Jun-Jun’s case was a miracle that could not be explained.

"It is a manifestation of God’s power," he said. "Let us just pray for Jun-Jun."

The SOLT community around the world is conducting its fourth General Chapter and International Assembly at Bethlehem Pastoral Center with the theme: "New Evangelization Challenge to Discipleship."

Father Borromeo is widely known as a faith healer. He claimed to have learned of his extraordinary power while assigned to the Santa Rita Parish in Philamlife Homes, Quezon City. At the time, he said, an Aruban woman came to him for a healing session. The woman had been diagnosed with cancer and was given only six months to live.

The priest said he forgot all about the woman after that, but then, he added, she came back after a year in the pink of health.

Since his "resurrection," Jun-Jun has not taken any medication, because the family does not have the money. For this reason, DWZR and DZGB, two local radio stations, are appealing to the public, particularly the well-to-do, for money to buy the medicine prescribed by doctors.

Jun-Jun is a member and sponsor child under Children International, a nongovernment organization providing social services for indigent children in the countryside.

Jun-Jun is the only boy in the family of seven siblings. His sisters are Zhiany Riu, 16; Mairie Isabel, 13; Carey Ann, 7; Ivy Candice, 6; and Danielle Shannen, 3.
Consider all the times that relatives pray for the survival of their sick loved ones, only to see them slip away.

"Oh well - it was God's will. God wants our son to be with him".

Do all these instances, which far outnumber instances like the one above, prove that Christianity is false?
The trouble is, once this case is surrounded by religious nutjobs, the facts just get embelished beyond that of what probably actually happened. It would be interesting to know what actually happened though. But with so many religious people around it, they are obviously simply hearing what they want to hear and saying what they want to say. The facts take a back seat and are not apparently important. Which is a shame since unusual incidents typically get surrounded by superstition, making unbiased observation impossible.
once upon a time, we believed when a persons heart stopped they were dead, but now we believe it's when their brains ceases to function, in the future it may be something complete different, so I would not put much truth into the boy being dead, if he was dead he would not be here now.
so lets say he was unconscious, and as for the halucinations that happens a lot to people who are sick, does it not.
it does not make christianity true or false, christianity is just a hopeful fantasy that some people have who fear death, we live we die it's that simple, it's what we do for humanity whilst we are here that matters, not no fantasy afterlife.
it amazes me that some people can be intelligent, until it comes to religion and god, as someone else said religion is a virus of the mind, and the world is populated with four billion of these type of people frightening is'nt it, luckily for us that numbers going down as more and more people come to their senses.
Saint said:
Father Borromeo, who claimed to have undergone the same experience, said Jun-Jun’s case was a miracle that could not be explained.

"It is a manifestation of God’s power," he said. "Let us just pray for Jun-Jun."
The classic: "We can't explain it yet - therefore God did it!"
god does everything. he even controls humans.

I don't know why I don't just put you on ignore, but where are you getting your facts from? Stop making things up. At least your average theist gets their 'facts' from scripture and hundreds of years of tradition. Whats your excuse for being an idiot though?
Death is not the supernatural barrier some think it is. A living thing is just a functioning body, which may cease to function, and then function again if the damage is not too great.
KennyJC, all facts (ie. opinions) come from the same source: human mind. Quoting someone elses thoughts doesn't make the it more "factual".

The God which controls humans and everything else is "I", the self.

People say that it's a "natural law" that the earth attracts things. They also say that the law of nature makes plants grow. Isn't it then logical to assume that viruses and insects are also controlled by them? And animals? Yes, everything is controlled by natural laws, but what is the law of nature? We humans call it "I" ("I am", consciousness, Jehova)

LOL - a very funny story. How can anyone be so gullible to think this might be true?

Not a single scientist in sight. Not a single idependently verifiable fact.

Duh! He wasn't dead. The doctors made a mistake.
Typical theist thought processes, see something out of the ordinary and claim it a miracle or devine intervention.

Even the kid himself was so indoctrinated he thought he saw Jesus in 'long blond hair.'

It would be funny if it wasn't such a tragic case of theist ignorance and stupidity.
Cris said:

LOL - a very funny story. How can anyone be so gullible to think this might be true?

Not a single scientist in sight. Not a single idependently verifiable fact.

Duh! He wasn't dead. The doctors made a mistake.
Even it is absolutely true, but with your skeptic mind, you will deny it too.
I don't think the boy's parents wanted to bury their son who is not dead; the boy must be lifeless, breatheless and heart stops pounding.
But miraculously he woke up again, obviously a resurrection.
They are many phenomena in this world that science can't explain and science has no right to tag them as superstition. :)
Saint said:
They are many phenomena in this world that science can't explain and science has no right to tag them as superstition. :)

Fair enough, but should theists have the right to tag them as miracles simply because there wasn't enough information at the time to explain them?
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Lawdog said:
This is the reason why the faith has spread around the world.

You do your religion a disservice by admitting such, that the reason religion flourishes is lack of information.
(Q) said:
You do your religion a disservice by admitting such, that the reason religion flourishes is lack of information.
The information is beyond human's comprehension, it is the socalled God's Knowledge. :D
Ah, so the fact that the average person lacks the knowledge to explain say, David Copperfield magically dissapearing into thin air, means that David Copperfield can actually dematerialize in thin air? Arguments from ignorance are hardly valid or worthy of consideration. The human mind is very easily decieved, and one must question why superstition and God reside exclusively in the realm of the unknown, or unknowable. Sounds alot like agnosticism to me. The boys experience of Jesus, if taken at face valure, is obviously an expression of his own indoctrination into the christain belief system. Extrordinary NDE's typcially reflect the belief system of the person experiencing them. The idols of ones mind are hardly compelling evidence.