Was Jesus crucified on a tree (according to Peter) or cross (according to others) ?

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Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
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Both. It's common for Christians to refer to his crucifixition as a tree, since it's an analogy to the tree of life. Because the cross was made out of wood from the tree, it's not inconsistant for Chrisitans to refer to the cross as a tree.

Saint Peter's Epistles were banned from the current Bible, and these Epistles contain what Islam claims - that Jesus didn't get crucified on the cross and it only appeared that he was. This banned part also says that Jesus was standing next to the cross laughing. These are the parts of the Bible that only few people in the world know about.
I'm uncertain which ones you are referring to?
Why is the quran so noble? Just because it has words of wisdom? Anybody can come up with words of wisdom. Because it describes a god that nobody can prove exists? Anybody can write a book like that too.
okinrus said:
Both. It's common for Christians to refer to his crucifixition as a tree, since it's an analogy to the tree of life. Because the cross was made out of wood from the tree, it's not inconsistant for Chrisitans to refer to the cross as a tree.

So why they use 2 different words in 2 different places in the Bible ???

I'm uncertain which ones you are referring to?

What about Hebrews which deny that jesus ever crucifed ??
mario said:
Why is the quran so noble? Just because it has words of wisdom? Anybody can come up with words of wisdom. Because it describes a god that nobody can prove exists? Anybody can write a book like that too.

We are now talking about the Bible and its contradicting accounts of jesus CRUCI-FICTION, do you have anything to add ???

I have deleted your first post to this thread. It doesn't matter if you run the site you copied from or not. Passing off somebody else's words as your own, without proper attribution, is plagiarism, and will not be tolerated in this forum.
I listed the source and used quote format in that thread. It isn't western hypocrisy it is your islamic paranoia.
Proud_Muslim said:
So why they use 2 different words in 2 different places in the Bible ???
Unlike the Quran, the Bible was composed over thousands of years. Crucifixes were probably not invented when Deuternomy was written. And the shape of the "tree" definitely does nothing to fulfill the law. Someone "hung on a tree" was publically exposed, humiliated and condemned - there are no trees indoors or underground. A cross fullfils the same function, especially one inbetween two criminals on a hilltop. That it was gentile Romans who treated a Jew this way only underlined the named curse of being rejected by God and country. Ironically, the implication of gentiles in a Jewish curse also made them elligible for fogiveness by the accursed.

What about Hebrews which deny that jesus ever crucifed ??
This Hebrews?
Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.​
Proud_Muslim said:
One of the most ironic and ridiculous things in the Bible is that the contradictions in its accounts. Everyday I see Christians wearing crosses as necklaces and I hear them talk about how Jesus died on the "cross" for our sins. When one reads a supposed Divine Holy Book, he would expect the book to at the very least consistent and error-free. Otherwise, the book is worthless and those who insist on elating it to be a Divine one are committing blasphemy against GOD Almighty and His Divine Perfection.

According to the Bible, many have witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus. All of his disciples have witnessed it and all of them supposedly wrote their testimonies about the event. Therefore, one would expect the same exact story with slight differences in narrations to be told. Major differences that can only be classified as CONTRADICTIONS can not be accepted, and they only prove that the entire book is a hoax.

SOURCE: http://www.answering-christianity.com/was_jesus_crucified.htm

Suppose everything were perfectly agreeable with everything else in it, like the Koran is.

One of the reasons the Koran is false is because of the LACK OF these little differences.

See, as witnesses to Jesus, over centuries, hundreds have written their own accounts. They line up almost perfectly. The contradictions you speak of make it so much more genuine. When it still perfectly gets the same point across with many writers who did not know each other existed, you get the drift something supernatural is at work.

The Koran has no minor describtive contradictions because one false prophet wrote the book. It is FULL OF Philosophical contradictions, however. Love your brother, beat your wife ... Spread the word, kill the infidel ...

The Bible, if looked at very carefully, provides the answers to your little contradictions, however. You lose.

Yours in Christ,

ConsequentAtheist said:
What about those? Where, in the above to threads, do you find quotes without attribution?

No, if anything it's an example of typical Proud_Muslim stupidity at work. :)

If you are blind, dont blame me !! the first thread, this pathetic path was quoting hadiths ! are you telling me he memorized all of them by heart ?? :rolleyes:
Jenyar said:
Unlike the Quran, the Bible was composed over thousands of years. Crucifixes were probably not invented when Deuternomy was written. And the shape of the "tree" definitely does nothing to fulfill the law. Someone "hung on a tree" was publically exposed, humiliated and condemned - there are no trees indoors or underground. A cross fullfils the same function, especially one inbetween two criminals on a hilltop. That it was gentile Romans who treated a Jew this way only underlined the named curse of being rejected by God and country. Ironically, the implication of gentiles in a Jewish curse also made them elligible for fogiveness by the accursed.

All good, but still, was he crucified on a cross or on a tree ?????

This Hebrews?
Hebrews 12:2
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.​

Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible!

Proud_Muslim said:
So why they use 2 different words in 2 different places in the Bible ???

What about Hebrews which deny that jesus ever crucifed ??

LOL they did a number on you.

You truley believe
I have noticed that you will use sources that have no credit and say anything to try and prove your point the fact remains that

You simply all out lie rather then argue a point if you quote something Quote the Bible and post the Verse.

Your initial post was edited because it plagiarised the work of somebody else.

You have now broken another forum rule by overriding a moderator's edit. The consequence of this is that I have now closed your thread.

I warn you not to attempt to change a moderator's edit again. Doing so may result in your banning from sciforums.
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