UFO film footage - Real or Fake?


Registered Senior Member
I've found a UFO clip on the net.

<center> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/5672/ufoweb.avi

After viewing it ( if you haven't already seen it ) Can I have some input on it.
Here's the background while waiting for the download:

On the 26th December 1997, dramatic video footage of a UFO was recorded in the area just south of North Bay, Ontario, Canada. The video was taken by 2 people who were visiting friends over the holiday period. They have chosen to remain anonymous, and are known only as G and C.

The footage shows a saucer-like object in the distance that rapidly approaches the cameraman's position and appears to "buzz" a nearby house. The audio on the tape is quite muffled but the transcript is as follows:

G: "Is it still there?"

C: "...by the trees there..."

G: "I've got it, I got it...yeh"

G: "Wow!"


Preliminary video analysis suggests that it is not a hoax. Bartholomew McVeigh, a video-analyst from Toronto, and ex-NASA employee, states:

"It would be impossible to produce this kind of footage on current home computers"

To further add to the claim for authenticity, there is an eye-witness testimony of Robert Parker, a local farmer:

"We see a lot of strange objects in the skies around these parts, especially around that time of year. I remember saying to G____ and C____ a couple of days beforehand that they wouldn't like it around here, not on Boxing Day."

Is this fake or real? Local or an import?


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited November 17, 1999).]
Well, that's an interesting clip. But I found it strange that neither of them said anything when it came close. Also, what's with the odd reflections on the underside of the *craft*. If you look at the edges of the disc there are white reflections, but from what? there's no other light source except for the glow from the *craft*. The only explanation I see for this light is that it's the creators fault. High end 3d programs like 3dStudio Max can do things like this with adavanced lighting and animation. So at first look I was impressed, but not now.
I wasn't able to view the clip, but just because Bart McVeigh is an ex-NASA employee doesn't mean he knows jack about high-end computer graphics. As far as being a video-analyst, did he say who it was for? (On the highly cynical side, anybody who has an opinion about any TV show or commercial can be said to be a video analyst.) I will keep trying to see the footage, however, and draw a more informed opinion.
What about Robert Parkers testimony?
How can you be sure that what you were
seeing are white reflections?

I was unable to see the video to give my opinion. I would like to know if any further investigaton was done on this case.

All: to see the clip, remove ufoweb.avi from the url and then use the link on the page from there.

As you will see, this was obviously a little project somebody had going and they decided to share it, and fool people who don't know better. What they've done is put this clip up with only 1 page of information to accompany it at none other than geocities. No contact info, nothing. I've used 3dstudio max, and know what it's capable of. And the only reason this clip looks reasonably convincing is because they did a good job of synching a real shot with cgi. Not to mention that it's been reduced to the size of a postage stamp. Pay close attention to the surface of the disk and the textures that were used and you'll see what I'm talking about. I have no doubts this is fake.
Okay, I saw the footage finally. Why isn't the light underneath the saucer, where it would be if it was shining straight down, as the round (not elongated) shape suggests? This is contrived footage. I cannot see one reason why this couldn't be done on a home computer.

I call hoax.

Alien-Who is Robert Parker, anyway? An innocent farmer who they paid to say "I seen it!", or a drinking buddy? He's in on it, whichever way.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 18, 1999).]
The clairity of the video was great, but now for the bad parts. First it did look like it was done with a home computer. For one the "ship" at all times was clearer then anything eles in the entire frame even when it was not in the focus point. The light did not corrosound with movement of the "ship", and the ending sound afect sounded like a poor try at interfearence. Completley ignoring the fact that if there was audio interfearence there would also be video interfearence.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited November 18, 1999).]
Good points everyone.
As for who the heck posted it that was a great point - so I did some snooping and managed to find out who built the page and his email address, so I've asked him a pile of questions and hope he answers...otherwise a solid pile of spamming will be coming his way courteous of me!! LOL

As for downloading the clip - what a pain! if you don't have it by now get it -
I'm talking about 'GetRight' - the download tool to make our lives easier by completing broken downloads - it was the only way I managed to get the clip from Geo'

Great little tool.( free too! )
I'll hold my breath and see if this guy answers, till then anyone who hasn't got this clip, have a look for us, will you?!
Film Fake.. well done but fake.. UFO cartoon like.. good cartoon like.. but fake.. why would "Robert Parker" allow his full name but C&G not give names.. If Robert Parker is a farmer in the North Bay area he could be found easy.. why did they not follow the UFO with the camrea after it flew overhead? If a UFO was comming towards you would you not try to get the hell outta the way?

If I ever have Real Footage I would be splashing my name all over the place from local to National news not getting a free Geosites web page..

It looked fake to me. Looked kind of like a fake miniature neighborhood and a toy UFO. The guys whose voices we heard didn't sound too frightened or excited to me.

What was that light over the roof of the house long after the UFO had passed over it?

And why was it so wobbly? You would think that with the technology that would be required to travel millions of light years to get to our planet, they could make a craft that didn't wobble, wouldn't you?

Yes, my point exactly. We must investigate before we automatically
conclude something is fake. Also,
who knows how a genuine UFO can act or look like?
Hey guys,
you all pegged it right !
The guy replied to my email - that was nice of him - here it is:

"Sorry, but it is a 3d mockup. It started as a bit of a joke to show friends of friends who are big UFO fans, how easy it is to fake a sighting using a photo and a 3D package, and then lie (that's what the text is all about). I have a bigger and better version, but I think I do give the game away with
the last few seconds of the clip!

Interestingly though, I did realise how difficult it would be to film a genuine sighting - not enough detail and people think it's a plane etc., too much detail and people think it's fake. Obviously my film isn't helping much..."

Says it all really, huh?