Your definition was that they are atheists because they do not believe in the God you believe in ...
Yes, the God that theists accept and believe in,. The God that atheists deny,reject, and do not accept and believe in.
The definition of a word is not based on personal belief. Some people, in certain situations, believe that "no" can mean "yes" or "stop" mean "more" yet that belief does not make them right either.
The definition of “atheist” is a person who does not believe in God. Period.
From an atheist perspective, you can tag other things on to that, like gods, spaghetti monster, ghosts, whatever. It changes nothing.
Excuse Me?!?
Here is a summary of every interaction between the both of us in this very thread:
Me: Subject of this thread is a mute point, Noah is the bottleneck where all humans come from (Quotes biblical text to support my argument).
No the subject of this particular thread is the question of whether or not Adam and Eve were the first people.
The subject I’m discussing, is, the psychology of theists and atheists (atheists in particular).
So far it’s not looking good for atheists, at least the ones who have responded. It seem they will lie, evade, and obfuscate, intensely, without batting an eyelid.
This thread, this particular topic, has brought it out of them.
The weird thing thing is, so do most Christians, when confronted with the same situation. At that point they converge.
Jan: Eve was not the origin of all humans according to scripture (Quotes no biblical text to support his argument).
There is no biblical text that support the idea that Eve was origin of all humans. So in that sense, the entire bible is evidence that it does not support that notion.
But it seemed you’re denial and rejection got the better of your rationale, because not only did I quote a verse to show that Eve was so named, because she was the mother of ALL LIVING (for which I gave a Hebrew account of), but I mentioned the first chapter of genesis which clearly states the origin of mankind.
This has strangely been ignored, as though it doesn’t exist. I wonder why?
Me: Quotes biblical text to support my argument.
And it was a good one. It really got me thinking. Then I noticed that only Adams descendants were all killed, as Adam was the only human to receive “the breath of life”., and be fashioned by God, personally.
It appears Adam was a new person, the first of his race. The person from whom a direct link to God could be made.
The sixth day creation of mankind were not created in the same way Adam was.
Again this is not my idea, it was written in the biblical quote you posted.
And what did you do?
You ignored it.
This was the text you posted where you thought it supported your argument.
Gen 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.
This does not indicate the entirety of man kind, if we take what the bible actually says. Does it.
Based on that we can assume that only Adams descendants died. Not the whole of mankind. Are you prepared to review you’re thinking, on this matter?
Jan: Asks if I know textual difference between "earth" and "world".
Me: Says I do know difference, adds that the text does not support his argument.
How do you know it doesn’t ? More importantly, why are you so adamant that it does not.
There is a difference between earth and world, if look up the Hebrew meanings. “Earth”, more often than not, does not mean the entire world.
It can be a specific area, or areas. But it generally refers to dry land.