UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

I don't know Wegs. The burn pattern on his stomach, followed by years of a strange illness. The bizarre account itself and why he would fabricate such an unlikely tale just to hide a geological find. The trace evidence of the burn circle, the melted goggles and burned shirt and undershirt and its radioactivity, and the melted metal in the cracks of the rock. The remarkably detailed sketch he made of the object. The godawful odor his son reported when his dad came home. The record of many comparable sightings and encounters taking place in the 60's and 70's (see below). Taken all together, it just doesn't seem to be hoax OR a hallucination. But that's just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own in the end.

As recently released by the now disbanded Pentagon UAP taskforce AATIP:

"The report describes 42 cases from medical files and 300 "unpublished" cases where humans sustained injuries after alleged encounters with "anomalous vehicles," which include UFOs. In some cases, humans showed burn injuries or other conditions related to electromagnetic radiation, the report said — some of them appearing to have been inflicted by "energy related propulsion systems." The report also noted cases of brain damage, nerve damage, heart palpitations and headaches related to anomalous vehicle encounters."---https://www.livescience.com/ufo-report-human-biological-injuries
Why do you think the well-defined burn marks on his stomach have anything to do with a space ship? How would that work?
Why do you think the well-defined burn marks on his stomach have anything to do with a space ship? How would that work?

I don't know. I make no pretense of knowing what sort of energy/technology is required to transit from one world to the next. But it's what he witnessed and experienced. Allegedly..
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Why do you think the well-defined burn marks on his stomach have anything to do with a space ship? How would that work?

One minute the UFO has a atomic powered lift and propel system , next minute it has a hot exhaust fumes outlet with a grill cover

(Sorry loosing train of thought here with hospital staff wanting my attention)

I don't know. I make no pretense of knowing what sort of energy/technology is required to travel from one world to the next. But it's what he witnessed and experienced. Allegedly..

CLICK incredulous font on You don't know all the space agencies of every country use liquid fuel rocket systems, no exhaust fumes outlet required? CLICK incredulous font off

I don't know. I make no pretense of knowing what sort of energy/technology is required to travel from one world to the next. But it's what he witnessed and experienced. Allegedly..
My point is unless he put his belly against a hot grill, how would that happen?
My point is unless he put his belly against a hot grill, how would that happen?

I can only speculate. He was already close enough to touch the craft with his glove, which then melted. Then the craft rotated CCW. So maybe he was against the panel at that point. Would certainly explain the raised welps on his stomach.

"He reached to touch the craft, which he said melted the fingertips of the glove he was wearing.

The craft then began to turn counter-clockwise and Stefan says he noticed a panel that contained a grid of holes. Shortly afterward, he was struck in the chest by a blast of air or gas that pushed him backward and set his shirt and cap ablaze."---https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/falcon-lake-incident-book-anniversary-1.4121639
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Shortly afterward, he was struck in the chest by a blast of air or gas that pushed him backward and set his shirt and cap ablaze."---

Would not some hot air / gas scar his skin smoothly not in a grid marking?

Grid pattern from contacting a hot grid sure

Well it seems SOME scientists aren't waiting around for the U.S. Navy or NASA to explore UAPs. Here is the trailer for the new documentary "A Tear In The Sky", following a team of scientists in their high tech search for the elusive craft. Looks promising, but let's be honest. If they had clincher evidence we would've heard about it by now. In the meantime, and without any further ado:


"The award-winning documentary A TEAR IN THE SKY takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology. What they find instead are thought-provoking clues into the true nature of the UFO phenomenon and the very fabric of our spacetime reality."
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Typical skeptic's obsession with slandering and discrediting anyone who claims to have an extraordinary experience.
OK, so MR has escalated to defending a self-confessed liar in support of a UFO account.

I give them the benefit of the doubt. For me people are trustworthy until they do something or something is revealed about them that is dishonest.
Turns out you didn't give yourself enough credit. Even when all doubt is removed and they reveal that they lied, you will happily continue to trust them.
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What sort of atomic powered spacecraft has need of a piece of machinery which puts out exhaust gases? needing a large exhaust outlet with a grid

Grid stops wild life and gold prospectors climbing in??? Why not a solid door?

And why would you put your belly / chest up against it in such a manner?

The whole story is odd

I can only speculate. He was already close enough to touch the craft with his glove, which then melted. Then the craft rotated CCW. So maybe he was against the panel at that point. Would certainly explain the raised welps on his stomach.
This is inconsistent with common sense: if the craft was hot enough to the touch to melt his gloves, why would he not have felt the heat through wherever else he was supposedly in contact with it (e.g. the panel against his chest)? And why would he be pressed against it if it was hot?
Also, his own retelling says only after the craft began to turn CCW did he notice the panel, and then was struck by the hot gas. So it already burnt his gloves, but he decided to lean against the panel anyway?? If not, if he was standing any reasonable distance away from the panel, the burns would have been uniform over his front. The only way he could have sustained those burns, with the outline of the panel on his vest as well, was if he was firmly and fully pressed against it, not just leaning against it... sort of in the way you press against something hot that you fall on top of... which doesn't make sense from his recounting of events.
Typical skeptic's obsession with slandering and discrediting anyone who claims to have an extraordinary experience.
You cannot slander the dead (at least not under UK law). Although you meant libel (written / published) rather than slander (spoken).
However, the questioning is not a matter of defamation but of coming up with a more reasonable alternative to explain the behaviour and claim of the individual. Libel (assuming the accused was living) would be claiming that that was the explanation, rather than merely suggesting that it is an explanation that is more reasonable.

As for believing people until they give you reason not to trust them, that is almost the very definition of gullible: ...too willing to believe what other people say. In fact, per your own admission, you need no persuading, and simply believe them straight away. Belief is your default position, and that makes you gullible. But I suspect that it is only with regards UFO/UAPs and ghosts etc, rather than the countless other things people tell you. Selective gullibility (TM)
The only way he could have sustained those burns, with the outline of the panel on his vest as well, was if he was firmly and fully pressed against it
The grid panel would have to be cold also for the panel not to burn his skin

If he was that close to the “craft,” wouldn’t his hair have been singed? His face burnt?

If you look at the cartoon sketch (not Michalak’s sketch), it looks like a burst of fire pushed him back, yet his legs and face weren’t injured, only below his abdomen, shows burn marks.

If it happened as he said, he’d have been burned elsewhere, although he was wearing protective face gear, I recall reading.

He was a skilled machinist by trade, so he may have been working on something himself, and it exploded. That would make sense because he could have been leaning against a grid-like piece of equipment while it was cold, and it exploded and burned his stomach. That would explain why no other part other than his torso area was affected. His chest is untouched but his abdomen shows marks?

He was drinking (this is someone who had a serious drinking problem if he’s drunk in the early afternoon) and decided to concoct this story, because he was doing something possibly illegal? (working with chemicals or machinery that could emit radiation) A microwave emits radiation and they’re small enough to be carried …so something of that size perhaps, he may have been working on.

I’m just guessing but his injuries aren’t consistent with what would have happened if a fire explosion happened in the way he said it did.

I don’t believe the theory that he made up the story to keep his competition away from visiting the area, it sounds more like he was working on something that backfired and caused his injury and he fabricated this story. He says he didn’t want attention but the opposite happened. lol
If he was that close to the “craft,” wouldn’t his hair have been singed? His face burnt?
It would depend how big the exhaust vent was relative to him, and how far away he was.
If you look at the cartoon sketch (not Michalak’s sketch), it looks like a burst of fire pushed him back, yet his legs and face weren’t injured, only below his abdomen, shows burn marks.
I haven't seen the sketch... where do I find it?
If it happened as he said, he’d have been burned elsewhere, although he was wearing protective face gear, I recall reading.
I agree that if he was standing behind the craft and not in contact with the panel then yes, it would have burnt him differently to what he actually suffered.
He was a skilled machinist by trade, so he may have been working on something himself, and it exploded.
Indeed. Or cooking. :)
That would make sense because he could have been leaning against a grid-like piece of equipment while it was cold, and it exploded and burned his stomach.
Hmm. Not sure. If you mean gases exploded through the panel and burnt him, then yes, possibly. But if you mean there was an explosion and the panel blew off then unlikely: that would probably have caused more injury - probably blunt trauma rather than just burns - and I'm not sure why a cold panel would have gotten hot from the explosion... the conduction/convection etc wouldn't have been quick enough to transfer heat into the panel.
That would explain why no other part other than his torso area was affected. His chest is untouched but his abdomen shows marks?
Same as if, in a state of intoxication (even mild) he fell onto a panel that was hot. Such as a griddle pan. ;)
He was drinking (this is someone who had a serious drinking problem if he’s drunk in the early afternoon) and decided to concoct this story, because he was doing something possibly illegal? (working with chemicals or machinery that could emit radiation) A microwave emits radiation and they’re small enough to be carried …so something of that size perhaps, he may have been working on.
Possibly, but the radiation may just have been natural (radium ore etc). If it involved microwave tech then he'd have needed a power source (i.e. generator). Maybe that exploded.
I’m just guessing but his injuries aren’t consistent with what would have happened if a fire explosion happened in the way he said it did.
I agree, from what I've read.
I don’t believe the theory that he made up the story to keep his competition away from visiting the area, it sounds more like he was working on something that backfired and caused his injury and he fabricated this story. He says he didn’t want attention but the opposite happened. lol
We'll never know for sure. :)
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Good point. Someone can be honest but mistaken about what they saw. But I still wouldn't assume they are lying.
You seem to have missed the point. The point is that their observation might still be wrong even if they're telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's why eyewitness accounts should not be trusted.
You seem to have missed the point. The point is that their observation might still be wrong even if they're telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That's why eyewitness accounts should not be trusted.

What do you think Michalak was mistaken about in his account of the ufo? How can one be mistaken by something so big and unusual sitting right in front of you for so long that you can even sketch it?
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What do you think Michalak was mistaken about in his account of the ufo? How can one be mistaken by something so big and unusual sitting right in front of you for so long that you can even sketch it?

He was mistaken about his encounter happening

I don’t think he was “mistaken.” Unfortunately, the more I’ve read about this case, it sounds like he flat out fabricated it and his son carried on with the tale.

@ Sarkus - I don’t think he fell on a griddle, because typically when we stumble, we brace ourselves for the fall. He would have likely had scratches and bruises elsewhere on his hands, wrists and forearms if he was trying to catch himself from falling, but fell anyway. I don’t think he would have fallen flat into a griddle or grid, face first, and that perfect pattern on his stomach would have appeared. Seems suspicious.

I’m leaning towards he fabricated the entire scenario, because at first he didn’t want to be caught building whatever he was building out there - or experimenting with something. I go back to that he was a machinist and that scenario seems likely? Not sure, just guessing, but he wasn’t “mistaking” another craft for a UFO. (the one he sketched)

Then…he ended up getting a lot of publicity and he sounds like he liked it. And his son liked it too, because he carried on the story. At first, this story sounded creepy but after reading through the details a bit more, I highly doubt a UFO landed and he happened to be there and happened to see it and happened to get injured, and then it flew away. lol

He had a history of substance abuse and addictions so he may have not been mentally well, and could have been delusional.

As an aside, think this might be something I want to do for a living…investigate UFO sightings. :oops:
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