Here is some infrared footage of a flying sphere recorded by the U.S.S. Omaha off the coast of California on July 15, 2019. The object is tracked for some time before it appears to enter the water. The object at that point disappeared from radar and sonar as well. These spheres are definitely NOT balloons!
Tell me how you determined that the object was not a balloon.
How does a spotlight hover in midair and show up on infrared camera and on radar?
A spotlight does not hover in mid-air on its own, clearly. A spotlight that is
attached to something can easily appear to be hovering in mid-air (indeed, it might actually be hovering in the air, suspended by the thing it is attached to).
A spotlight can be a heat source. Heat sources show up on infrared cameras. That's kinda one of the useful features of an infrared camera.
Spotlights are solid objects. Solid objects tend to show up on radar. That's kinda one of the useful features of radar.
It is a 6 ft in diameter sphere that flies and hovers and has no wings or control surfaces and no propulsion that would definitely show up in thermal.
Tell me how you determined it is 6 ft in diameter.
Tell me how you deteremine it is spherical.
Tell me how you determined it was flying.
Tell me how you determined it has no wings or control surface or propulsion system.
That is absolutely beyond any known technology or our level of physics.
No. For instance, balloons are spherical, have no wings or control surfaces or propulsion systems. Balloons can be 6 ft in diameter and can fly or hover. The construction of balloons is clearly within the bounds of known technology.
Why do you make outlandish claims that are just silly?
There were 14 of these spheres detected by the squadron of ships over a 3 day period.
Why do we only get to see appallingly shoddy footage of one of them, then?
Neither we nor any other government on earth have anything remotely close to that.
I believe the government has both balloons and spotlights.
The sphere either vanished or entered the water.
Tell me how you determined it was a sphere.
Tell me what you did to rule out all explanations for its disappearance other than vanishing or entering water.
Both capabilities entail something far more advanced than us.
No. Balloons and spotlights can both enter water. They can also appear to "vanish" under suitable conditions.