Ufologists - What does this thing mean?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
So I was hopping around, picking up on the Space.com black triangle story and I came across a page that had a "gadget" at the bottom, counting down to something 408 days from now, but also advising:

1337+666=Year 2003
1976+27=Year 2003
6+6+6+2+7=27 = ET REAL CONTACT JULY 27th​

What ... what does that mean? Is it a fringe-culture thing? I mean, maybe your average ufologist isn't the person to ask on this one, but ...?
Its the countdown to the arrival of another race.. The creatures in the triangles are probably wondering how stupid can those earthlings be? We fly over them slowly and they STILL don't believe we exist? dumb de dum dumb....these people really need help! The bible is chock full of alien encounters.. three wise men follow a star? Ezekiel's wheel? the prophesy of the new jeruselum decending from Heaven bedecked with precious stones.. Landing lights? Daniels dreams? many old paintings have saucers painted on them by the artist for a reason.. aliens have been visiting this planet for ages! nothing New about it.. gezz people!
tiassa said:
What ... what does that mean? Is it a fringe-culture thing?


It's rather unfortunate that this crap still has to get lumped together with quality scientific reports like this one from NIDS. But some people still can't see the difference.

How would a neurological scientist feel if his paper on the latest brain cell research were together put with ads for Miss Cleo?
Its the countdown to the arrival of another race

To be honest, I admit that I got that part. But I'm puzzled by the "equation". Or maybe I'm lazy and just not doing the math ....
(Go ahead, baby ... Title me!)

As I look at the counter-thingy again today, it appears to be counting up, something I hadn't noticed before. Okay, so that makes it a little more clear.

So ... where are the aliens? They've been here for 409 days.

(As to the topic itself, I now feel foolish because the "counting up" puts the equation partway into context; now I just have to figure out the reasons for the numbers. 666 is obvious, but what happened in 1337 or 1976?)
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Actually Countdowns are a sneaky way to gain attention to a site,
All you have to do is place something cryptic a future date and before you know it people are looking at the site for one reason or another. (Usually secret service wondering what you're going to blow up).
Hi Tiassa, were neighbors! A web toed Washingtonian here also.

You may want to try this figure instead.
616, not 666 is in the OLDEST manuscripts. (Check bible foot notes.)
600 = D =500 and C = 100 (The capitol of demon-ocracy, and current world power.)
16 was the original address of the White House, now it is 1600.
With out the “mark” of the beast you cant buy or sell. Democracy.
It is a stretch to use 666 to try and determine the arrival or return of King Jesus.

For that you could try using the date when the Jews were given back their lands and national title. 1948
Given that they were stopped from sacrifice, and so on, 1,290 years prior to that in 658 AD (when the dome of the rock was built) and that 1,335 days (years) later (from 658 AD) the last of the Jews were freed from the last countries that were holding them from returning home. If you follow that and are familiar with bible prophesies.

Now to determine when the King of the Universe arrives one must also know that no one will know the day nor the hour. Because, the time is cut short on account of the elect. Yet we are told to pay attention and to take note of certain changes in the world about us and to signs in the heavens so as to know when it is close. The bible says that those alive in the end times and that see these things would not die off till ALL these things were accomplished. Those people that witnessed these events are getting old. 70 – 80 years is the given life span in the bible. Plus from the crater chain research we know that the war in the heavens has taken place and the Bad ET’s were cast down to the earth. Times about up! :D
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It is amazing how such a simplistic non-technological language can point to something in our time. Also, how a tiny miss translation or slip of the pen can lead so many people chasing their 6.
...or indeed their 666. :p

1337 is, of course, l33t-speak for leet itself. Whatever the hell "leet" means anyway! Perhaps it's counting up to the day the h4x0rs take over the world! (I think that's already happened!)

I don't know the reasoning, but the "Beast" whose number was 666 was probably the Emperor Nero.

I remember the first time I read the book of Revelations, my immediate thought was, "Man, this guy is stoned!" It's quite probably totally symbolic and properly understandable when provided with the correct "pesher" or interpretation. Where Barbara Thiering and her ilk go wrong is applying such symbology to the rest of the Gospels, which is evident nonsense. Those are straightforward narrative, how can you claim any deep symbolism for it?

Awwww, I've just noticed the aliens were due to land on my mum's birthday! :D