We may be on the verge of creating GODLIKE ENTITIES


There is the whole technological singularity thing. I had a feeling that wikipedia article I presented to the forum was a bit dated. I spoke with a young man at BEST BUY about all this and he showed me a real eye opener as to all this. He is currently studying computer science and as I expected one of the minor points he was aware of was that the first year and a half of what he had learned would be obsolete by the time he graduated.
The USA and other countries such as Japan are no longer leaders in computer science, and far from it. China and India are way ahead of us according to this article which admittedly proves nothing. It was some UTUBE piece titled: WHAT YOU DON`T KNOW 3.0. I can not find it and have tried. I should have gotten more details but did not. Any of you TECH TYPES out there able to find it. It was a video that BLEW MY MIND with facts about all this that and the rate of change going on RIGHT NOW and how these AI entities were not that far off in time and all kinds of things that made me wonder just what the near future has in store for us. I will try and find that video if I can. ...fellowtraveler ...POST SCRIPT: I found some UTUBE videos that discuss all this. It is not the one he showed me but these are a series of videos that discuss all this by people involved in all this at: [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTWCZI9ihE4&NR=1 ]. I care about all this for selfish reasons and because I care about what is playing out on our planet and none of us can get away from. I do not have any answers and look to the younger people that have grown up with all this at least try, for all of our sakes to provide something, some insight as to what we are faced with.
I did my part as a marine to get us through the Sino-Soviet COLD WAR threat which was very real in my opinion. As an older person who does not understand the technologies involved, I look to you younger people to tell me what I should be doing to help us get through TODAYS THREATS. I want to do my part. I am on the side of the USA and it`s allies. This is where I was born and live and choose to give my loyalty to. ...fellowtravevler
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Jesus Christ man. Perhaps its just me, but that's hardly readable. I suggest you make your point more clearly.
Anyway, it's off to pseudoscience..