UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Surely if we survive for another 100,000 years we would have figured out how to regulate reproducing to the point of not overpopulating the planet. That should be an easier problem than figuring out how to survive on other planets in mass numbers.

Anyway...the ghosts and monsters will have probably destroyed us by then.
Surely if we survive for another 100,000 years we would have figured out how to regulate reproducing to the point of not overpopulating the planet. That should be an easier problem than figuring out how to survive on other planets in mass numbers.

Anyway...the ghosts and monsters will have probably destroyed us by then.

Personally I have no confidence in those who give offerings to a sky daddy, having first conned the offering from you, on the pretext the offering you give to them, and pass on, will be warmly received, and just what is required for your afterlife runs smoothly

Oh that's the fly in the ointment. Others disagree with my Sky Daddy version and we fight (figure out by fighting - so no we won't) which sky daddy is the best.

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Personally I have no confidence in those who give offerings to a sky daddy, having first conned the offering from you, on the pretext the offering you give to them, and pass on, will be warmly received, and just what is required for your afterlife runs smoothly

Who is talking about a sky daddy? I'm referring to the real ghosts and monsters, not the fake ones.
No I didn't. It just doesn't add up. A hundred thousand years is a long time.
It is a very long time, so who are you to say that it doesn't add up and your view does? You can map humanity's progress through the next 100k years to show where his view "doesn't add up", perhaps? ;)
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I'm guessing you look at your imponderables to bring you to thiis
No, I'm Not saying you're wrong, I just don't see how you rationalize a population that stabilizes and stays stable within an order of magnitude or two for five thousand generations. Have you thought through what we will do for raw resources? How do you add up those numbers?

Anyway, I think your view is in the minority.
No, I'm Not saying you're wrong, I just don't see how you rationalize a population that stabilizes and stays stable within an order of magnitude or two for five thousand generations. Have you thought through what we will do for raw resources? How do you add up those numbers?

Anyway, I think your view is in the minority.

I just don't see how you rationalize a population that stabilizes and stays stable within an order of magnitude or two for five thousand generations.
Not sure I rationalised such a population, more I would put such a situation as most unbalanced

Have you thought through what we will do for raw resources? How do you add up those numbers?

Raw resources? Where are we going with raw resources? They go where they always go. To those with the ability to accumulate them

No sure what number you are wanting me to add up

Anyway, I think your view is in the minority.


No. I'm quite intentionally posting in his defense. I consider MR a longtime friend. MR would be the first to agree that we don't agree on everything. But he's still a friend and I don't like seeing my friends bullied and used as punching bags. I come to their defense and try to make the bullying a little more difficult.

Besides, MR and I do fundamentally agree that reality is deeper and more mysterious than most people seem to think. So we resonate together at that point.

I appreciate your friendship Yazata and have for the over 20 years I have known you virtually. And we do both share a common view of reality harboring mysteries and secrets we have yet to encounter. I have never understood how skeptics can claim to be scientific and have no sense of awe and wonder at the mysterious nature of the universe. To me it just follows from the inherent limitation of our hominid brain trying to grasp its ultimate situation. Reality if nothing else is practically defined as what goes beyond our grasp. It is inherently transcendent and surpasses even the most ingenious of us to totally understand it and define it. So it seems to follow that it will occasionally manifest enigmatic phenomena that we are baffled by. UAP's seem to be one of these obstinate little mysteries that skeptics hope will just go away by being mocked as "woo" and so ignored.
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UAP's seem to be one of these obstinate little mysteries that skeptics hope will just go away by being mocked as "woo" and so ignored.
I think the reason for this could be due to the fact that for some unknown reason, whenever UAP's and the idea of aliens are brought up, some trot in their views on religion. lol Not sure why that is, but it is, and it just takes these topics down a path that really has nothing to do with UAP's. As if daring to believe that space aliens may exist, that may mean you could believe that God exists. -_O What?? I don't understand the connection.

The two ''concepts'' are not remotely connected, if you ask me.

''Supernatural'' isn't synonymous with the term ''spiritual.'' But, they often get paired together. Supernatural simply means that whatever it is that we're considering to be supernatural, defies the laws of physics. So, it (the tic tac object, for example) could be something mundane (of this world), and we have yet to connect all the dots.
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I think the reason for this could be due to the fact that for some unknown reason, whenever UAP's and the idea of aliens are brought up, some trot in their views on religion. lol Not sure why that is, but it is, and it just takes these topics down a path that really has nothing to do with UAP's. As if daring to believe that space aliens may exist, that may mean you could believe that God exists. Oh, the horrors.

The two ''concepts'' are not remotely connected, if you ask me.

''Supernatural'' isn't synonymous with the term ''spiritual.'' But, they often get paired together. Supernatural simply means that whatever it is that we're considering to be supernatural, defies the laws of physics. So, it (the tic tac object, for example) could be something mundane (of this world), and we have yet to connect all the dots.
We know the tic tac object isn't supernatural, right? :)
We know the tic tac object isn't supernatural, right? :)

lol I don't think we do, do we? Thought the latest was ''we don't know what this is.''

It could be doing physics defying maneuvers; it could be a weather balloon on crack...it could be that we don't know enough.

Sarcasm aside, I don't think we know enough to really say one way or the other what any of these UAP's are. I like ''not enough information,'' better than ''we don't know.'' We're getting particular!
lol I don't think we do, do we? Thought the latest was ''we don't know what this is.''

It could be doing physics defying maneuvers; it could be a weather balloon on crack...it could be that we don't know enough.

Sarcasm aside, I don't think we know enough to really say one way or the other what any of these UAP's are. I like ''not enough information,'' better than ''we don't know.'' We're getting particular!

I'm not arguing against, "I don't know what it is". I'm just pointing out that if we are looking at it, it's not supernatural. :) Even if it were operating our known laws of physics, that would just mean that it was advanced and we don't know all the laws of physics. Supernatural would mean not of this natural world. If we can see it, it physically exists and is therefore of this world.

Maybe "we" need to be a little more particular. :)
I'm not arguing against, "I don't know what it is". I'm just pointing out that if we are looking at it, it's not supernatural. :)
Well, the definition of supernatural is: “an event attributed to some force beyond our scientific understanding or laws of nature.”

It can also extend past the observable universe, but that’s an additional definition.

Why couldn’t the first description fit the tic tac sighting?
Well, the definition of supernatural is: “an event attributed to some force beyond our scientific understanding or laws of nature.”

It can also extend past the observable universe, but that’s an additional definition.

Why couldn’t the first description fit the tic tac sighting?
If you use that definition I guess you could make that argument (I wouldn't). I don't think the tic tac thing was really beyond the laws of nature.

Anytime that you can't identify or make sense of something I guess you could argue that one possibility is that it could be beyond the laws of nature. A mirage of water in the desert when first sighted could be supernatural and beyond the laws of nature because it disappears as you get closer.

It's not supernatural however. :)
If you use that definition I guess you could make that argument (I wouldn't). I don't think the tic tac thing was really beyond the laws of nature.

Anytime that you can't identify or make sense of something I guess you could argue that one possibility is that it could be beyond the laws of nature. A mirage of water in the desert when first sighted could be supernatural and beyond the laws of nature because it disappears as you get closer.

It's not supernatural however. :)
That's a good point, but science can explain what a mirage is. We don't have an explanation for the tic tac flying object, so we could say that it may be defying the laws of physics. I think that's fair.