weird photo


Registered Member
I tend to lean on the skeptical side when it comes to unexplained phenonema, but I am fascinated by it.

I took this photo at 5:30 am yesterday. I was taking photos of the contrails because I noticed them in the sky and have read about the whole chemtrail conspiracy and was curious about them...

I did not see anything unusual when I took the photos. Just the clouds. They were taken with an Argus DC1500 digital camera (it's a cheap model, so there is no flash). When I uploaded the images to my PC, this green ball appears on 3 of 20 images taken.

I'm inclined to think it must be something natural, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Someone suggested a reflection of a green traffic light (it was taken near traffic lights)..
but you would think the outline or shadow of the whole light fixture would show up.

I read somewhere that meteors can sometimes take on a green appearance, but this has no tail, so it doesn't really look like a meteor to me.

I don't know a whole lot about photography, so I was hoping someone out there could come up with what may have cause this image to show.
Darn! How do I get the image to post?

I'll try again...
If you didn't see it when the photo was taken, then I think it's something that your camera shutter has done. It can sometimes make the image of a prisma on the photo. But who knows? :)
Originally posted by erinjjj
I did not see anything unusual when I took the photos. Just the clouds. They were taken with an Argus DC1500 digital camera (it's a cheap model, so there is no flash). When I uploaded the images to my PC, this green ball appears on 3 of 20 images taken.

Most likely there was a mote of dust on the lens, or perhaps even inside the camera. It could also be a graphics compression artifact.
bunch of,...

Weed-balls !!! Those are peaces of weed cauth inbetween the lens-house! next time on a hike: you'd better keep your stash appart from your digital equipment !!:p