Watching people die. Liveleak

but why do we like to see people die in a movie but not in real life,

it doesent bother me either way, if a movie entertains me then real life does too,

i watch violence in movies and i watch real life violence too, i think some people jsut dont like to admit that violence and death entertains them when it happens to other people,

take UFC, pride, mma, cage fighting, boxing, thats real life violence, bull fighting, old gladiator games.

i think humans love violence deep down, (some dont) but many dont like to accept it, people like seeing violence aslong as its not too disgusting and bloody. and aslong as it doesent make them think of there own death .


Talking about movies and reality. I wasn't able to see difference in 'smashing head' scene in Irreversible. :(

I thought they really killed that man. Disturbing!

I couldn't click on that links. I guess I saw too many nasty things in my life, so I escaped in fiction.
I know, very realistic and very disturbing, that one. Have you seen Funny Games? :) An American remake is due out later this year - I'd normally be put off by that but it stars our own Tim Roth, who's a class actor, so I'll probably watch it.

And, no, I've not looked at the links either.
I don't watch these things. (Not unless I can guarantee that victims are terrorists!)

Seriously, there is such as thing as affording people dignity. That's the difference between 'movie death' and real death.

Also, a graphic realistic killing in a movie isn't entertaining. On the other hand Arnie drilling into the crew compartment of a baddies vehicle shouting "SCREW YOU" is entertaining!
Your profile indicates that you are a fellow brit.

I hearby revote your British citizenship.
I know, very realistic and very disturbing, that one. Have you seen Funny Games? :) An American remake is due out later this year - I'd normally be put off by that but it stars our own Tim Roth, who's a class actor, so I'll probably watch it.

And, no, I've not looked at the links either.
I'll check that one. I mean, both of the movies. I'm fan of Tim Roth too. :)

'Hard Candy' is also disturbing, but excellent movie. It doesn't have explicit killing scenes, but castration suspense is one of the worst moments in movie history.
Well, at least, it is for me.
people join the army to fight dont they? so why cant i enjoy watching them do what they want to do,

i bet people enjoy watching people get blown up in war movies, (wich are based on real wars)

so why not in real life,?

therapy is for people who need it, i can handle bieng the way i am and im happy :)

humans are funny little things.

so why not in real life,?

Because there's no need to be compassionate towards a made-up bad guy. Notice how many generic bad guys where masks in films? Or how you don't see them really suffer (except possibly the main bad guy, who the writers have had commit a horrible act just to justify this to the audience). No one wants to see really nasty stuff. I could describe things in words that would make you cry, let alone actually watching them! (Not something I'm proud of - my creativity is painful!)

Watching a video you believe to be real has a completely different affect.

Maybe you're joking, who knows!
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i dont mind seeing american troops get blown up.


I've seen loads of nasty videos. The first being Nick Berg being beheaded. I've seen some outright disgusting pictures from Iraq, Iraqis with their entire heads split open, really nasty. I've seen quite a few other execution videos as well, the sound of them grovelling and choking on their own blood is sick!!!!!!!!!

frankly i don't see how emergency responders deal with this sort of stuff. some of this stuff in this thread is enough to make anyone lose their appetite.
It's weird how the body breaks open rather than cracking like an integrated whole. I guess epthelial adherens junctions work both ways. Makes sense.
Because there's no need to be compassionate towards a made-up bad guy. Notice how many generic bad guys where masks in films? Or how you don't see them really suffer (except possibly the main bad guy, who the writers have had commit a horrible act just to justify this to the audience). No one wants to see really nasty stuff. I could describe things in words that would make you cry, let alone actually watching them! (Not something I'm proud of - my creativity is painful!)

Watching a video you believe to be real has a completely different affect.

Maybe you're joking, who knows!

im half joking half serious. i dont like seeing innocent people get killed, and i dont like watching gruesome executions. but if a soldier has invaded a country and then gets his balls and head chopped off excuse my french but i dont give a fuck:) he shouldent have gone to war if he didnt want to get his ass kicked.

frankly i don't see how emergency responders deal with this sort of stuff. some of this stuff in this thread is enough to make anyone lose their appetite.

desensatization. if the mind is subject to something over and over and over again you become immune to it in a way.
