Wanna bet!


Registered Senior Member
If you bet that god exists and you are right, you win everything. You win a meaningful life on earth and eternal happiness in heaven.

If you bet that God exists and you are wrong, you have lost very little.

If you bet that God does not exist and you are right, you have gained very little.

If you bet that God does not exist and you are wrong, then you face eternal destruction in hell.

Personally I'm betting God exists! How would you bet.
If you bet that God does not exist and you are right, you have gained very little.
Well, I wouldn't say that, I win my freedom, wasted less time and best of all, the satisfaction that we were right all along

If you bet that God does not exist and you are wrong, then you face eternal destruction in hell
Sure beats heaven, probably have crap computer games in heaven!!

I'm betting on 14 Black!!
Sure! I'll bet five bucks that Vienna will respond to one or all or our posts with something extrordinarily stupid!

Anyways, to paraphrase Nietzsche:

In hell, all the interesting people are there.

Here's my take on the situation:


God exists:
He either minds that I disbelieve in him:

In which case I have a choice:

Slavery or damnation.

I choose damnation.


He doesn't mind, in which case I've lost nothing.


God doesn't exist.
In which case I've lost nothing.
Hello Xev,

No I'm not going to say anything stupid, I just wanted to find out how people would bet on something like this.

P.S. I'll take the fiver now please....;)
Personally I'm betting God exists! How would you bet.

I'm betting that you'll eventually give up the notion of non-existent entities and live a more meaningful life unhindered by fear and whimsical tales of an afterlife.

Remember, life is short and is the only time you'll ever be aware of anything. Use your time wisely.
Personally I'm betting God exists! How would you bet.
If god as you describe him exists, he is probably pissed off that you are gambling with his existance...and the only reason you choose to believe in him is for selfish reasons. So if he does exist, I'll probably be hanging out with you in the lava filled hot tub...

But he doesn't so this is all meaningless...:p
Hi Captain,

I have believed in God for many years, and this has nothing to do with the "bet" I have asked here. The original format of the bet comes from Blaise Pascal's writing Pensees (Thoughts).
If you want to live as though god exists then in what way would u do this?? Do what ever u like!??? just take sex whenever u like? Take [what]ever u like?? do what u like when u like?? Sure u could do. Plus!!! if i didnt beleive in god it doesnt mean that i want to inflict certain things on other people.Someone might not beleive in god but still want to live morally just because they know how it feels to be 'impinged upon' (think u can use the word like that). thee is also a chance that end up in prison at some time by living like this.
By xev:
In hell, all the interesting people are there.
True. All of the drugs, alcohol and cigarrettes would be there too i imagine. Also the fit women with whips and chains would be too ;) lol :eek: Anyway. Who says that Hitler went to hell. If god does interact with us (signs from god ect) then whats to say God didnt push Hitler, or send him, in this direction on purpose. We have learnt a lot from what hitler did (about the structure of governments, studies of obedience etc) and it means that it i less likely (i hope) for something like that to happen again. What if he really was listening to god!?? Will he be in hell?? i dont think so. plus!! is there anything that anyone can endure on earth that is so bad if that soul gets to spend eternity (think about it) in paradise. thin about it. not lying around eating grapes all day but ur actual soul being cleansed. being free. Free to spend eternity with ur loved ones. just 'watching' the progress of the earth from any 'position' u choose.u dont have to eat. u dont have to sleep. u dont have to do anything.ur just free and clean and pure :)
Yeah, I know it is Pascal's Wager. In my eyes it has been debunked numerous times in a variety of ways. Search google and you should be able to find alot of arguments for and against. Probably more against ;).

To me it is only an attempt to justify irrationality.
...and the only reason you choose to believe in him is for selfish reasons
it depends on the reason. not selfish if ur reason is love for him and what he is created and if you want to help him make it a better place.Anyway! i know that sounds corny but someone might want to gdo good things just for the sake of makind itself, maybe not for god. Im sure that he doesnt need our help anyway but to try to destroy/hinder the progress of, what he has created is surely a hate for him!??? to help him or at least follow him would be a love for him :)
Thanks Captain
I was unaware that it been debunked numerous times in a variety of ways. I did not mean to attempt to justify irrationality as you call it. What you call irrational could be rational to others. Ah well, I live and learn. :)
If we are overgrown 'germs' (evolution) then why do we have morality??? if we evolved from single celld orgasims then morality doesnt make any sense. for what reason does an 'animal' need to know whether it is right or wrong. Surely it is just fighting for the extension of its species. i saw a BBC1 documentary where a lioness 'adopted' a baby onyx (small deer). the onyx was hurt and the lioness looked after i and was even going to starve to death without eating the onyx. it was thirsty to but wouldnt go for a drink because the onyx couldnt make it. Unfortunatley a male lion came along and ate it. A few day slater though the lioness did the dame thing with another onyx. protected it. 'adopted it' :) Someone tell me how this lion supressed its 'killer instinct' and was actually going to starve/thirst to death (i saw how thin and knackered the lioness was) rather than just leave the onyx. :)

Hello Xev,

No I'm not going to say anything stupid, I just wanted to find out how people would bet on something like this.

P.S. I'll take the fiver now please....

Via Paypal okay?

Oh wait, what is this? Looks like:

Thanks Captain
I was unaware that it been debunked numerous times in a variety of ways. I did not mean to attempt to justify irrationality as you call it. What you call irrational could be rational to others.

Wow! Something stupid as well as an admission of the most profound ignorence.

So I won five dollars...umm, from my invisible, ah, friend.


Hitler was a Christian, thus is in heaven with Jesus.

Me, I'm going to be hell having Friedrich Nietzsche screw my brains out. *Sigh*

Two issues.

1. Which god? Thousands have been defined and most state you are not allowed to worship any other. If you bet on and worship the wrong god then the real god will punish you for worshiping a false god. How do you choose which god?

2. I must assume that a real god is not stupid and could tell the difference between a genuine belief and a bet. In which case if you base your decision on a bet then you should surely lose.