Very lost cowboy ghost?

Are they alien "cowboy" ghosts, or did they ride horseback from Earth or something?
Can't see the video at work, but it looks like some smutz (dirt or dust?) on the lens, or possibly a puff of dust, based on the still image.

A "cowboy ghost on Mars" seems... well, ridiculous comes to mind.
Can't see the video at work, but it looks like some smutz (dirt or dust?) on the lens, or possibly a puff of dust, based on the still image.A "cowboy ghost on Mars" seems... well, ridiculous comes to mind.
It's not dirt or dust on the lens. Try new link in OP. If no joy...go down to number 568 in the list found here and click ''enhanced''.
It comes from this list:
I can see the .gif - it... looks like a dust devil of some sort?


A towering dust devil casts a serpentine shadow over the Martian surface in this image acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.The scene is a late-spring afternoon in the Amazonis Planitia region of northern Mars. The view covers an area about four-tenths of a mile (644 meters) across. North is toward the top. The length of the dusty whirlwind's shadow indicates that the dust plume reaches more than half a mile (800 meters) in height. The plume is about 30 yards or meters in diameter.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
Well, yes it's a dust devil. You are seeing the dust devil at the end of the animated gif? To me it looks like a cowboy spook.

I guess I'm just confused what the question/discussion is? I thought your premise was that it was a ghost?

Is it more that we know it is a dust devil, but it just made a cutsie shape?
Yes, that's probably where I'm coming from. For some reason on first seeing it, I straight away thought of Sciforums dot com. If only there was a bench in the picture.
I better go now, I'm getting silly.

Ah, alrighty - just wanted to make sure I understood where you were coming from! Thanks for clarifying
Yes, that's probably where I'm coming from. For some reason on first seeing it, I straight away thought of Sciforums dot com. If only there was a bench in the picture.
I better go now, I'm getting silly.

what makes you ridiculous is your presumptuous smart-ass post using any type of similar photo as if it discredits the paranormal. Here is the truth: it doesn't.

it's your blindspot to not realize that people do know that pictures can be photoshopped as well as other mundane reasons for aberration in pictures but that still doesn't negate paranormal phenomenon. even paranormal sites have pictures of debunked photos etc.

oh, you are a genius for bringing such silliness to light. not.
it's your blindspot to not realize that people do know that pictures can be photoshopped as well as other mundane reasons for aberration in pictures but that still doesn't negate paranormal phenomenon. even paranormal sites have pictures of debunked photos etc.
We all agree that some pictures are faked or mundane.

The salient point here is: how does one make the distinction?

How do you, birch, make the distinction? And what makes your personal judgment any better than anyone else's?

This is one of the things thats been raised as paranormal:
Do you see no room in this pic for the likelihood that this is just a curiously-shaped cloud?
We all agree that some pictures are faked or mundane.

The salient point here is: how does one make the distinction?

How do you, birch, make the distinction? And what makes your personal judgment any better than anyone else's?

This is one of the things thats been raised as paranormal:
Do you see no room in this pic for the likelihood that this is just a curiously-shaped cloud?

excuse me? when someone makes a judgement that it's all faked or mundane, how do they make the distinction? but in this vein, no one questions but agrees wholeheartedly. har har.

But realistically, most of them are faked or have mundane explanations. That still doesn't mean all of them are fake though.
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excuse me? when someone makes a judgement that it's all faked or mundane, how do they make the distinction? but in this vein, no one questions but agrees wholeheartedly. har har.

But realistically, most of them are faked or have mundane explanations. That still doesn't mean all of them are fake though.
Is someone saying they are all - categorically - faked? Who?

I ask again, how do you decide where to draw the line between real and fake, and what makes your line any more accurate than anyone else's?

Did you check out the link I included in post 12? Supernatural or mundane? Because that's been presented here as "compelling".
Is someone saying they are all - categorically - faked? Who?

I ask again, how do you decide where to draw the line between real and fake, and what makes your line any more accurate than anyone else's?

And when did I say that my line was more accurate? i'm debunking the implied myth they are all faked or have mundane explanations and not possibly a paranormal phenomenon. again, why is it categorically okay for people to assume it's all fake or silly? hmm?

there is no definitive line but I do understand somewhat why those who haven't had paranormal experience to think it's all silly or imagination. When you have had some experience, there are some details that make it stand out a bit more than the rest but there is no way to be sure as it's all anecdotal.

Most people who have an interest or belief in the paranormal is because they have had a compelling experience which they could not explain or was out of the ordinary. This doesn't even mean it was positive. An interest in the paranormal doesn't always mean it's because you are a fan of the experience either.

Some find it fascinating or curious and some others it's because they are suspicious of a reality that is not conventional. People have differing reasons for their belief or interest.
i'm debunking the implied myth they are all faked or have mundane explanations and not possibly a paranormal phenomenon. again, why is it categorically okay for people to assume it's all fake or silly? hmm?
I ask again, who is saying categorically that they're all fake or mundane?
I suspect you have built a straw man to attack.
the main thing i do know, imo, from experience, is to realize that the only distinction between our consciousness and those of a 'ghost' persay, is the body. in essence, they are the same type of entity or lifeforce. i would say most paranormal phenomena happen just as much caused by a living person vs deceased. this is because they are often extensions of a person, positive or negative. it may not be from you but it most likely was birthed from someone at some point.

it could be equated to an aspect of consciousness of a person astrally. the projection it is literally a 'devil' is just for a purpose of identification and often people don't want to admit or take responsibility for their evil side, granted some people's dark sides are worse than others etc. demons are produced by people as much as nature has produced it in people. it can be very negative/evil or benign or good. even what is described as demonic can be an extension of a human's nature.

just as life can produce or give birth, so can one produce or give birth to shadow entities itself, often shadow or refuse parts, or some can be innocent or good, even leaving bits of themselves unseen. it will depend upon the person. some of these are called imprints or hauntings of locations. why these are mostly not positive is because these are usually the darkest shadow sides of people that are not expressed openly because they are not acceptable/awful so it can take this form which can be abjectly hideous or so evil to be described as 'demonic'. most hauntings are not positive or because of a positive occurrence because the high level of stress due to a twisted or tragic scenario is often the cause of the unresolved.

so the idea of the 'demon' type apparitions especially, besides general ghosts, is to separate itself from humans when it is produced by people. there are people who literally purge it into the world or sick it onto others, even subconsciously.

the other typical ghost hunting stuff where they film mostly at night etc is for effect as paranormal phenomenon does not care what time of day it is etc. also, small details such as objects flying or claims there was literally blood seeping from walls etc is most likely untrue and just hyped parroting from movies. paranormal phenomena don't usually do things just to spook someone except accidentally or chance encounter.

the more dangerous ones have more of a purpose such as to attach to someone to steal lifeforce, influence you as a vessel to do or act in certain ways or it could be destructive if a negative spirit/ entity etc. the effects tend to be more psychological and emotional, not hyped to do what is in films such as levitate objects etc just for the hell of it. so in that sense ghosts or paranormal phenomena is hyped.

also, i've heard of the typical coldspots but in my experience, it had nothing to do with temperature but more of a magnetic and dense presence, like the air was very thick and heavy itself etc.
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We all agree that some pictures are faked or mundane.

You gave a link in this post of yours referring to a thread showing this photo
Since ghost are supposed to be the souls of dead people how does that work for clothes?
Since this photo was taken, and showed this image when developed, what was the photographer trying to take a photo of?
Are there photos either side of this photo to may be put this photo in sequence?
Do the photos either side overlap this photo and perhaps show this apparition from another angle?
How long after the death did this apparition hang around before being snapped?
So many scientific questions:)
